Start The New Year With A Smile That Enhances Your Life!

Posted on Dec 31, 2018 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

As we look at the new year, many of us are setting goals for positive changes in our lives. Whether we aim to lose weight, tackle an upcoming 10k run, or kick a bad habit, a new year resets our enthusiasm and motivation to improve.

And oft-overlooked area that many Americans should add to their “need to improve” list is caring for their oral health. According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), over 47 percent of the adult population in the U.S. has some level of periodontal (gum) disease.

So, this year, I’d like you to relook at the list you’ve already made and consider adding “improve oral wellness” to it.

Although a clean, healthy mouth gives you a better-looking smile and fresher breath, there are even more important reasons to maintain excellent gum health. Not only is periodontal disease the nation’s leading cause of adult tooth loss, it has been linked serious health risks. This includes heart disease, high blood pressure, memory loss, arthritis, diabetes, preterm babies and impotency.

Gum disease can begin silently, with warning signs that are not obvious or may be easily ignored. It may be first noticed by sore spots on gum tissues. You may notice some blood in the sink when brushing teeth. Your mouth may feel sticky and you have bad breath more frequently.

When these signs are ignored, gum disease is allowed to progress further. The symptoms of gum disease are:

  • Red, swollen or tender gums or other sore areas in your mouth
  • Bleeding while brushing or flossing
  • Gums that recede or pull away from teeth, causing the teeth to look longer than before
  • Loose or separating teeth
  • Pus pockets between your gums and teeth
  • Persistent bad breath
  • A change in the way your teeth fit together when you bite
  • A change in the fit of partial dentures

You can also learn about the stages of gum disease on the web site of the American Academy of Periodontology: (

Your mouth also sends off warning signs when something is wrong. For example, an ache coming from a tooth may indicate a cavity or crack. A sore spot in the mouth could be caused by a canker sore or warning sign of oral cancer.

Some periodontal needs can be managed by their general dentist. However, as signs of periodontal disease continue, periodontal treatment may require the skills of a specialist. Patients who have moderate or severe levels of periodontal disease, or patients with more complex cases, are often best managed through ‘team treatment’ between a general dentist and periodontal specialist.

The American Academy of Periodontology defines a periodontist as “a dentist who specializes in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of periodontal disease, and in the placement of dental implants. Periodontists are also experts in the treatment of oral inflammation. Periodontists receive extensive training in these areas, including three additional years of education beyond dental school. They are familiar with the latest techniques for diagnosing and treating periodontal disease, and are also trained in performing cosmetic periodontal procedures.

“Periodontists often treat more problematic periodontal cases, such as those with severe gum disease or a complex medical history. Periodontists offer a wide range of treatments, such as scaling and root planing (in which the infected surface of the root is cleaned) or root surface debridement (in which damaged tissue is removed). They can also treat patients with severe gum problems using a range of surgical procedures.

“In addition, periodontists are specially trained in the placement, maintenance, and repair of dental implants.”

However, if you are experiencing signs of periodontal disease and do not have a regular dentist, please know that you do not have to be referred to our office for care. Once your mouth is restored to optimal health, we can suggest a general dentist for you if you do not have one.

Don’t delay seeking care when you notice the first warning sign. Early treatment may save you greatly in time and expense – and even help you avoid tooth loss! Once your mouth is restored to a healthy state, we’ll help you maintain it by recommending home care steps combined with periodic check-ups.

If your obstacle has been fear of dentistry, we have an excellent reputation for helping fearful dental patients overcome these. We also offer oral and I.V. sedation (twilight sleep) that help patients feel more relaxed during treatment.

Or, if you feel you can’t manage the expenses associated with dental care, we offer several payment plans. Through these, you can afford to achieve a healthy smile while making easy, monthly payments.

Begin with a consultation or ask for an initial periodontal exam by calling 828-274-9440. Let our specialized skills in periodontics help to restore your teeth and gums to excellent oral health and confident smiles!


You CAN Avoid Gum Disease – Know How It Forms & Easy Prevention Tips

Posted on Dec 14, 2018 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

I know of so many friends and family members who have avoided or minimized serious health problems (and perhaps even death) by taking preventive measures when it comes to their health. Annual screenings (such as mammograms, prostate checks, pap smears, and colonoscopies, to name a few) have enabled countless people to simply treat or avoid serious conditions and get back to their lives and loved ones.

When we “take charge” of our health, we can also avoid the time and expense required for treating problems that could have been prevented in the first place. For example, not smoking helps us avoid the risk of many cancers and respiratory diseases. Eating a healthy diet and regular exercise lowers our risk for heart disease.

