Dental Implants Make A Lasting Gift!

Posted on Nov 06, 2014 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

My family is already talking about our holiday ‘wish list.’ It has reminded me of how many patients I see who struggle daily to bite and chew comfortably because of a denture. What a gift it is to have a confident smile and to be able to eat without discomfort and laugh without worry.

Some individuals who would like Dental Implants but continue to endure a ‘wobbly’ denture do so because of mis-information or outdated opinions. Some have been told they don’t have enough remaining jaw bone to support the implanted posts. Some assume they’ll need an implant for each missing tooth and cannot afford the total amount. Some have even been told horror stories about implant failures.

Today’s implant dentistry offers many affordable and successful options. Some types overcome bone loss issues while others stabilize a denture with only 6 or 8 strategically-placed implants. Payment plans are available that break the fees into monthly payments that fit most budgets.

Additionally, the success rate of dental implants is higher than any implant-in-bone type. Although heavy smokers do have a higher risk of implant failure, the majority of patients who are compliant with post-surgical instructions have very few, if any, problems.

Before you assume that Dental Implants are out of reach (for yourself or someone you love), schedule a Consultation. During this time, I’ll explain all options and answer your questions thoroughly.

I can’t remember one implant patient who has not felt Dental Implants were the best thing they ever did. As you compile your ‘wish list’ this holiday, put a confident smile at the very top! Call (828) 274-9440 for more information.

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