Periodontal Disease – How It Forms

Posted on Nov 01, 2017 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

Last night’s Halloween festivities reminded me just how easily gum disease can form. Late night indulging in the candy gathered by Trick or Treaters could be counted as ‘Step One’ in the process. Here is how it occurs…

Let’s say you indulge in a few sweet treats in the evening. Most of us do on occasion. But let’s say you are so busy that you forget to brush and floss before going to bed. When you wake up, your mouth feels sticky and you can feel a film over teeth. But let’s say you have overslept and are running so late that you fail to brush your teeth before you leave the house.

As you grab a sweetened coffee and donut on the way out the door, you remind yourself to pop a breath mint in your mouth before you get to work, hoping that will camouflage the smelly film that coats your tongue, teeth and gums.

Over the course of the day, you stir sugar in your coffee, sip cola at your desk after lunch and have a candy bar as a pick-me-up mid-afternoon. Heading home, you sip another cola.

Now, let’s look at what your mouth has endured during this process and why your potential for gum disease is greatly increased because of it.

First, the late-night, sugar-laden sweet treat that you ate the evening before is the perfect fuel for oral bacteria. Sugar super-charges oral bacteria, enabling these living, breathing creatures to reproduce rapidly. And, the more they reproduce, the more there are to reproduce.

As oral bacteria grow and thrive in your mouth, they form a film that coats teeth and gums. This is know as plaque. Plaque can form quickly because of how rapid oral bacteria can reproduce. It can be felt by running your tongue over teeth at the end of the day before brushing.

If plaque is not removed daily, it can harden into a substance known as tartar, or calculus. This cement-hard mass attaches to teeth and cannot be brushed or flossed away. It can only be removed by dental professionals using special tools.

Once tartar is on teeth, this mass colony of bacteria continues to grow, eating into tooth enamel and gum tissues. As the bacteria become more than the immune system can manage, the gum tissues become inflamed. This is the beginning of gum disease.

Now, consider that each time you eat or drink, an acid attack begins in the mouth. This is actually a normal part of the digestive process, which helps to break foods down as we chew. However, frequent eating AND consuming food and beverages that contain sugar can easily become more than our oral health can combat.

One of the worst culprits along these lines is soda. Because many people consume sodas by sipping them over the course of an hour, the prolonged acid attack the mouth must endure is a tremendous challenge to one’s oral health. As oral bacteria thrive in the mouth from the sugar, the gums are weakened and the enamel is softened, setting teeth and gums up for disaster.

As the growth of bacteria penetrate beneath the gum line, they are able to attack the structures that support teeth. The inflammation spreads and the gums become sore and turn red. At this point, periodontal disease is running rampant.

As the inflammation expands, the gum tissues bleed easily when brushing teeth. Bad breath is a frequent problem now and the gums are swollen in some areas. At this point, the gums are infected and brushing cannot undo the onslaught of oral bacterial growth.

The infectious bacteria cause pus pockets to form on gums. Because of the damage to gum tissues and bone structures that support teeth, some teeth will loosen and may require removal.

What’s unknown to many, however, is the fact that this infectious bacteria can penetrate gum tissues and enter the bloodstream. Once bloodborne, oral bacteria can travel throughout the body and trigger inflammatory reactions elsewhere.

Research has shown links between oral bacteria and heart disease, stroke, diabetes, arthritis, preterm babies, some cancers, high blood pressure, impotency and even Alzheimer’s disease. As a matter of fact, the make-up of tissues from oral bacteria and that of affected arthritis joints are nearly identical — both being inflammatory diseases. (

Now, let’s rewind. Rather than have this destructive process occur in the first place, let’s consider how easy it is to prevent. By devoting 2-3 minutes twice a day to proper brushing (at least two minutes each time) and daily flossing (which requires a minute, typically), you can prevent this wildfire effect of inflammatory bacteria growth and destruction.

For tartar buildup that does occur, your 6-month checkups are designed to remove this and give you a clean slate for having and keeping a healthy mouth between visits.

Gum disease is the nation’s leading cause of adult tooth loss. This is sad, considering that gum disease is so preventable. Even worse, the infectious oral bacteria of gum disease can contribute to systemic inflammation, which has been associated with a long list of diseases and serious health conditions.

You can protect your smile and your overall health by renewing your commitment to having and maintaining good oral health. Rather than assume all is well with your oral health unless something hurts, know that your smile needs your attention at least twice a day as well as twice-a-year dental visits.

Let’s get your smile into tip-top shape so it’s easy to maintain! As a periodontal specialist, I have advanced training in treating all levels of periodontal disease and restoring oral health. Additionally, I am able to prevent tooth loss in many instances.

