Proper Bite Alignment Necessary To Support Oral Health & Implant Success

Posted on Mar 27, 2018 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

As a Periodontist, I specialize in treating all stages of gum disease and perform a number of procedures that involve the gum tissues (including crown lengthening and repair of ‘gummy smiles‘). My specialty also includes advanced training in the diagnosis and placement of dental implants.

So, why would I be so concerned with bite alignment?

In my profession, I work with a number of general dentists and dental specialists. Together, we create a ‘team treatment’ approach designed to fulfill each patient’s unique oral wellness needs. While I do not provide orthodontic realignment services or claim to specialize in that area, I do understand the need for having properly aligned teeth.

I see a lot in an adult’s mouth that isn’t necessarily obvious to the patient, yet has a tremendous impact on overall oral health, especially in their potential to AVOID problems.

First, the position of the teeth is more important than how they come together and create an attractive smile. Teeth that become crowded or crooked tend to form tight angles that make it difficult for a toothbrush to get into.

These nooks can easily become breeding grounds for oral bacteria. The accumulation of oral bacteria can lead to the formation of cavities and the development of gum disease.

Example of gum recession

Also, know that each tooth helps to support neighboring teeth, providing an abutment to keep other teeth in their positions. This is why it is so important to replace a missing tooth.

Without it, the teeth on either side can tilt out of their proper positions. Additionally, the tooth above (or below) can grow longer. These abnormal positions of teeth can contribute to a number of issues.

When a bite is misaligned, gum recession can occur. This is due to the unnatural pull of the gums around the base of teeth. Without this tight seal, oral bacteria can more easily penetrate below the surface of the gum line. Bacteria that reaches tender tooth root segments can create decay and periodontal disease.

Another problem with improperly aligned teeth has to do with dental implants. A ‘bad bite’ can lead to problems that include night-time clenching and grinding. A dental implant is placed in the jaw bone, the same sturdy foundation as natural tooth roots enjoy. However, a newly placed implant can be put at dire risk when surrounding teeth are interfering.

A dental implant is placed in the jaw bone, which serves as a replacement tooth root. During the first 3 – 6 months, the bone is growing around it, securing it in place. It is during this time that an implant is most vulnerable to the forces that clenching and grinding exert.

However, all teeth are at risk when clenching and grinding occur – not just those attached to an implanted post. ‘Bruxing’ (as it is known) can lead to chipped, broken and fractured teeth. It can also transfer stress and strain to facial, neck and shoulder muscles.

A number of people who have frequent headaches and migraines are surprised to discover the originating source is actually their TMJ (jaw joints). This typically occurs when a bite is misaligned. This can lead to a domino effect that reaches these joints. As a matter of fact, ear ringing, dizziness and difficulty opening the mouth fully are common symptoms of TMJ disorders that people are often unaware.

So, as a periodontist, I see how bite misalignment can cause the gums to recede and also how the potential for implant success can be affected. Simply, a correct bite is necessary for good oral health. Having it can help you avoid a long list of problems.

If gum tenderness or bleeding gums seems to occur in the area of crooked teeth, then let’s evaluate the issue. Or, if you’re considering dental implants but suspect you clench or grind your teeth, we’ll discuss ways you can achieve your smile goals and protect your investment.

Call 828-274-9440 to schedule a consultation.


Correcting A Gummy Smile With Beautiful Results!

Posted on Sep 06, 2017 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

A smile says a lot. A warm, genuine smile sends a message to others of acceptance and joy. A beautiful smile also complements appearance and can relay an impression of confidence, happiness and openness.

As a Periodontist, I treat the soft tissues of the mouth in addition to placing dental implants and treating gum disease. As an expert in oral gum tissues, I have advanced training that enables me to create gum tissue contours to give a natural appearance and provide healthy seals around teeth.

Before & After Of A Gummy Smile

For people who have a ‘gummy smile,’ too much gum line is visible above the upper teeth in a full smile. While this trait does not interfere with the ability to have and maintain a healthy smile, for many, it causes them to ‘hold back’ rather than smile fully. Some people cover their smiles with a hand or try to smile with lips only.

For many with a gummy smile, the deterrents to having it repaired are (1) cost; (2) treatment discomfort; and (3) treatment time. However, in consultations with patients, I explain how modern techniques ensure exceptional comfort and reduce healing time. Often, once the patient is better informed as to what to expect, they are receptive to proceeding.

Gum re-contouring is the procedure to correct a gummy smile, referred to as a ‘gingivectomy.’ It is performed to remove the excess gum tissue that arches over the teeth most visible in a smile.

To begin, we numb the gum tissues and carefully trim the excess. As a Periodontist, I take specific measures to ensure a natural looking arch remains over the teeth while preserving the natural points that ‘dip’ between each tooth.

It’s normal to experience some tenderness or swelling after the procedure, however, most patients do fine by applying an ice pack off and on for the first day. In most cases, over-the-counter pain medications are sufficient, however, we make prescription strength options available to ensure comfort during the healing process.

Healing time depends on each individual and can vary from a few days to a few weeks. For patients who smoke, healing times are longer due to smoking’s drying effect on gum tissues.

Most gingivectomies are followed by crown lengthening procedures that enhance the appearance of the teeth most visible in a smile. Crown lengthening uses porcelain veneers or crowns to give a beautiful, even smile line.

Treatment fees depend on the extent of the condition and whether crowns or veneers will be applied following treatment. In either case, beautiful results can occur, helping the individual who once ‘held back’ to smile confidently and reveal a more outgoing, vibrant personality!

A healthy smile is a benefit to our overall health. An attractive, confident smile is beneficial to our self-image, helping us to feel good from the inside out! Call 828-274-9440 for a consultation to discuss a gingivectomy and what is recommended for your specific need.

