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Asheville Periodontist
Are You ‘Sick’ Of Your Denture?
Posted on Apr 10, 2018 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS
We often hear people, at times of frustration, exclaim “I’m sick to death of…” or “I’m sick and tired of…”
I think we all have make this claim at one time or another. However, when it comes to wearing dentures or partials, being “sick” of them can go in several different directions. They can, indeed, make you “sick and tired” as well as just plain “sick.”
In 2012, NBC News reported on a study that was published in the Journal of The American Dental Association. The study was conducted to determine methods to effectively kill the bacteria crawling all over the material that make up the gum base of dentures and partials.
What was shocking to many was just how serious the bacteria levels were. Dentures, because of their porous nature, can be coated with a sticky bacteria known as biofilm. It has been found that this biofilm can harbor MRSA or bacteria that is resistant to antibiotics. (https://www.nbcnews.com/healthmain/dirty-dentures-dangerous-mrsa-may-be-lurking-dentists-say-662637)
It was also found that the bacteria in the biofilm doesn’t just stay in the mouth. It can be breathed into the lungs where infections become much more difficult to treat.
Especially concerning is the high number of denture and partial wearers who sleep in their appliances. One study found that wearing dentures while sleeping doubles the risk of pneumonia in elderly adults. (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4541085/)
Remember, bacteria are living, eating organisms. Like any living thing, what eats produces waste. When it comes to oral bacteria, this means that these creatures are defecating in your mouth. That, in itself, is a pretty alarming reality of wearing dentures.
The tiny hide-outs of denture ‘pores’ give oral bacteria an ideal environment to thrive and reproduce. While sleeping in dentures obviously increases the opportunities for this to occur, these icky organisms can create quite an obstacle to adults who have immune systems that are already compromised.
Yet, being “sick” from dentures doesn’t stop there. For those who have worn dentures for many years, the bone that lies underneath the denture has likely shrunk. This process, known as ‘resportion,’ occurs when tooth roots are no longer present in the bone to provide stimulation.
Most denture wearers can sense that something has changed when their once-snug denture begins to slip when eating. Eventually, these slips can cause uncomfortable rubbing on tender gum tissues. The solution, for many, is to alter the diet to include foods that are soft and dissolve easily in the mouth.
The problem with these foods, typically, is they are lacking in the fiber and nutrition necessary for having good overall health. It is no wonder that denture wearers have more gastrointestinal problems and take more medications than people who have their natural teeth.
The problems of dentures go on and on. Renowned implant dentist, lecturer and founder of the Misch Implant Institute, Carl Misch, gives a straight-forward breakdown of the problems associated with wearing dentures in his book, “Dental Implant Prosthetics”
With all the frustrations and complications of wearing dentures, it’s to no surprise that dental implants have become the preferred choice of today’s adult when it comes to replacing natural teeth.
Dental implants are held by the jaw bone, restoring a sturdy foundation for biting and chewing. They also recreate stimulation to the bone that supports them, thus halting the rate of bone loss that occurs from wearing dentures. And, dental implants are designed to last a lifetime, making them an excellent investment.
As a Periodontist, my specialty includes advanced training in the diagnosis and placement of dental implants. Over the years, I have been impressed with their track record, having one of the highest of all implant-in-bone success rates.
Why worry over the health risks associated with wearing dentures and partials? Dental implants are dependable, safe, lasting, and provide a natural look and feel. Call 828-274-9440 to schedule an appointment to determine if dental implants are right for you.
How Dental Implants Can Prevent A ‘Melting Face.’
Posted on Apr 02, 2018 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS
The aging process isn’t necessarily kind to our appearance. Hair color and texture changes. Age spots creep up. Hair grows where it didn’t used to or thins out in unwanted spots. The skin wrinkles and sags.
While aging gracefully is something we should strive for, it doesn’t mean we’re necessarily thrilled with these changes. Eating a healthy diet and staying active is certainly a good way to stay in shape and retain a more youthful ‘zest’ for life.
While that can help to keep some of the years at bay, some changes caused by the aging process can be avoided, such as wearing sunscreen to avoid age spots. Others can be avoided or halted, including a ‘melting face.’ What is a melting face?
This describes changes to facial appearance when the bone structures that give our face its shape start to shrink. This is caused by the absence of tooth roots from the jaw bone. The stimulation normally provided to the jaw bone from tooth roots no longer exists when natural teeth are removed. This causes the bone to shrink, or ‘resorb.’