If you’ve delayed dental checkups or suspect you have gum disease, please call 828-274-9440 to schedule an exam.




Know HPV & Connection To Oral Health

Posted on Oct 26, 2017 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

An estimated 20 million Americans are infected with HPV, the human papilloma virus. HPVs are a group of more than 200 viruses with 40 types easily spread through direct sexual contact, including vaginal, anal, and oral sex.

The spread of HPV is said to be at an ‘epidemic’ level. Thus, the Centers For Disease Control & Prevention now recommends that 11 – 12 year olds receive an HPV vaccination. Being vaccinated before becoming sexually active can lower one’s risk of being infected by HPV types and several types of cancer HPVs are known to cause.

Virtually all cases of cervical cancer are caused by HPV. In the 1980’s, HPV was attributed to around 16 percent of mouth and throat tumors. Within two decades, that figure had increased to nearly 75 percent. It’s been predicted that HPV-related mouth and throat cancers will outnumber cervical cancer by 2020.

Oropharyngeal cancers include malignancies of the tonsils, soft palate, base of the tongue and throat. HPV is commonly transferred through genital contact but HPV spread through oral sex is what increases the risk of mouth and throat cancers. (


Other factors that can heighten the risk that HPV will develop into cancer include:

  • Smoking or chewing tobacco (increases oropharyngeal cancer risk)
  • Having a weakened immune system
  • Having many children (increases cervical cancer risk)
  • Long-term oral contraceptive use (increases cervical cancer risk)
  • Poor oral hygiene (increases oropharyngeal cancer risk)
  • Chronic inflammation

While the use of condoms can reduce HPV transmission, condoms do not give complete protection against the infection because areas not covered by a condom can become infected.

To date, there are no FDA approved HPV detection tests for men. While recommended screening methods do not currently exist, HPV infections can be detected by testing cell samples to see if they contain viral DNA or RNA. Research is continuing to look for ways to make early detection easier.

When it comes to oral cancer, alert us immediately if you experience any of the following symptoms that do not clear up within two weeks:

  • Have difficulty swallowing
  • Have lumps in the neck
  • Experience pain in the mouth or ear
  • Notice unusual spots inside the mouth (including the tongue) or on the lips

Do NOT wait until your next check-up to have these evaluated. Call 828-274-9440 for an immediate appointment.

Dental Fear? We Provide Patient Comfort In Many Ways!

Posted on Oct 18, 2017 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

I have a friend whose wife is a notorious backseat driver, and she freely admits it. Her husband, actually a good driver, has become used to her ‘guidance’ when they’re on the road. She explains it like this: “When I see brake lights suddenly appear in front of us as we’re going seventy miles an hour, I don’t know that his foot is on the brake pedal, ready to respond. All I know is the urge inside of me to warn him. He knows I can’t help it.”

I agree. We all react to certain things automatically. When some people see a spider for instance, they may become fearful and want to flee. Other people react to seeing a spider by rolling up a newspaper, ready to eliminate the intruder.

When it comes to dental fear, different people have different levels. Some of our patients are very relaxed in our office, from the moment they walk in and throughout treatment. Others are fine until they are seated in the treatment chair. Still, others are nervous and uneasy the entire time.

Periodontal (gum) disease is the result of an accumulation of oral bacteria. It is also the leading cause of adult tooth loss. As a Periodontist, I find that most individuals have developed gum disease because they were too afraid of having regular dental care. Many avoid going to the dentist for years, only ‘giving in’ when something becomes so painful they can no longer delay treatment.

Dental fear and anxiety are often the result of an unfortunate experience in a dentist’s office that made the person feel out of control and trapped. I know this can go deep. I’ve heard patients tell how a dentist continued to work on them even when they’d told him or her they were not numb. I’ve heard patients tell me about being held down in a treatment chair as a child. And, I’ve heard patients tell me they have no idea where their fears came from, yet smells and sounds trigger sweating or a more rapid heartbeat.

If you experience these feelings associated with dental visits, there is nothing ‘wrong’ with you. It’s likely your individual response to something that makes you feel vulnerable because you’ve either heard people relay experiences of discomfort or have experienced it yourself, it’s normal to anticipate pain – sometimes even before being touched.

Get pampered in our Reception area.

Perceived pain can be just as real to some people as actual pain.

In our office, patient comfort is a priority at every visit. We have even designed our reception area to pamper you from the moment you enter. Patients in this area can enjoy a selection of gourmet coffees, cable television and WIFI connection. The seating is comfortable and our front office staff are attentive to your needs.

We offer a private consultation room for patients as well. In this room, we can discuss your treatment and answer your questions in a comfortable setting. This allows patients to become better informed about their treatment needs and options versus communicating while they are seated in a treatment chair.

