Men’s Sexual Health Tied To Periodontal Health

Posted on Jan 07, 2013 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

A recent study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine has revealed that men in their 30s with severe gum disease are 3 times more likely to have erection problems. This comes after past research has shown that periodontal disease may be linked to heart disease, which is a common cause of erectile dysfunction. Although there are no claims that one disease causes the other, the association is thought to be related to inflammation brought on by gum disease bacteria.

These are all valid reasons that men should take an active role in the health of their teeth and gums before other areas of the body are affected. The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention estimate that almost half of U.S. adults have periodontal disease. Of that, 56% of men have periodontal disease, compared to over 38% of women.

Other areas where periodontal health has been associated with the status of men’s health, in particular, include prostate health, heart disease, impotence and cancer. For example, research has found that men with a history of gum disease are 14% more likely to develop cancer than men with healthy gums. Additionally, 49% of men are more likely to develop kidney cancer, 59% more likely to develop pancreatic cancer and 30% more likely to develop blood cancer.

Men need to do a better job of protecting their overall health by keeping their periodontal health at an excellent level. Symptoms of gum disease include gums that bleed when brushing, sore or swollen spots on gums, persistent bad breath, and gums that are red rather than a healthy pink color. If you have any of these symptoms, call (828) 274-9440 for an examination appointment as soon as possible. Gum disease will not improve without treatment.

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