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Asheville Periodontist
Reshaping Gum Tissues Can Greatly Improve Smile’s Appearance
Posted on Jun 07, 2017 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS
As a Periodontist, I have advanced training and skills in the placement of Dental Implants and treating all stages of periodontal (gum) disease. Another realm of the periodontal specialty is in the recontouring of gum tissues, referred to as Periodontal Plastic Surgery.
While the shape, shade and length of teeth have a major impact on the appearance of a smile, so does the gum tissues that frame each tooth. The uniformity of gum tissues creates an appealing balance of gums to teeth. Thus, the appearance of your smile is greatly affected by the appearance of teeth and their ‘frames’ of gum tissue.
There are several ways that gum reshaping can have a dramatic impact on a smile’s appearance. Gum reshaping is recommended when certain teeth are bordered by more gum tissue than that which borders surrounding teeth. The procedure to correct this is crown lengthening, which is usually done in conjunction with crown placement.
Crown lengthening provides an appealing, balanced smile line that ‘frames’ each tooth with an arch similar to that over adjoining teeth. The procedure requires just one visit and healing time is generally minimal.
However, crown lengthening may also be performed to save a tooth from removal. For example, when a tooth has broken close to the gum line, crown lengthening procedures can remove gum tissue to expose more of the tooth. Because a tooth that breaks at the gum line must be removed, this procedure can make sufficient tooth structure available to support a crown.
Crown lengthening is also beneficial in sealing gum tissues surrounding a tooth at its base. This is important after a new crown is placed as it prevents bacteria from penetrating the gums during the vulnerable stage of attaching. By securing the gum tissue around the crown, bacterial entry is avoided and the risk for periodontal (gum) disease decreased.
Another way that Periodontal Plastic Surgery can enhance both the health and appearance of a smile is grafting to repair gum recession. This is when the gum tissue pulls away from the base of the tooth, exposing darker, more sensitive tooth root sections. Causes of receded gums are often due to age, bite misalignment, gum disease and over-zealous brushing.
Also referred to as Gingival Grafting, this procedure typically involves taking a small area of tissue from the roof of your mouth (which heals quickly) and placing it over the area of recession. It is secured in place for a healing period of approximately two weeks. The results restore the look of a healthy, naturally-framed tooth.
For those who are born with a ‘gummy smile,’ gum reshaping can restore the balance of gums to teeth for a more appealing smile. In a gummy smile, too much gum tissue is exposed above the teeth most visible in a smile. This is a genetic trait and doesn’t affect one’s oral health. However, many who have this particular smile trait feel self-conscious when they smile and tend to hold back from smiling fully.
The procedure to correct a gummy smile is a gingivectomy and can be done in one visit. Excess gum tissue is removed and the remaining gums are shaped to arch over each tooth for a natural appearance. In most cases, porcelain crowns or veneers are placed to accentuate the natural look and feel of the teeth involved.
A Periodontal Specialist provides you with advanced skills for these procedures. He or she also understands the delicate touch needed for minimal disruption to the gums involved in treatment. This tender tissue requires precision care to provide exceptional results with minimal healing time needed.
If Periodontal Plastic Surgery could improve the appearance and health of your smile, call 828-274-9440 to schedule a consultation appointment. During this time, we can discuss the options that would work best for your needs.
Protect Your Teeth By Limiting Acidity
Posted on May 31, 2017 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS
It is said that we are what we eat. When it comes to your smile, your teeth are a testament of that statement. What you eat and drink can leave teeth vulnerable to decay.
Many people are unaware of just how damaging certain foods and beverages can be to teeth. Some of the worst ones are listed below. Knowing in advance that these consumables can leave teeth and gums at higher risk for problems can help you take proactive and preventive measures.
• Citrus & Highly-acidic Foods & Beverages: The acidity in citrus (such as oranges, lemons, and grapefruit) can be tough on tooth enamel and tender gum tissues. This also includes tomatoes and tomato-based foods such as spaghetti sauce, catsup, salsa, etc. that can have a highly acidic effect.
• Sugar & Carbohydrates: Americans are the top nation for consuming sugar. We also love our carbs. Oral bacteria love these foods, too, because they are their ‘super food’ that boosts their ability to reproduce. Because many sweet and carb-laden foods stick to teeth longer, their ability to cause damage is even greater.
• Alcohol & Caffeine: Alcoholic and caffeinated beverages (including coffee, tea, colas, and many energy drinks) can be very drying to oral tissues. A dry mouth means less saliva flow. This depletes saliva’s ability to effectively rinse oral bacteria from the mouth. This provides oral bacteria with an environment to more-rapidly breed and thrive. Since bacteria accumulation is the origin of the majority of oral problems, this creates an especially risky state.