Healthy Jaw Bone Vs Bone Loss From Missing Teeth
As the bone mass declines in height and thins out, changes in facial appearance slowly evolve. For example, as the jaw bone thins, deep wrinkles form around the mouth. Eventually, the corners of the mouth will turn down even in a smile. Jowls form on each side of the face as facial muscles detach from the shrinking bone structure.
As the jaw bone continues to shrink, the chin becomes more pointed and the nose seems to get closer to it. This leads to a collapsed mouth that is known as a ‘granny look.’ This look ages the appearance of an individual far beyond their actual years.
Among the many benefits of dental implants, they also provide stimulation to the jaw bone. This helps to halt the process of bone loss. For those who have already lost a great deal of bone loss, bone rebuilding procedures can be performed to restore a healthy, more youthful face shape.
As a periodontist, my dental specialty includes the diagnosis and placement of dental implants. Dental implants are the closest thing to natural teeth, in many ways.
Dental implants restore the ability to bite and chew comfortably and without worry. Because implants are placed in the jaw bone, this provides the same dependable foundation as you once enjoyed with natural teeth.
Unlike a denture, partial or crown-&-bridge combination, dental implants recreate the stimulation to the jaw bone it needs in order to maintain a healthy mass. People are often surprised to learn that the pressure from wearing a denture or partial actually contributes to the rate of bone loss. For those who sleep in their denture, the accelerates the pace even further.
Some things about the aging process are pretty hard to prevent. Others are totally preventable. With the help of dental implants, the shape of your face and the strength of your jaw bone can be preserved even after tooth loss.
Call 828-274-9440 to schedule a consultation to discuss the dental implant system that is best for your needs as well as the process.
Proper Bite Alignment Necessary To Support Oral Health & Implant Success
Posted on Mar 27, 2018 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS
As a Periodontist, I specialize in treating all stages of gum disease and perform a number of procedures that involve the gum tissues (including crown lengthening and repair of ‘gummy smiles‘). My specialty also includes advanced training in the diagnosis and placement of dental implants.
So, why would I be so concerned with bite alignment?
In my profession, I work with a number of general dentists and dental specialists. Together, we create a ‘team treatment’ approach designed to fulfill each patient’s unique oral wellness needs. While I do not provide orthodontic realignment services or claim to specialize in that area, I do understand the need for having properly aligned teeth.
I see a lot in an adult’s mouth that isn’t necessarily obvious to the patient, yet has a tremendous impact on overall oral health, especially in their potential to AVOID problems.
First, the position of the teeth is more important than how they come together and create an attractive smile. Teeth that become crowded or crooked tend to form tight angles that make it difficult for a toothbrush to get into.
These nooks can easily become breeding grounds for oral bacteria. The accumulation of oral bacteria can lead to the formation of cavities and the development of gum disease.

Example of gum recession
Also, know that each tooth helps to support neighboring teeth, providing an abutment to keep other teeth in their positions. This is why it is so important to replace a missing tooth.
Without it, the teeth on either side can tilt out of their proper positions. Additionally, the tooth above (or below) can grow longer. These abnormal positions of teeth can contribute to a number of issues.
When a bite is misaligned, gum recession can occur. This is due to the unnatural pull of the gums around the base of teeth. Without this tight seal, oral bacteria can more easily penetrate below the surface of the gum line. Bacteria that reaches tender tooth root segments can create decay and periodontal disease.
Another problem with improperly aligned teeth has to do with dental implants. A ‘bad bite’ can lead to problems that include night-time clenching and grinding. A dental implant is placed in the jaw bone, the same sturdy foundation as natural tooth roots enjoy. However, a newly placed implant can be put at dire risk when surrounding teeth are interfering.
A dental implant is placed in the jaw bone, which serves as a replacement tooth root. During the first 3 – 6 months, the bone is growing around it, securing it in place. It is during this time that an implant is most vulnerable to the forces that clenching and grinding exert.
However, all teeth are at risk when clenching and grinding occur – not just those attached to an implanted post. ‘Bruxing’ (as it is known) can lead to chipped, broken and fractured teeth. It can also transfer stress and strain to facial, neck and shoulder muscles.
A number of people who have frequent headaches and migraines are surprised to discover the originating source is actually their TMJ (jaw joints). This typically occurs when a bite is misaligned. This can lead to a domino effect that reaches these joints. As a matter of fact, ear ringing, dizziness and difficulty opening the mouth fully are common symptoms of TMJ disorders that people are often unaware.
