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Asheville Periodontist
Selection Of Dental Implants Offers Affordable Options
Posted on Mar 20, 2017 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS
Have you ever made a purchase decision based on a lower cost but found you ended up with less than pleased with the outcome? We all have. It’s natural to want a ‘good deal’ when it comes to how we spend our hard-earned money. However, there is nothing worse than the feelings of regret upon realizing the savings weren’t worth what was sacrificed in the end.
When I discuss dental implants with new patients, I find some arrive with preconceived notions that Dental Implants are out of their price range. Since the costs for dental implants are, for the most part, upfront, they are often assumed as more expensive when comparing costs to other tooth replacement options. With implants, however, there is far more to consider when comparing actual costs.
When it comes to replacing teeth, the majority of adults understand options like dentures, partials and crown-&-bridge combinations. While people are generally familiar with how these work, dental implants can be more complicated.
For example, dental implant systems come in a variety of shapes and sizes to accommodate different needs and preferences. Some are designed for minimal bone depth and others help to support a full arch of teeth. Naturally, a number of factors play a role in calculating the overall cost for treatment.
Yet, unlike a bridge or dentures, dental implants are a one-time expense when it comes to replacing teeth. Dental implants will never decay, need root canals or compromise neighboring teeth or supporting structures. Even more appealing – dental implants are designed to last a lifetime. With proper selection, placement and maintenance, dental implants are designed to last your lifespan.
The advantages of dental implants go beyond tooth replacement. Dental implants are positioned in the jaw bone, which provides the same, dependable foundation as natural teeth. Their presence restores stimulation to the jaw bone, helping to preserve the bone’s mass. Without this stimulation, the bone resorbs, which is a process of continual decline in bone mass.
Resorption is the reason that dentures that fit snugly when first made will begin to move and slip over time. Because resorption reduces bone height, the ridge that the denture was made to conform to begins to flatten. The declining ridge can no longer provide the denture with a sufficient base. Denture adhesives become of little help while chewing. Eventually, people opt for a diet of soft foods that dissolve easily in the mouth to avoid sore spots on tender gum tissues or embarrassing slips.
Declining bone mass also leads to changes in facial appearance, contributing to an appearance that is far older than one’s actual age. As bone mass declines, people see the formation of jowls, deep wrinkling around the mouth, and having the corners of the mouth turn downward, even when smiling. As the bone thins further, the chin points and the nose moves closer to the chin, creating a ‘granny look.’
The fees for Dental Implants are largely determined by the number of implants placed. In most cases, an implant is not necessary to replace each missing tooth. For example, if you are missing several or even a full arch (all upper or lower) of teeth, several strategically-placed implants can often provide sufficient support. To replace several teeth that are missing in one area, one implant can often support a bridge of two or more teeth.
An added advantage of implants is they do not rely on the crowning of adjacent teeth in order to support a bridge. While a traditional crown-&-bridge combination relies on adjacent teeth for support, an implant uses the sturdy foundation of your jaw bone.
We believe the investment you make when replacing teeth should make you as happy now as it does twenty years from now. If you feel the barrier to achieving a confident smile is the cost, begin with a consultation appointment. During this time, we will discuss the implant system that will work best for your individual needs and goals and anticipated cost. We can also recommend payment plans that help you achieve your goals while making easy monthly payments.
The comfort and confidence of your smile is too important to compromise. Call 828-274-9440.
Diabetics Wise To Give Oral Health Added Attention
Posted on Mar 13, 2017 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS
Diabetes is a metabolic disease that occurs when the body is unable to properly process carbohydrates, fats and proteins.. It stems from insufficient insulin secretion or being resistant to insulin.
The American Diabetes Association reports these statistics among adults in the U.S. (http://www.diabetes.org/diabetes-basics/statistics/):
- Over 9 percent of the population have diabetes.
- For Americans over the age of 65, more than 26% are either diagnosed diabetics or undiagnosed with diabetes.
- 1.4 million Americans are diagnosed with diabetes every year.
- Diabetes is the 7th leading cause of death in the United States.
Diabetes is a leading cause of death due to the vascular complications it causes. The most common types of diabetes are type 1, which requires insulin control, and Type 2, which is the non-insulin dependent form.
Diabetes is far from being a problem isolated to the United States. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared diabetes to be at a pandemic level with a prevalence that has risen dramatically over recent decades. They estimate that the number of those affected by diabetes will triple over the next decade.
Regardless of the advancements in treating diabetes, the U.S. National Library of Medicine & National Institutes of Health reports that it is “a growing public health concern and a common chronic metabolic disease worldwide.”
Although diabetes affects all age groups, it is most common in adults. According to the American Diabetes Association, the largest segment of those who suffer with diabetics have Type 2 diabetes, which usually begins after age 45. However, over 18,000 youth are diagnosed with diabetes each year.