• Wine: Although wine is believed to be a healthy drink, it is the way it is consumed that makes it a particular problem for teeth and gums. Whenever you eat or drink something, an acid attack begins in the mouth. While this is an initial part of digestion, this acid is potent. So much so that it can soften tooth enamel for 20-30 minutes, which leaves teeth more susceptible to decay. Most people drink wine in sips over a period of time, drawing out this surge of acid. When wine’s acidity combines with digestive acids in the mouth, you place teeth at a doubly higher risk for decay.
• Between-Meal Snacking: As mentioned above, eating or drinking triggers an acid attack in the mouth. This means for every time you take a sip of cola or take a bite of a cookie, acid flows freely for 20-30 minutes. When the mouth endures these frequent acid attacks, the damage to precious tooth enamel will catch up to you in the form of cavities.
While I would never assume that people should forgo some indulgences, you can take proactive measures to prevent costly repairs, such as:
– Brush twice daily, floss every day and maintain regular dental check-ups: Thorough at-home oral care and regular dental check-ups can help you avoid problems from occurring in the first place.
– Delay brushing after eating or drinking: Wait 20-30 minutes to allow the acid attack in your mouth to subside. Remember, this acid can soften tooth enamel. The abrasiveness of a tooth brush or tooth paste can wear away precious tooth enamel.
– Swish with water: Enjoy a cup of coffee or glass of wine. Just remember to rotate these beverages with a glass of water, allowing it to wash over teeth before swallowing. Or, swish with water in the bathroom.
– Eat sweets only with meals: Rather than forgo a sweet indulgence as a snack, enjoy them as dessert following your meal since your mouth is already enduring an acid attack. This merely prolongs an acid attack rather than trigger a new one.
As a periodontal specialist, I see many patients who have lost their natural teeth. I believe many people are not aware of what creates a vulnerable smile. Knowing what leaves teeth and gums susceptible to problems can help you avoid the treatment time and expense required for dental repairs, or even tooth loss.
To achieve and maintain a confident, healthy smile, begin with a consultation. Call 828-274-9440 to schedule.
Losing Teeth Can Lead To Shrinking Jaw Bone
Posted on May 24, 2017 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS
If you’ve worn dentures or partials for ten years or more, take a moment to literally see what is going on with your jaw bone.
Remove your denture or partial and look in the mirror. You may notice deep wrinkles around your mouth. The corners of your mouth may turn downward even when you smile. Your mouth may appear to be slightly sunken in, moreso than when you had your natural teeth. You may have jowls on the sides of your face.
These are all telltale signs of bone loss. This occurs beneath the gum tissue because your jaw bone is shrinking. Here is why this occurs.
When a tooth root is removed from the jaw bone, the bone is no longer nourished and stimulated by the root. Thus, a process known as ‘resorption’ begins. Resorption is a term used to describe a shrinking or declining mass of jaw bone.
Bone resorption also leaves adjacent teeth susceptible to the effects of bone loss. As the area of bone declines in height and width, neighboring teeth are at a greater risk of cavities, gum disease, and tooth fractures. It is a fact that when a tooth is lost, the one next to the one missing is most likely the next to be lost.
And, it’ not just tooth loss that contributes to a shrinking jaw bone. The pressure on the gums from wearing a denture or partial denture adds to the rate of bone loss. For those who sleep in their dentures, this constant pressure accelerates this rate even more.
For people who opt to replace a tooth (or teeth) with a crown-&-bridge, they can also expect bone loss. Over time, this can be detected through a gap that appears between the bridge and gums. In a smile, this gap may be visible.
As a periodontal specialist, the most common complaint I hear from those who wear dentures or partials is having discomfort while eating. Many long-time denture and partial wearers experience sore spots on tender gum tissues. This occurs because their appliances move when chewing.
This movement is the result of the declined bone mass that supports the denture. This gum-covered ‘ridge’ where teeth were once held flattens as the jaw bone declines in height and mass. Because a denture or partial is made to contour to this ridge, it begins to slip as the bone shrinks. This is when people tend to use denture adhesives and pastes more frequently.
To avoid discomfort when eating, denture wearers may adjust their diets to consist of soft foods that dissolve easily in the mouth. In many cases, these diets lack the nutritional benefits of fiber, vitamins and protein necessary for a healthy body. Due to fear of embarrassing slips, people also begin to avoid social gatherings where food is the centerpiece.