The Problems Associated With Missing Back Teeth.

Posted on Aug 28, 2017 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

If you lose a back tooth, why replace it when the tooth isn’t visible?

Think of your teeth as you would a framed brick wall. Each brick is held securely in place by the unity of adjoining bricks. If you remove a brick or two, the others are vulnerable to shifting. While a seemingly minor issue at first, the stability of the wall is based upon how each brick relies upon the stability of the others. Much like your teeth do.

Your teeth are arranged in a carefully balanced configuration. Each tooth beside and above (or below) works in unison to provide proper support and stability. Losing a tooth can start a vicious cycle of ongoing oral and structural problems.

In a normal, healthy mouth, there is a natural balance of teeth. Each tooth has three or four companion teeth. These include the adjacent teeth on either side as well as upper or lower teeth that meet them. Upper and lower teeth work together to provide comfortable chewing function.

The problems associated with missing teeth include teeth that lean, tilt or elongate. This creates the risk for chipped and broken teeth, worn teeth, and tooth fractures. It also contributes to an increased risk of gum disease and decay.

When teeth are not in proper alignment, there is also a risk of strain on the jaw joints (TMJ). This can lead to frequent headaches, migraines, night-time clenching and grinding, dizziness, sore jaw joints, ear ringing and jaw popping.

When a tooth is lost, statistics show a companion tooth is most likely be lost next. Then, the next closest tooth is subjected to the same conditions. With each tooth lost, the problems are magnified and the cycle of tooth loss continues.

You see, not only does a missing tooth leave remaining teeth vulnerable to shifting, the foundation of your jaw bone is compromised. When natural tooth roots are no longer present in the bone, it begins to decline in height. As the bone shrinks, neighboring teeth become vulnerable to problems, including tooth loss.

The best time to replace missing teeth is immediately after the tooth is lost or, ideally, at the time of removal. For tooth replacement, we recommend Dental Implants since they also preserve the integrity of the jaw bone. They provide a dependable foundation for biting and chewing and support the balance of surrounding teeth.

Replacement at the time of removable helps simplify placement and preserve the natural contours of the gum tissues that arch over each tooth.

If you are missing teeth, begin with a consultation. During this time, I’ll answer your questions and explain how Dental Implants support your oral health and prevent future problems. Call 828-274-9440.

Reshaping Gum Tissues Can Greatly Improve Smile’s Appearance

Posted on Jun 07, 2017 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

As a Periodontist, I have advanced training and skills in the placement of Dental Implants and treating all stages of periodontal (gum) disease. Another realm of the periodontal specialty is in the recontouring of gum tissues, referred to as Periodontal Plastic Surgery.

While the shape, shade and length of teeth have a major impact on the appearance of a smile, so does the gum tissues that frame each tooth. The uniformity of gum tissues creates an appealing balance of gums to teeth. Thus, the appearance of your smile is greatly affected by the appearance of teeth and their ‘frames’ of gum tissue.

Periodontal Plastic Surgery can greatly enhance the appearance of a smile!

There are several ways that gum reshaping can have a dramatic impact on a smile’s appearance. Gum reshaping is recommended when certain teeth are bordered by more gum tissue than that which borders surrounding teeth. The procedure to correct this is crown lengthening, which is usually done in conjunction with crown placement.

Crown lengthening provides an appealing, balanced smile line that ‘frames’ each tooth with an arch similar to that over adjoining teeth. The procedure requires just one visit and healing time is generally minimal.

However, crown lengthening may also be performed to save a tooth from removal. For example, when a tooth has broken close to the gum line, crown lengthening procedures can remove gum tissue to expose more of the tooth. Because a tooth that breaks at the gum line must be removed, this procedure can make sufficient tooth structure available to support a crown.

Crown lengthening is also beneficial in sealing gum tissues surrounding a tooth at its base. This is important after a new crown is placed as it prevents bacteria from penetrating the gums during the vulnerable stage of attaching. By securing the gum tissue around the crown, bacterial entry is avoided and the risk for periodontal (gum) disease decreased.

Another way that Periodontal Plastic Surgery can enhance both the health and appearance of a smile is grafting to repair gum recession. This is when the gum tissue pulls away from the base of the tooth, exposing darker, more sensitive tooth root sections. Causes of receded gums are often due to age, bite misalignment, gum disease and over-zealous brushing.

Also referred to as Gingival Grafting, this procedure typically involves taking a small area of tissue from the roof of your mouth (which heals quickly) and placing it over the area of recession. It is secured in place for a healing period of approximately two weeks. The results restore the look of a healthy, naturally-framed tooth.

For those who are born with a ‘gummy smile,’ gum reshaping can restore the balance of gums to teeth for a more appealing smile. In a gummy smile, too much gum tissue is exposed above the teeth most visible in a smile. This is a genetic trait and doesn’t affect one’s oral health. However, many who have this particular smile trait feel self-conscious when they smile and tend to hold back from smiling fully.

The procedure to correct a gummy smile is a gingivectomy and can be done in one visit. Excess gum tissue is removed and the remaining gums are shaped to arch over each tooth for a natural appearance. In most cases, porcelain crowns or veneers are placed to accentuate the natural look and feel of the teeth involved.

A Periodontal Specialist provides you with advanced skills for these procedures. He or she also understands the delicate touch needed for minimal disruption to the gums involved in treatment. This tender tissue requires precision care to provide exceptional results with minimal healing time needed.

If Periodontal Plastic Surgery could improve the appearance and health of your smile, call 828-274-9440 to schedule a consultation appointment. During this time, we can discuss the options that would work best for your needs.

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