Dental Implants Done To Perfection!

Posted on Jul 23, 2024 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

In our Western NC periodontal dental office, we see many patients who are contemplating tooth replacement through dental implants. This can be a complex decision, as today’s implant dentistry offers many choices that are important to achieving a desirable outcome.

This is why accurate, personalized information is best left to a credible, knowledgable source. As a periodontal dental specialist for over 30 years, I have advanced training in all types of dental implants as well as the procedures that may be needed to ensure your investment brings lasting satisfaction.

Over the years, I’ve found that many patients have misconceptions when it comes to dental implants. My desire is to help to dispel the incorrect information so each individual understands the realities when it comes to dental implants.

There are over 40 different implant systems, each designed to accommodate various needs and goals. For example, one consideration in determining which type of dental implant is recommended is in the amount of jaw bone mass.

An implant needs a particular amount of bone structure to support it. After several years of missing tooth roots, the bone begins to decline in mass. For people who wear a denture or partial, the pressure of wearing these appliances can actually speed up the rate bone loss.

So, depending on the amount of bone present to support the implant(s), the choice of which implant system to recommend can be made. For some, we may recommend a bone rebuilding process prior to implant placement. Or, we may advise an implant that uses unique implant lengths and placement angles (the “All-On-4”) that can overcome the challenges of bone loss.

There are also many considerations in selecting the right type of dental implant. The final choice, of course, is the patient’s preference. Does he or she want an implant that is non-removable (“fixed”)? Is cost the determining factor? Does the patient need just one implant or several? Can one implant support a “bridge” of teeth in one area? And so on.

These are just some of the factors we take into consideration when discussing dental implants with patients. It is in our experienced, skilled hands that we recommend one system over another. What’s online or from opinions of others may create confusion and even dissuade you from pursing this ideal option to replace missing teeth.

One misconception is that dental implants are more expensive than other tooth replacement options (dentures, partials, crown-&-bridge). However, they are actually a bargain when all areas are considered. Dental implants do not rely on the support of neighboring teeth. This means that crowning otherwise healthy, natural teeth is not necessary.

The investment made in dental implants is a wise one. Dental implants have one of the highest of all success rates of any implant-in-bone procedure (such as hips, knees), up to 98 percent. Made of titanium, this metal successfully bonds with living bone. This means the bone will grow around your implant(s), integrating it into your bone mass to restore dependability and stability.

Being implanted into the jaw bone, dental implants also restore stimulation that reduces risks for further bone loss. This halts bone shrinkage so you avoid problems associated with resorption. These include an aged facial appearance (such as deep wrinkles around the mouth and formation of jowls), a weakened jaw bone, and the higher risks for continued tooth loss.

Some people also assume that an implant is needed for each missing tooth. That’s not the case for many of our implant patients. The implanted portion of a dental implant can often support two teeth or a bridge of several teeth. When 4 – 8 implants are strategically placed, they may be able to support a full arch of teeth, which often includes non-removable types.

To optimize dental implant success, we have specialized skills to incorporate the more-complex procedures involved in implant placement. For example, a periodontist can incorporate bone rebuilding procedures into treatment to a proper depth. This specialist can also help to restore bone that has occurred in the mandible (lower jaw) or maxilla (upper jaw), which may also require a sinus lift.

In our Asheville periodontal dental office, we offer implant diagnosis (using the benefits of advanced technology) for placement with the pre surgical advantages of achieving optimal oral health. Here, we feature some of the most advanced imaging and computerized technology available in the industry. Those specific to dental implant diagnosis and placement include:

LANAP Protocol Using PerioLase MVP-7: Efficiently and effectively treats periodontitis (advanced gum disease) with laser technology. It causes very little discomfort and has a quick recovery time. This has also been found to stimulate bone regrowth in damaged areas.

Dental Radiology With 3-D Cone Beam Technology: This imaging is ideal for diagnosis and treatment planning. The imaging covers the entire dentition area with clear views of the mandible and maxilla (upper and lower jaw).

Simplant Dental Software for Computerized Dental Implant Placement: This system helps in pre-surgical positioning of dental implants on the computer, using a 3D model of the patient’s jaw. This aids in the selection of the implant type that ensures a precision fit.

These technologies help to optimize patient comfort and treatment success as well as minimize treatment, meaning that patients are never over-treated. Too, healing time is typically reduced, thanks to these specialized measures.

Additionally, we make patient comfort a high priority. We are known for making patient comfort a high priority in all procedures. In addition to many measures of creating a comfortable visit, we offer Oral and IV sedation (“twilight sleep”). Both are safely administered by highly qualified medical professionals who use advanced safety monitoring equipment.

Dental implants are the next best thing to natural teeth. They feel like “real” teeth, look beautiful, and restore a confident, comfortable ability to bite and chew. If you have thought about replacing missing teeth or are frustrated with a denture or partial, call 828-274-9440 to arrange an appointment.

When it comes to your smile, be an informed consumer and avoid hype or misguidance. In one visit, I feel we can help you understand how the selection of a periodontist can be your first step in a successful outcome and a smile you’ll love to share!




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