It stands to reason that there is a need to replace more than the presence of teeth. This is why so many dentists and dental specialists now recommend Dental Implants. Over the years, they have proven to be a successful alternative to dentures and partial dentures.
There are many advantages to Dental Implants. From a health standpoint, I see their ability to halt bone loss as a leading benefit. Dental implants are placed in the jaw bone, recreating the stimulation of tooth roots. This helps to preserve the strength of the jaw bone while restoring biting strength and chewing stability.
I also like that Dental Implants are self-supporting since they use the jaw bone for support. They do not rely on having otherwise-healthy, natural teeth crowned for the mere purpose of supporting replacement teeth (as in crown-&-bridge combinations).
From a value perspective, Dental Implants are an excellent investment. With proper selection, placement and care, they are designed to last your lifetime. And, it’s an investment you’ll enjoy every day as you comfortably eat foods you love, smile and laugh without worry, and wake up with a smile!
There is much to know as to why keeping your natural teeth is so important. However, when tooth loss does occur, you can protect your health and well-being by replacing them with Dental Implants. With Dental Implants, you are able to avoid the long-term repercussions of bone loss.
Ask about Dental Implants to restore a natural look and feel while you protect surrounding teeth and bone structure. As a Periodontist with advanced training in the diagnosis and placement of all types of implant systems, I can recommend options that will work best for your individual situation.
Call 828-274-9440 to learn more or ask for a consultation appointment to personally discuss your needs and preferences. If you’ve already experienced a great deal of bone loss, I’ll explain methods to rebuild your bone to a healthy level, often with no grafting needed.
Different Implant Designs For Different Needs
Posted on May 22, 2017 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS
As a dental specialist with advanced skills in the diagnosis and placement of Dental Implants, I enjoy staying on top of the latest techniques, technology and materials. Over the years, I have been especially excited to provide our patients with the advancements that make implant dentistry such an ideal option in tooth replacement.
Today’s implant dentistry is successful, safe, dependable and often immediate. As the doctor who places the implants, having a role in restoring a patient’s ability to bite, chew, speak and laugh has been a major highlight in a rewarding career.
One of the reasons for the high success rate of Dental Implants is in the design of different systems. For decades, Implant designs have been fine-tuned so various systems are able to accommodate specific challenges and preferences. In addition to being more affordable than ever, implant systems are now available for nearly every situation, including:
Implants Supporting Non-Removable Teeth – For some, removable teeth attached to implants were too similar to the denture they had (and detested). Even though these removable replacement teeth are firmly secured to the implants, most individuals want teeth that do not come out. However, some of the more affordable systems have been those that support removable teeth. Now, an implant system known as All-On
-4 is able to support non-removable teeth using just 4 strategically-placed implants. By positioning the implanted portions at unique angles, the biting and chewing forces are distributed evenly among fewer implants. Another advantage of this system is its ability to be placed in minimal bone. Long-time denture wearers are often challenged because of severe bone loss. Having insufficient bone mass to support Implants has prevented some people from having implants or required bone rebuilding procedures prior to implant placement. The All-On-4 implant system is able to overcome this obstacle.
Traditional Dental Implants – Still today, the ‘gold standard’ for most implant treatment requires several stages. Placement of the implants is performed first. For several months after, the bone goes through a process known as ‘osseo-integration.’ This takes place over a 3-6 month period and secures the implant in the upper or lower jaw bone, similar to natural tooth roots. Once secured, the implant sites are uncovered and a post is positioned inside to which the replacement teeth are secured. During osseointegration, however, patients are able to comfortably wear their denture or partial.
Fast-Track Dental Implants – As the design of implant systems have advanced with the involvement of computerized technology, implant placement and teeth attachment can often be completed in less time than that required by traditional implants. Having the ability to pre-select ideal placement positions prior means that, in some cases, immediate attachment of teeth can occur. While this option isn’t appropriate for everyone, certain patients are, indeed, excellent candidates. This is why it is important to have an experienced and highly-trained doctor coordinate your diagnosis and placement. When your individual needs are carefully assessed, a successful outcome has greater potential with the foundation of a proper diagnosis and implant selection.
Dental Implants are the closest thing to the natural teeth you once had. They are also designed to last a lifetime, making them an excellent investment. The type of implant system best suited to your needs will be discussed after an examination and review of Panorex (jaw-to-jaw) imaging.
Let’s discuss the implant system that is best for your needs and goals during a private consultation appointment. We’ll also discuss comfort options, including Oral and I.V. Sedation. Call 828-274-9440.
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