So, as a periodontist, I see how bite misalignment can cause the gums to recede and also how the potential for implant success can be affected. Simply, a correct bite is necessary for good oral health. Having it can help you avoid a long list of problems.
If gum tenderness or bleeding gums seems to occur in the area of crooked teeth, then let’s evaluate the issue. Or, if you’re considering dental implants but suspect you clench or grind your teeth, we’ll discuss ways you can achieve your smile goals and protect your investment.
Call 828-274-9440 to schedule a consultation.
Remove Sugar From Your Diet For Your Health & Your Smile!
Posted on Mar 20, 2018 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS
An interview on the March 19th ‘CBS This Morning’ was of Dr. Mark Hyman, a nutritionist and Director of Cleveland Clinic’s Center for Functional Medicine. Dr. Hyman was there to discuss his recently authored book “Food: What The Heck Should I Eat.” (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/dr-mark-hyman-food-what-the-heck-should-i-eat/)

Simple carbs break down as sugar in the mouth.
Over the years, the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has left Americans confused about what really IS good for the human body and what is not. Dr. Hyman’s book debunks many FDA dietary guidelines, such as milk being healthy and fats and cholesterol being unhealthy.
He also discussed how food is not just an energy source but serves as a ‘medicine’ that sends signals to our body. According to Dr. Hyman:
“We now know that food is information – it’s instructions that literally change your gene expression, regulate your hormones, can affect your immune system, inflammation in your body, even affects your gut’s microbiomes. Every bite of food you take is really like instructions to control your operating system of your biology.”
However, one food he emphasized had to do with the harm of sugar.
“Sugar is the biggest driver of obesity, type-2 diabetes, cancer, heart disease, even dementia — they’re calling it type-3 diabetes. And it’s not fat, it turns out. And that’s why we got the whole story wrong.”
Of course, the harmful effects of sugar are nothing new. While Dr. Hyman adds the ill-effects of pasta, rice and bread to the list of foods to eliminate from the pantry, sugar is noted as the first item listed in his book’s 10-day cleanse.
When it comes to your smile, sugar has always been a no-no. In one report published by the U.S. National Library of Medicine/National Institutes of Health (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14522753), sugar is specifically noted to lower the natural pH levels in saliva and points out that “the resultant action is the beginning of tooth demineralization.” (Think of demineralization as the process of dissolving enamel and tooth structures.)
The entry point for any food or beverage is the mouth. Oral tissues are moist by nature and highly absorbent. Therefore, it makes perfect sense that the destructive nature of sugar can trigger an imbalance in the mouth. And, it’s not just a risk of cavities that sugar poses.
Research has found that people with diabetes are more likely to have periodontal (gum) disease than people without diabetes. In fact, periodontal disease is often considered a complication of diabetes. Diabetics who don’t have their diabetes under control are especially at risk.
Research shared by the American Academy of Periodontology suggests that the relationship between diabetes and periodontal disease goes both ways – periodontal disease may make it more difficult for people who have diabetes to control their blood sugar.
Severe periodontal disease can increase blood sugar, contributing to increased periods of time when the body functions with a high blood sugar. This puts people with diabetes at increased risk for diabetic complications. (https://www.perio.org/consumer/gum-disease-and-diabetes.htm)
Both diabetes and gum disease are inflammatory by nature. According to research, one seems to be able to trigger the other. However, research also shows that when glucose levels are controlled, the severity of gum disease wanes. By the same token, when gum disease is treated, blood sugar levels improve. (https://www.ada.org/~/media/ADA/Publications/Files/FTDP_July2013_2.pdf?la=en)
The health of your teeth and gums is important to your overall health. Just as you avoid taking drugs to prevent harming your body, you should know that the addictive nature of sugar is harmful to your body, with the mouth getting the initial blow.
For the good of your body, be good to your smile! Start by lowering your intake of sugar and then, gradually, omit it from your diet – in all forms. Read labels. Although catsup and BBQ sauce are known to be laden with sugar (often in the form of corn syrup), I was surprised to see that even Lemon Pepper contains sugar.
Remember, too, that the inflammatory triggers that occur from oral bacteria of gum disease have been associated with a long list of serious health problems. Good overall health begins with a healthy mouth.
If you’ve been remiss in having regular dental checkups, it is recommended that you see a periodontal specialist. This professional can help you eliminate existing gum disease (which begins silently, often with no obvious symptoms) and maintain good oral health between regular care visits.
Call 828-274-9440 to schedule or learn more.
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