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Crown Lengthening
Sedation Can Help Relax Dental Patients
Posted on Jun 10, 2016 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS
In our office, many procedures involve incisions into tender gum tissues. As a Periodontal practice, it is necessary to penetrate periodontal tissue in order to treat some levels of gum disease. It is also necessary to open up gum tissues to place dental implants. And, in repairing gum recession, performing gum grafts or recontouring gum tissues, incisions may be part of the process.
We pride ourselves on providing optimal comfort to all patients – for any procedure. However, we are aware that many people have developed gum disease or lost natural teeth as a result of dental fear. Being afraid of dental visits prevents a great many adults from having regular dental care. As a matter of fact, it is estimated that nearly 70% of American adults have some level of dental fear.
Just as a general dentist does prior to a filling or extraction, we use novocaine to numb the areas in the mouth being treated. However, we also offer I.V. sedation to help patients be totally relaxed throughout their procedure.
For fearful patients, I.V. sedation (also known as ‘twilight sleep’) places them in a sleep state prior to and throughout their procedure. Although the patient may be able to respond to my request to things like, “Turn your head a little towards me,” they are essentially sedated to the point of snoozing. This removes the anxiety of anticipating things such as sounds or smells that may evoke thoughts of pain.
Another benefit of I.V. sedation is its ability to erase most or all memory of the procedure afterwards. While a few patients may remember hearing my voice a time or two, the time is generally erased from their memory. All most remember is a peaceful sleep.
I.V. stands for intra-venous, which is translated as “in the vein.” The sedation is administered by a drip into a vein, typically in the arm. Patients are in a sleep-like state very quickly thereafter. Throughout your time, you will be closely monitored by a trained staff member who uses advanced safety equipment.
Once your treatment is completed, the I.V. is removed and you will be monitored for a recovery period in our office. Your companion will then return you home where you will relax or even nap for a brief time until you feel back to normal. We do advise that I.V. sedated patients avoid driving or using machinery for 24 hours.
Some patients who have no dental fears prefer the relaxation effects of I.V. sedation. Certain procedures that require lengthy appointments can be tiring and I.V. sedation is an advantage to the patient in being comfortable while in a dental chair in one position for long treatments.
Our ultimate goal is to restore our patients to a healthy, confident smile. We believe this can be accomplished with gentle hands and a respectful environment. In many situations, sedation can be advantageous to providing a positive experience and successful outcome.
If you have dental fears or wish to discuss comfort options related to periodontal or dental implant procedures, feel free to call us at 828-274-9440.
Feel Good When You Smile, From The Inside Out!
Posted on Jun 01, 2016 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS
What makes you smile? REALLY smile?
You may find yourself smiling joyfully when a child or grandbaby smiles at you. A favorite comic or a funny movie may cause you to open up and smile or laugh. Isn’t it great to smile? Smiling just seems to make us feel great!
However, certain reasons leave many adults feeling self-conscious about smiling, causing them to conceal their smile or ‘hold back’ rather than reveal a full smile.
An attractive smile looks good and creates an impression of an upbeat, happy individual. Healthy teeth and gums also project good health standards. And, people who feel good about their smile tend to smile more often.
The benefits of an attractive smile actually go much deeper than enhancing one’s facial appearance. Research has shown that smiling activates endorphins, which are the ‘feel good’ chemicals in the brain. Studies also show that faking a smile when you don’t feel like smiling tricks the brain into releasing endorphins.
Smiling can also add years to one’s life. Some studies indicate that people who smile more often can add ten years to their lifespans, on average. People who frown more often live an average of three years less!
There are a number of reasons that can make individuals feel less apt to smile openly. Cosmetic flaws, such as teeth that are stained or crooked, can detract from the appearance of a smile. As a Periodontist, I see people who have severe gum disease, missing teeth or a gummy smile.
If you are not smiling as often or as openly as you’d like, let’s start with the foundation of your smile — your gums. The health of your periodontal (gum) tissues provides the foundation for your teeth. If you are experiencing symptoms of gum disease, you may have gum recession. This is when the gums pull away from the teeth, exposing darker sections of tooth roots.
Gum disease also causes frequent bad breath and tender gums that turn red in color versus the pink tint of healthy gums. The disease can cause gums to bleed when brushing and eventually leads to loose teeth. In some cases, teeth have to be removed. As a matter of fact, gum disease is the nation’s leading cause of adult tooth loss. And, studies have shown that nearly half (47.2%) of American adults suffer with some level of gum disease. (https://www.perio.org/consumer/cdc-study.htm)
When teeth are lost, many people worry about wearing dentures or partials. Typical concerns are teeth that don’t look (or feel) natural, embarrassing slips, difficulty eating certain foods and chewing discomfort. These common problems have motivated many adults to opt for Dental Implants.
Dental Implants are positioned in the jaw bone, restoring the same, stable foundation as that of natural tooth roots. This restores your ability to bite and chew the foods you love comfortably and confidently. And, since the teeth attached to the implants are custom-designed for each individual, creating an improved smile appearance is incorporated into the process.
If a gummy smile prevents you from smiling widely, repairing it can be done in a single visit, in most cases. This repositions the gum tissue that arches the teeth most visible in a smile. For many who have a gummy smile, the procedure enables them to finally open up and smile without feeling awkward.
Crown lengthening can also add beautifully to the appearance of a smile. This recontours the gums so the smile line (the gums over teeth) is more even.
Healthy teeth and gums can make a dramatic improvement in one’s appearance, self-esteem, confidence level. Let this year be the year of your best smile! Begin with a consultation to discuss a confident smile that you’ll share openly and often! Call 828-274-9440 for an appointment.