Enjoy beautiful, relaxing views from our surgical suite.

Our surgical suite offers a rather unique setting for a Periodontal office. A large window provides beautiful mountain views, very soothing to our patients. In addition, we offer oral sedation as well as I.V. sedation (twilight sleep) for most procedures, if desired.

Oral sedation is a pill that helps patients relax. It also has an amnesiac effect, leaving most with little or no memory of treatment afterward. I.V. sedation places the patient in a deeper sedative state, also erasing memory of the procedure. It is administered by a doctor of anesthesiology for optimal comfort and safety. With both, patients are monitored with advanced safety equipment throughout treatment.

Our entire staff provide a unified team, each bringing a sincere level of compassion and commitment to excellent care. While the doctors involved in your care are top-notch, I must admit that our staff are the pros at making our patients feel truly pampered.

When patients realize that our goal is to provide exceptional care in TOTAL comfort, they relax. When they experience this, they relax even more. When they experience this more than once, a sense of trust is born. When patients trust us, they feel they no longer need to avoid dental care. Like everyone, fearful patients desire a healthy, confident smile. Once the obstacle of fear is removed, their ability to achieve that is greatly heightened.

If you or someone you know has fear that has prevented needed or desired dental care, schedule a consultation appointment. This will take place in our private consultation room. Here, we can discuss your needs and concerns and have your questions answered thoroughly. From there, you can determine what pace is best for you.

Call 828-274-9440 to learn more. Our friendly telephone staff will make you feel good from the very beginning!

Healthy Gums Important For Moms-To-Be

Posted on Oct 10, 2017 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

If you followed any of the AMC network’s seven seasons of “Mad Men,” you likely watched episodes where the pregnant wives were not only drinking cocktails, but smoking cigarettes. This is shocking today. Yet in the 1960’s, the decade in which the series took place, it was fairly commonplace.

Times have changed. Today, we not only know about the hazards of smoking and alcohol for adults in general, we know that whatever a mom-to-be consumes can pass through to her unborn baby. Being pregnant in this decade comes with a long list of what to avoid during pregnancy. This includes dietary restrictions, medications, fumes, and especially smoking and alcohol.

We now have greater awareness when it comes to what may be potentially harmful to a developing fetus. An often overlooked hazard for its potential harm to unborn babies is that of periodontal (gum) disease. Fortunately, a growing awareness among the medical field is cautioning pregnant females to keep their gums in healthy shape for the good of their smile and their baby.

For years now, studies have shown that women with periodontal (gum) disease are at higher risk for pre-term babies or low-birth weight babies (babies born with a birth weight of less than 5.5 lbs.). Babies born under these circumstances are at greater risk for long-term health problems, including delayed motor skills, social development and learning disabilities. Additionally, a baby born 3 weeks or more prior to its due date can have similar complications in addition to respiratory problems, vision and hearing loss and digestive problems.

Periodontal disease is an inflammatory condition, resulting from an overload of bacterial accumulation in the mouth. This infectious bacteria can attack gum tissues and the bone structure that supports teeth. Like many diseases in our bodies, gum disease begins without obvious warning signs. Once symptoms emerge, they include tender gums, swollen gums, gums that bleed when brushing, gums that pull away from teeth, persistent bad breath and teeth that become loose. While these signs should create a sense of urgency for anyone who experiences them, responding to them is especially important during pregnancy.

Gum disease is the nation’s leading cause of adult tooth loss and is linked to other serious diseases, such as heart disease, stroke and diabetes.

According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), medical and dental communities agree that maintaining good periodontal health during pregnancy is important. If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, stay current on your dental check-ups and cleanings. Also, be committed to a thorough at-home oral hygiene regimen. This includes twice-daily brushing, daily flossing, and regular dental check-ups.

This is also supported by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, who now encourage pregnant women to achieve and maintain good oral health. In addition to regular dental cleanings during pregnancy, watch for signs of gum disease since hormonal levels during pregnancy make you more susceptible to gum problems, including Pregnancy Gingivitis (which are similar to gum disease symptoms). If signs of gum disease are present, non-surgical periodontal therapy is safe for pregnant women and can improve gum health.

Through all phases of your pregnancy, make oral hygiene a priority. If you are behind on dental check-ups, seeing a Periodontal specialist can help to reduce your risk for adverse pregnancy complications. This will also help to reduce your own risk for health problems while you support a safe pregnancy and healthy baby.

Gum disease can trigger systemic inflammation in the body, resulting in a higher risk for serious health problems. In addition to pre-term, low birth weight babies, these include heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, some cancers, arthritis, diabetes and impotency.

To learn more about gum health as it relates to pregnancy, visit the web site of the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP).

To schedule an examination, call 828-274-9440.

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