Dental Implants’ Value Gives ‘Priceless’ Smiles

Posted on Jul 25, 2022 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

Times are tight. With the higher cost of gas, groceries and utilities, people are getting very value-conscious with their dollars. The ‘frills’ we once indulged in are now being scrutinized as to the value they truly bring.

Yet, there is no better time to explain the wisdom of investing in dental implants. For people who have shed dentures, partials, and gaps in their smiles with this ideal tooth replacement option, they are “priceless.”

Although our ‘permanent’ teeth are intended to last a lifetime, we know that not all of them do, no matter how diligent we are with at-home oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups. Teeth can break or be “knocked out.” Cavities can weaken a tooth, even after it’s been ‘filled.’ That’s why your general dentist may advise a crown, to help you avoid this risk.

A general dentist is a proponent of helping patients keep their natural teeth healthy. Your dentist knows that a lost tooth can lead to a long list of time and expense in the future. And, not promptly replacing a tooth can lead to a higher risk for adjacent teeth to be lost as well.

The teeth you see in the mirror are held in stable position because of the roots that are firmly embedded in the jaw bone. In these roots are veins and nerves that extend into the bone that supports them. From this, the jaw bone is supplied with blood while the presence of the roots provide stimulation that helps the bone to maintain its mass.

The stimulation that tooth roots provide is similar to how muscle will atrophy if not used. For example, when an arm or leg is confined to a cast for an extended time, the doctor will often advise physical therapy to rebuild the muscle after its removed. Unused, the muscle mass declines.

Unfortunately, when the jaw bones decline in mass, rebuilding requires the intervention of a periodontal specialist. (Fear not, however. A periodontist can provide this.)

Bone loss is what causes a change in how partials and dentures fit. These appliances, when first made, are custom-made for the unique contours of your gum “ridge.” A ridge is the raised arch in your mouth where tooth roots are (or were once) held.

As the bone height declines, the denture or partial becomes less secure as the foundation flattens.  Adhesives or pastes are needed more frequently. Relines may help, but only temporarily.

And, the down side continues. When bone loss begins, it accelerates with each passing year. Eventually, a shrinking jaw bone reveals itself in changes in facial appearance. Initially, there may be deep wrinkling around the mouth. The corners of the mouth turn downward. Jowls form and the chin becomes pointed.

As bone loss becomes more severe, the mouth seems to sink into the face. The nose and chin get closer, giving a “granny look”. A thin jaw bone is also more vulnerable to breaks.

This is where dental implants have a particular edge (amongst other things). Like natural teeth, implants are held by the upper or lower jaws. Dental implants are able to mimic the stimulation needed to prevent the process of “resorption,” as its known.

Another bonus of dental implants is their ability to help surrounding natural teeth remain healthy. Unlike a crown-&-bridge combination, dental implants do not rely on neighboring teeth for support. Thus, the integrity of surrounding teeth is protected.

Because dental implants are supported by the jaw bone, sturdy and dependable biting and chewing strength is restored. For people who experienced the frustrations of trying to eat with a “wobbly” or “slippery” denture, they love the restored ability to eat a healthy diet. And, the shadow of embarrssment no longer looms when eating out with friends.

Dental implants come in many sizes and shapes, each system designed to accommodate various needs and preferences. Couple this with the extremely high success rate of dental implants, higher than any implant-in-bone option.

Dental implants are also designed to last a lifetime. I can think of very few things that provide this kind of value. With proper selection and maintenance, they will never need replacing or repair. This makes them an excellent investment.

A periodontist is a dental specialist who is trained to understand the intricate concepts involved in selecting the proper type of implant and skilled at placing implants at proper depths and angles. A periodontist is also able to optimize patient comfort during treatment and throughout the healing phase.

In addition to this advanced training, our dental office offers some of the most advanced technology available. This aids in the diagnosis and treatment planning of dental implants, providing patients with optimized comfort and outcomes. This technology, combined with our advanced skill level, can help you enjoy a comfortable, efficient experience that allows you to enjoy a lifetime of confident smiles.

As a periodontist in Western NC, we have also developed a reputation for respectful, gentle care. Here, oral and IV sedation are available as needed, administered safely and to the highest standards by a doctor of anesthesiology. If fear or anxiety is a concern, feel free to mention these during a private consultation.

To learn more or to schedule a consultation, call 828-274-9440. Or, ask to begin with an initial periodontal examination.

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