Periodontists Can Reshape Gum Tissues For A More Beautiful Smile
Posted on May 10, 2016 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS
As a Periodontal Specialist, I have unique expertise in treating all stages of periodontal (gum) disease and in the placement of Dental Implants. Another part of my specialty is in the recontouring of gum tissues, or Periodontal Plastic Surgery.
While the shape, shade and length of teeth have a major impact on the appearance of a smile, so does the gum tissue that surrounds teeth. Think of your teeth as a window and your gums as the window frame. To ensure a balanced appearance of each window, the frame must be properly aligned in shape and size as well. Without it, an entire room would look ‘off.’ As with facial appearance, your smile is greatly affected by the appearance of teeth and their ‘frames’ of gum tissue.
There are several areas where gum reshaping can have a dramatic impact on a smile’s appearance. For those who are born with a ‘gummy smile,’ gum recontouring can restore the balance of gums to teeth and create a more beautiful smile.
In a gummy smile, too much gum tissue is exposed above the teeth most visible in a smile. This is a genetic trait and certainly doesn’t affect oral health. The detriment, for many with a gummy smile, is it causes them to refrain from smiling fully. Some with this trait smile with lips only and some conceal their smile with a hand.
The procedure to correct a gummy smile can be done in one visit. Excess gum tissue is removed and the remaining gums are arched over each tooth for a natural appearance. In most cases, porcelain crowns or veneers are placed to accentuate the natural look and feel of the teeth involved. The result is a fabulous smile that can be shared fully and joyfully!
Gum reshaping is also done when certain teeth are bordered by more gum tissue than that bordering surrounding teeth. The procedure most commonly performed to correct this is crown lengthening. This is usually done in conjunction with crown placement but may be possible in mild cases of excess gum tissue.
Crown lengthening helps to establish an appealing, balanced smile line that ‘frames’ each tooth with an arch similar to that over adjoining teeth. The procedure requires just one visit and healing time is generally minimal.
Another way that Periodontal Plastic Surgery can enhance the appearance of a smile is grafting to repair gum recession. This is when the gum tissue pulls away from the base of the tooth, exposing darker, more sensitive tooth root sections. Causes of receded gums are often due to age, bite misalignment, gum disease and over-zealous brushing.
Also referred to as Gingival Grafting, this procedure typically involves taking a small area of tissue from the roof of your mouth (which heals quickly) and placing it over the area of recession. It is secured in place for a healing period of approximately two weeks. The results restore the look of a healthy, naturally-framed tooth.
A Periodontal Specialist not only provides you with the skills to create an optimal outcome, he or she understands the TLC needed for minimal disruption to the gums involved. This tender, vulnerable tissue requires a gentle touch and precision hand to provide each patient with an exceptional result with minimal healing time required.
The next time you walk into your living room, pay particular attention to the windows. Imagine the windows having different sized frames that are mismatch on each side and worn. The entire room would look less inviting. When it comes to your smile, your gums help to create an ‘inviting’ smile that makes a positive impression.
Ask about Periodontal Plastic Surgery to enhance the appearance and health of your smile during a consultation appointment. Call 828-274-9440 to schedule.
Reasons For Crown Lengthening Procedures
Posted on Mar 21, 2016 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS
As a Periodontist, my specialty surrounds the treatment of all stages of gum disease and the placement of Dental Implants, for the most part. However, another focus of the periodontal specialty is in the recontouring of gum tissues.
In some cases, this is done to provide cosmetic enhancement to the appearance of a smile. For example, crown lengthening is often performed to correct an uneven smile line. This occurs when there are varying levels of gum tissue arching each tooth. This uneven line of gum tissue leaves an up-&-down frame for teeth most visible in a smile. Even straight teeth look less attractive with uneven gum arches. By contouring the gums to provide a unified border over teeth, crown lengthening provides a more appealing smile overall.
Another esthetic reason for crown lengthening is to repair a ‘gummy smile.’ A gummy smile is one that shows too much gum tissue above the teeth. While this is a genetic trait and is not related to an oral health issue, some people with a gummy smile feel self-conscious when smiling a full smile and tend to ‘hold back.’ In some cases, excess gum tissue can be corrected by careful removal while others may require crowning involved teeth. Crowns ensure the gums can be contoured to a more natural level without compromising the future health of teeth.
There are other reasons for crown lengthening, such as helping to save a tooth from removal. For example, when a tooth has broken close to the gum line, crown lengthening procedures can remove gum tissue to expose more of the tooth. Because a tooth that breaks at the gum line must be removed, this procedure can make sufficient tooth structure available to support a crown. Saving a tooth can keep the patient from having to deal with the decisions of tooth replacement and associated costs.
Crown lengthening is also beneficial in sealing gum tissues surrounding a tooth at its base. This is important after a new crown is placed as it prevents bacteria from penetrating the gums during the vulnerable stage of attaching. By securing the gum tissue around the crown, bacterial entry is avoided and the risk for periodontal (gum) disease decreased.
The crown lengthening procedure is clinically referred to as a Gingivectomy. It is performed with the patient sedated and comfortable. Some swelling and gum tenderness may follow, although most patients only require over-the-counter medications. If you smoke, you can expect the healing period to take longer since the chemicals in tobacco have drying effects on gum tissues. However, most patients are back to normal within several weeks with the beautiful look that crown lengthening provides.
If gum recontouring could provide a more appealing smile, the results of crown lengthening, in many cases, are significant. However, when crown lengthening can save a tooth or help to prevent gum disease, from a Periodontists’ point of view, the advantages are priceless!
Begin with a consultation to discuss creating the smile you desire. Call 828-274-9440 to schedule.
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