In a study study published in the journal Diabetes Care, the Centers For Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) noted that the annual medical expenses for youth with diabetes to be over $9,000, compared to less than $1,500 per year for youth without the disease.
Early warning signs of Type 2 diabetes are bad breath and bleeding gums, which are also symptoms of gum disease. Gum disease has been found to be more frequent and severe for patients who have poor control of their diabetes. By properly controlling glucose levels, diabetics can greatly help in the prevention of periodontal (gum) disease, which is the nation’s leading cause of tooth loss. Well-controlled glucose levels also help when it comes to the successful treatment of gum disease.
For many years, the medical and scientific fields studied the connections between inflammatory diseases such as diabetes and periodontal disease. With gum disease being the sixth greatest complication of diabetes, they noted that diabetes would initially reveal symptoms in the form of oral problems. However, continued research has shown that one can even trigger the other.
Periodontal disease is an inflammatory condition that can create inflammatory reactions elsewhere in the body. This is because its bacteria can enter the bloodstream through tears in weakened gum tissues. As it travels throughout the body, it can cause inflammatory triggers elsewhere.
Because of the connections between diabetes and periodontal disease, diabetics are strongly urged to have dental exams every 3-4 months (versus the standard of every 6 months) to avoid the inflammatory reactions of gum disease, and vice versa. Diabetics should also respond to any signs of gum disease promptly, rather than wait for their next visit.
Symptoms of periodontal disease include gum tenderness, bleeding gums when brushing, frequent bad breath, receding gums and gums that darken in color. When these signs are present, seeing a Periodontal specialist is advised so the most appropriate treatment can be discussed.
Because diabetics have a greater vulnerability to inflammatory reactions in the body, the need for prompt treatment warrants immediate response. Call 828-274-9440 to arrange an appointment. And remember, gum disease only worsens without treatment, resulting in greater treatment time and expense with delays.
HPV Virus & Oral Cancer Linked
Posted on Mar 08, 2017 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS
Some topics are a little embarrassing. Then again, some are so important that we have to get past it.
The Centers For Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) reports that HPV is now the most common sexually transmitted infection. HPV is so common that nearly all sexually active men and women get it at some point in their lives.
There are different types of HPV, some that cause genital warts and others that cause cancers. It is spread through vaginal, anal or oral sex with someone infected with the virus and can be passed even without signs or symptoms. And, symptoms may not appear until years after having sex with an infected person.
Until celebrities such as Iron Maiden lead singer Bruce Dickinson (diagnosed with tongue cancer) and screen star Michael Douglas (diagnosed with throat cancer) spoke up, the growing problem of HPV was fairly hush-hush.
However, the spread of HPV, also called human papillomavirus, is running so rampant that greater efforts are being made to heighten public awareness. Recent research indicates that over 42 percent of women have genital HPV infections and more than half of sexually active people are infected with one or more HPV types at some point in their lives.
There are two types of HPV – high risk and low risk. It is the high risk that accounts for an estimated 5 percent of all cancers. While most high-risk HPV infections resolve on their own within a couple of years, some HPV infections remain for many years. With these high-risk HPV types, there is greater risk of developing cancer.
Virtually all cervical cancers are caused by HPV infections, with two types attributed to nearly 70 percent of all cases. HPV also causes about 85 percent of all cases of anal cancer and are found to cause close to half of vaginal and penile cancers.
HPV infections have also been found to cause cancer of the throat, soft palate, tongue and tonsils. Over half of the cancers diagnosed in the oropharynx (middle part of the throat) are linked to HPV. The prevalence of this cancer in the U.S. has increased so much for men during the past 20 years, it is estimated that the virus will cause more oropharyngeal cancers than cervical cancers by 2020.
When combined with a high-risk HPV infection, factors that increase the risk of developing cancer are:
• Smoking
• A weakened immune system
• Having many children
• Extended use of oral contraceptives
• Poor oral hygiene
• Chronic inflammation
As a Periodontist, I’ve seen how devastating oral cancers can be, with treatment often terribly disfiguring. It is one of the deadliest of all cancers, partly due to its poor survival rate. While I’m sure it was awkward for Michael Douglas and Bruce Dickinson to share their ordeal publicity, at least they were alive to do so. Forty percent of people with oral cancer don’t survive to five years past diagnosis.
While there is a vaccine for HPV, having an annual oral cancer exam is important. These are often part of your 6-month dental check-ups. Additionally, being aware of the warning signs is vital. These include a spot or sore in the mouth, tongue or lips that does not heal within two weeks; a persistent sore throat; difficulty swallowing; hoarseness; or change in the voice. If any of these symptoms occur, do NOT wait until your next check-up. Be seen by your dentist or periodontal specialist immediately. With early treatment, oral cancer can be survivable.