I believe that when people know what to do to avoid problems, they can be proactive in their health. This is especially true for periodontal (gum) disease. What I find is that many individuals are simply not familiar with effective prevention measures nor the signs and symptoms of this infectious disease.

People are often surprised to learn that gum disease first begins without obvious symptoms. Even when it’s fully underway, the warning signs are often ignored or deemed “normal.” For instance, seeing blood in the sink when brushing is a sign that the gums are weak and inflamed, even though some people assume this means they’re doing a good job. (BTW, you should NEVER see blood in the sink when brushing!)

The path that leads to gum disease can easily be bypassed, however. The process of how it forms and progresses is:

•  Oral Bacteria Overload: Bacteria in our mouths is unavoidable. It is on our food, utensils, the glasses we drink from and the pencil we hold between our teeth. Because the mouth is a warm, dark, and moist environment, it offers an ideal setting for bacterial growth. Although certain bacteria levels are manageable through brushing, flossing, and saliva flow, problems begin when too much bacteria accumulate and remain in the mouth.

•  Plaque: Without regular brushing, flossing, sufficient saliva flow, and low-sugar diet, oral bacteria can reproduce rapidly. Their accumulation can quickly form a sticky film that you feel on teeth (a ‘fuzzy’ feeling), known as plaque.

•  Tartar (or Calculus): In just 48 hours, plaque can harden on teeth. This is known as tartar (or calculus) and is actually a cement-hard mass of oral bacteria. Like plaque, tartar will continually grow as the bacteria reproduce. Their destruction includes boring into tooth enamel and eating away at gum tissues.

•  Gingivitis: This is actually the first phase of gum disease. At this stage, gum tissues are under attack and become sore. It can cause the gums to bleed when brushing and gum tenderness. You may experience an aching sensation in some areas. Your breath will be bad more often. By taking proper measures as soon as you notice these symptoms, the gums can be restored to a healthy state. However, there is a fine line between being able to undo gingivitis and its progression to gum disease.

•  Gum Disease: At this level, the gums are inflamed and tender and red rather than a healthy pink color. Your breath will be unpleasant on a consistent basis. The gums may also begin to pull away from the base of some teeth, exposing sensitive tooth root areas. As the inflammation progresses, pus pockets may form at the base of some teeth. Without treatment, teeth will loosen as the bacteria destroy the structures that support tooth roots. Eventually, tooth removal may be required.

Almost half of American adults have some level of periodontal disease, which is also the nation’s leading cause of adult tooth loss. Yet, it’s one of the most preventable diseases with simple measures.

It has also been found that the bacteria of gum disease can enter the bloodstream, triggering systemic inflammation. Gum disease has been linked to a long list of serious health problems. These include heart disease, some cancers (including prostate, lung, and pancreatic cancers), stroke, preterm babies, arthritis, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and erectile dysfunction (ED).

Twice daily brushing (at least two minutes each time), daily flossing, drinking plenty of water, and limiting sweets and caffeine (including colas, tea, and coffee) are simple ways to keep your mouth healthy between regular dental check-ups and cleanings. Remember that your 6-month check-ups are very important. During these visits, any tartar that has accumulated can be removed and signs of early gum disease can be noted – and promptly resolved.

These simple steps can help you avoid the discomfort of gum disease as well as the devastation of losing your teeth and having to decide on replacement. These procedures – and the expense – can be avoided. And, contrary to what some people believe, losing teeth is NOT a natural part of the aging process. With proper care, you can easily enjoy a smile of natural teeth throughout your lifetime.

If you are experiencing symptoms of gingivitis or periodontal disease, call our Asheville periodontal office at 828-274-9440. As a periodontist, I have specialized skills to restore your oral health and customize a program to help you keep it at its best.

Being Overweight Can Make You More Susceptible To Gum Disease.

Posted on Oct 22, 2018 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

An alarming percentage of Americans are more than just fat, they are obese. Obesity is when body mass index is 30 or greater. According to the Centers For Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), the prevalence of adults in the U.S. who are categorized as obese was 39.8 percent in 2015~2016. (

This means that nearly one-third of an obese adult is made up of fat. And, it’s not just our country that suffers from toting an excessive load of weight. In 2014, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that approximately 600 million obese adults were obese with numbers expected to rise due to high-calorie diets and sedentary lifestyles.

