Amazing Dentistry In Our Asheville Periodontal Dental Office

Posted on Oct 06, 2020 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

A periodontist, for most individuals, isn’t a doctor that is a regular part of their dental care. We are often a “behind the scenes” specialist, working with general dentists and perhaps other dental specialists.

Like a cardiologist or a urologist, however, you’ll hopefully never need us. If you do, you may be surprised at our Asheville periodontal dental office’s advanced and multi-faceted features.

To define our role, a periodontist is a dentist who specializes in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of periodontal disease, and in the placement of dental implants.

Periodontists receive extensive training, including three additional years of education beyond dental school. They are able to treat more problematic periodontal cases, such as people with severe gum disease or those having a complex medical history.

In addition, a periodontal specialist is trained in performing cosmetic procedures that involve gum tissues, such as correcting a “gummy smile”.

It is a busy specialty. It is estimated that over 47 percent of American adults have some level of periodontal disease (also known as “gum disease”). Because this disease can begin without obvious warning signs, many are unaware of its presence.

Gum disease begins with gingivitis, with some symptoms that may be easily ignored. However, when symptoms involve discomfort, the disease can be approaching more advanced levels.

This is why it is important to be familiar with the signs and symptoms, which include:

• Red, swollen or tender gums or other pain in your mouth
• Bleeding while brushing, flossing, or when eating certain foods
• Gums that are receding (pulling away from the teeth) or make the appear teeth longer than normal
• Loose or separating teeth
• Pus between your gums and teeth
• Sores in your mouth
• Persistent bad breath
• A change in the way your teeth fit together when you bite
• A change in the fit of partial dentures

If you notice any of these symptoms, be sure to contact your dentist or periodontist without delay. Gum disease will only worsen without treatment. It is the nation’s leading cause of adult tooth loss.

For specialized needs, we offer an advanced care environment where patients are comfortable and experience a restoration of their smiles with the support of advanced technology. These features include:

• LANAP Protocol Using PerioLase MVP-7 – Efficiently and effectively treats periodontitis (advanced gum disease) with laser technology. It causes very little discomfort and has a quick recovery time. This has also been found to stimulate bone regrowth in damaged areas.

• Dental Radiology With 3-D Cone Beam Technology – This imaging is ideal for diagnosis and treatment planning. The imaging covers the entire dentition area with clear views of the mandible and maxilla (upper and lower jaw).

• CareStream Cone Beam Computer Tomography Imaging – This computerized tomography provides imaging in exceptional detail and range.

• CS 3600 intraoral scanner – Patients no longer have to endure having impressions made with bulky, glopy trays held in their mouths! This quickly and comfortably scans the mouth’s interior for digital impressions using a small, handheld scanner. It can also reach difficult–to–access areas in the patient’s mouth with improved patient comfort.

• Simplant Dental Software for Computerized Dental Implant Placement – This system helps in pre-surgical positioning of dental implants on the computer, using a 3D model of the patient’s jaw. This aids in the selection of the implant type that ensures a precision fit.

• Intraoral Camera Technology – This provides outstanding quality of images within the mouth. These images are sent to screen for a clear, crisp view so we can confer with patients on specific treatment issues.

• Computer Imaging In Treatment Suites – Treatment suites are equipped with computers for convenient image sharing with patients.

• Advanced Sterilization – Our custom sterilization unit adheres to (or exceeds) CDC guidelines for instrument processing protocols, particularly in the cleaning of instruments.

• Fully-Equipped Surgical Suites – Relax during treatment while surrounded by beautiful mountain views of Asheville.

Periodontal (gum) disease is the result of an accumulation of oral bacteria and the leading cause of adult tooth loss. Have you avoided seeing a dentist for years? You are not alone. An estimated 70 percent of adults admit to having some level of anxiety or fear associated with dental care.

Our office is structured to attend to your specific needs, gently and respectfully. We offer a private consultation room to discuss treatment in a comfortable setting versus communicating with patients while they are seated in a treatment chair.

For patients who desire a “sleep” state, we offer oral sedation as well as I.V. sedation (twilight sleep). Oral sedation is a pill that helps patients relax. It also has an amnesiac effect, leaving most with little or no memory of treatment afterward.

I.V. sedation places the patient in a deeper sedative state (twilight sleep), also erasing memory of the procedure. It is administered by a doctor of anesthesiology for optimal comfort and safety.

With both, patients are monitored with advanced safety equipment throughout treatment.
Patients also find our entire staff to be a unified team, each bringing a sincere level of compassion and commitment to excellent care.

For people in need of gum recontouring, a periodontist is THE expert in the shaping of oral gum tissues. Here, Dr. Jennifer Boyland and I have advanced training to create gum tissue contours with a natural appearance. We are also able to ensure healthy seals around teeth to protect the structures beneath the gums from bacteria penetration.

Our specialty is ideal for those who have a gummy smile.” This is when too much gum tissue shows above upper teeth most visible in a full smile. While this trait does not interfere with the ability to have and maintain a healthy smile, for many, it causes them to ‘hold back’ rather than smile fully. Some people cover their smiles with a hand or try to smile with lips only.

Gum re-contouring is also done in crown lengthening procedures. This evens out the amount of gum tissues that arch teeth for a beautiful, balanced smile line.

Having healthy gums is so important. As research continually shows, gum health is intricately connected to overall health. Oral bacteria of periodontal disease has been linked as a trigger for serious diseases, including heart disease, some cancers, stroke, memory loss, diabetes, and arthritis.

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms associated with periodontal disease, a referral is not required. Call 828-274-9440 and we will be happy to assist you.

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