A Worry-Free Smile Is Closer Than You Think!

Posted on Sep 11, 2013 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

I never cease to be amazed at the transformation of people who regain a healthy, confident smile. It’s easy to be excited with them! The benefits they’ll come to realize are much more than an improved smile’s appearance.

A healthy mouth, free from persistent bad breath, plaque, tartar and periodontal problems and disease, is the foundation to a more confident smile. It also helps to lessen the constant dental repairs that many people endure as a result of an unhealthy oral environment.

If you’re frustrated by continual oral problems, overcoming these perceived obstacles may be easier than you realize.
•Cost: Granted, many dental treatments that require extended chair time and advanced skills can be quite the financial commitment. While I’ve never had a patient say their restored smile wasn’t worth every cent, those who forgo treatment due to cost are often missing the big picture. Spending large amounts on trips, cars, boats, etc. may give a temporary feeling of excitement, yet, the daily and longterm physical and psychological benefits of healthy smiles are priceless.
•Financing: When a patient makes the commitment to optimize their oral health or have dental implants, many inquire about financial options. We offer excellent payment plans, some with no down payment and no interest the first year. For those who prefer to pay without financing, our Financial Coordinator is a wiz at helping patients combine insurance and financing. Ask to meet with her after you have your treatment plan — you may be surprised how manageable our payment arrangements can be!
Fear of discomfort: In this day and age, it’s sad that many adults still have dental fears. Today’s dentistry offers many comfort options and many practices use advanced technology, which optimizes comfort and shortens treatment and healing time. We offer sedation to help patients relax before and throughout treatment, typically erasing memory of the procedure afterward. I’m pleased that most patients who opt for sedation initially soon feel they don’t really need it. This comes from a relationship of trust and our commitment to making comfort a priority at every visit.
•Treatment time: Many procedures can be completed in just a few visits. Our advanced technology also helps lessen treatment time while increasing your level of comfort. Some patients prefer to combine several appointments into one or two long appointments. With the help of Oral Sedation, they are able to remain totally relaxed throughout and enjoy a quick recovery afterward.

Your smile plays a significant role in your appearance and overall health. Having a confident, healthy smile helps you avoid time and expense for repairs in the future. If you have questions, please call (828) 274-9440 to schedule a consultation so we can discuss treatment options. You may be closer to a healthy, worry-free smile than you know!

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