An oft-unknown side effect of obesity is chronic inflammation, which has been found to exacerbate other inflammatory disorders, including periodontitis (advanced gum disease). The systemic effect of obesity seems to trigger a predisposition to a variety of serious health conditions. In addition to a higher risk for periodontal disease, these include Type 2 Diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

These findings are nothing new, however. Over a decade ago, the Journal of Dental Research reported that “The possible causal relationship between obesity and periodontitis and potential underlying biological mechanisms remain to be established; however, the adipose tissue actively secretes a variety of cytokines and hormones that are involved in inflammatory processes, pointing toward similar pathways involved in the pathophysiology of obesity, periodontitis, and related inflammatory diseases.” (

As research continues to study the cause-&-effect, Periodontists have learned that obese patients have a 6 times higher potential to develop periodontal (gum) disease. While the role of a periodontal specialist is to tend to the oral well-being of patients regardless of their BMI, addressing this higher risk with obese individuals can be a sensitive issue.

Losing weight is not easy. And, research has even shown that factors such as sleep quality and what we eat (as much as how much we eat) can cause the brain to make the path to shedding pounds even more difficult.

For instance, studies have shown that sugar can be addictive. Sugar consumption even activates the same regions in the brain that react to cocaine. Giving up sugar to the recommended 6 teaspoons per day limit can be rather challenging for those who have a “sweet tooth.” (

Insufficient sleep also complicates the brain’s ability to regulate hunger hormones, known as ghrelin and leptin. Ghrelin stimulates the appetite while leptin sends signals of feeling full. When the body is sleep-deprived, the level of ghrelin rises while leptin levels decrease. This leads to an increase in hunger.

The National Sleep Foundation states that “people who don’t get enough sleep eat twice as much fat and more than 300 extra calories the next day, compared with those who sleep for eight hours.” (

As difficult as losing weight can be, it is important to be aware of risk factors that can make you more vulnerable to gum disease, which is the nation’s leading cause of adult tooth loss. Early symptoms include gums that are tender, swollen, and may bleed easily when brushing teeth. This stage is known as gingivitis, which can be reversed with prompt and thorough oral hygiene measures.

As it worsens, however, the inflammation of oral bacteria can lead to persistent bad breath, receded gums that expose sensitive tooth roots, and gums that darken in color. If untreated, pus pockets can form on gums and teeth may loosen, eventually requiring removal.

There is no doubt that an association between obesity and periodontal disease exists. Overweight adults should take special precautions to maintain good oral health, both at home and through regular dental check-ups. This is particularly important since the bacteria of gum disease has been linked to serious health problems because of its ability to trigger inflammatory reactions. These include heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, some cancers, preterm babies, impotency, and Alzheimer’s disease.

If you are experiencing symptoms of gum disease, however, it is paramount that you be seen by a periodontist promptly to halt further progression. A periodontist is a dental specialist who has advanced training in treating all stages of gum disease as well as in the placement of dental implants.

Call 828-274-9440 to schedule an initial examination and consultation.

Gum Health Is A Factor In Sexual Health For Men

Posted on Oct 15, 2018 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

Men in their 30s who suffer with severe periodontal (gum) disease are 3 times more likely to have erection problems, according to a study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. (

This supports previous research that shows links between periodontal disease and heart disease, a common contributor to erectile dysfunction. Although solid findings have not found the connection points of cause-&-effect, the association is thought to be related to inflammation brought on by gum disease bacteria.

These are all valid reasons that men should take an active role in the health of their teeth and gums before other areas of the body are affected. The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention estimate that nearly half of U.S. adults have periodontal disease. Of that, 56 percent of males have gum disease and over 38 percent of females have some level of it.

Other areas where periodontal health has been associated with the status of men’s health, in particular, include prostate health, heart disease, impotence and cancer. For example, research has found that men with a history of gum disease are 14 percent more likely to develop cancer than men with healthy gums. Additionally, 59 percent  of men are more likely to develop pancreatic cancer with 49 percent more likely to develop kidney cancer  and 30 percent more likely to develop blood cancer (such as leukemia).

Periodontal disease, according to numerous research, is now found to be associated with a long list of serious health problems. In addition to those listed above, it has been linked to arthritis, diabetes, preterm babies, erectile dysfunction (ED) and even Alzheimer’s disease. Additionally, gum disease is the nation’s leading cause of adult tooth loss.

Gum disease is one of the easiest of all diseases to avoid. Twice daily brushing and dail flossing take only minutes per day. Having 6-month dental check-ups and cleanings are structured to help you maintain healthy gums and be cavity free between visits. And, if problems do exist, they can be caught early so treatment needs will be minimal.

Men can do a better job of protecting their overall health by keeping their gums healthy. It is also important to know the symptoms of gum disease. These include gums that bleed when brushing, sore or swollen spots on gums, persistent bad breath, and gums that are red rather than a healthy pink color.

If you have any of these symptoms, call (828) 274-9440 or tap here to schedule an examination appointment as soon as possible. Gum disease will only worsen without treatment.

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