For more information, call 828-274-9440 or schedule a prompt appointment if you’ve noticed any of the above mentioned symptoms.
Meds For Osteoporosis Can Cause Severe Damage To Jaw Bone
Posted on Mar 06, 2017 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS
It seems every time I turn on the television, I see a commercial touting some new ‘wonder drug.’ Typically, I’m blown away when the list of potential side effects are mentioned. Apparently, many of these drugs solve one problem only to create ten more. This brings to mind a concern for those who are taking drugs for osteoporosis.
As we age, so does the structure of our bones. After the age of 40, adults begin to lose bone as the body’s ability to build up bone tissues decreases. Adults who have the most risk for bone loss include:
• Females
• Being over the age of 65
• Women who are going through menopause or are post-menopausal
• Being small in statue or having low body weight
• Using tobacco and excessive alcohol use
• Having a family history of fractures associated with osteoporosis
• Seventy percent of people with osteoporosis are women. Because men lose calcium at a slower rate than women, their risk is lower. However, older men are also at risk for osteoporosis.
• Osteoporosis is also more common in people who have a small body frame and bone structure. Low body weight also contributes to osteoporosis risk.
• Calcium and vitamin D deficiencies are risk factors for both males and females.
Osteoporosis literally means ‘porous bone’ and occurs when bones become weak and fragile. People who have osteoporosis are at greater risk for fracturing their bones, especially in the hip, vertebrae (spine) and wrist.
For an aging adult, the dreaded risk of breaking a hip is one reason many consider taking osteoporosis medications. Hip fractures often require hospitalization, surgical procedures, and can require lengthy healing periods. Some never fully recover after a hip fracture.
Among the aging, these fractures are a common cause of disability and death, especially in post-menopausal women. Only 40% of hip fracture patients ever regain their independence and nearly 25% die within a year. Vertebral fractures can cause debilitating back pain, and they, too, increase the risk of premature death. (see interesting information at: http://www.health.harvard.edu/diseases-and-conditions/whats_the_story_with_fosamax)
Bisphosphonates have emerged as the leading medication for preventing and treating osteoporosis. Studies show these drugs are effective and safe for up to 5 years. Eventually, however, bone loss continues with bisphosphonates.
So, what does this have to do with your dental health? Keep in mind that the teeth, their roots and the bones that support them are bone. Add to that the fact that many people are often surprised by the wide range of medications that affect their oral health.
Some medications – including prescription, over-the-counter and even herbal supplements – can cause complications during oral surgeries like extractions or dental implant placement. While drugs such as Coumadin, a commonly-prescribed blood thinner, may cause more bleeding during oral procedures, certain drugs create a much greater risk.
The complication with bisphosphonates, often prescribed to treat osteoporosis, is a risk for jaw osteonecrosis. In simple terms, this is death of the jaw bone. Jaw osteonecrosis occurs when the bone fails to heal after a surgery, even a minor procedure such as a tooth extraction. The risk for jaw necrosis is highest with procedures that directly expose the jaw bone, such as tooth extractions and other oral surgery.
Osteonecrosis results from obstruction of blood supply from the drug’s potential interference with the bone’s ability to repair itself. Initially, it causes pain, swelling or infection of the gums and jaw. It also prevents gum tissues from healing and can lead to tooth loss. Its onset, however, can occur without obvious symptoms.
Trade names of the most prescribed bisphosphonates are Fosamax, Actonel, Boniva, Reclast, Binosto, Prolia, Zometa and Xgeva. The most prescribed, Fosamax, is one of the top 25 most prescribed drugs on the drug market today. Approved by the FDA in 1995, reports began surfacing in 2003 that linked Fosamax with jaw osteonecrosis.
Jaw osteonecrosis risk seems to increase with the amount of time the medications are taken. However, researchers have determined that bisphosphonates can create a risk for necrosis with even short-term use.
In a study of 208 participants who took Fosamax for varying durations, 4% developed osteonecrosis. Not only did the study show that short-term usage can place the patient at risk, the drug can maintain a 10-year ‘half-life’ in bone tissue. This finding was in contrast to the drug makers’ claims that bisphosphonate use only posed a noticeable risk for those who took the medication intravenously, such as in treating cancer patients.
Although the drug makers of bisphosphonates claim a low risk to any adverse reactions, prescribing physicians have often failed to warn patients of actual risks when having dental procedures. This is why it is important to make us aware of all the drugs you take, including over-the-counter types.
Our goal is to provide you with a successful outcome for every procedure. If you have questions regarding the medications you are taking in regard to oral risks, call our office at 828-274-9440.
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