How Dental Implants Can Prevent A ‘Melting Face.’

Posted on Apr 02, 2018 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

The aging process isn’t necessarily kind to our appearance. Hair color and texture changes. Age spots creep up. Hair grows where it didn’t used to or thins out in unwanted spots. The skin wrinkles and sags.

While aging gracefully is something we should strive for, it doesn’t mean we’re necessarily thrilled with these changes. Eating a healthy diet and staying active is certainly a good way to stay in shape and retain a more youthful ‘zest’ for life.

While that can help to keep some of the years at bay, some changes caused by the aging process can be avoided, such as wearing sunscreen to avoid age spots. Others can be avoided or halted, including a ‘melting face.’  What is a melting face?

This describes changes to facial appearance when the bone structures that give our face its shape start to shrink. This is caused by the absence of tooth roots from the jaw bone. The stimulation normally provided to the jaw bone from tooth roots no longer exists when natural teeth are removed. This causes the bone to shrink, or ‘resorb.’

Healthy Jaw Bone Vs Bone Loss From Missing Teeth

As the bone mass declines in height and thins out, changes in facial appearance slowly evolve. For example, as the jaw bone thins, deep wrinkles form around the mouth. Eventually, the corners of the mouth will turn down even in a smile. Jowls form on each side of the face as facial muscles detach from the shrinking bone structure.

As the jaw bone continues to shrink, the chin becomes more pointed and the nose seems to get closer to it. This leads to a collapsed mouth that is known as a ‘granny look.’ This look ages the appearance of an individual far beyond their actual years.

Among the many benefits of dental implants, they also provide stimulation to the jaw bone. This helps to halt the process of bone loss. For those who have already lost a great deal of bone loss, bone rebuilding procedures can be performed to restore a healthy, more youthful face shape.

As a periodontist, my dental specialty includes the diagnosis and placement of dental implants. Dental implants are the closest thing to natural teeth, in many ways.

Dental implants restore the ability to bite and chew comfortably and without worry. Because implants are placed in the jaw bone, this provides the same dependable foundation as you once enjoyed with natural teeth.

Unlike a denture, partial or crown-&-bridge combination, dental implants recreate the stimulation to the jaw bone it needs in order to maintain a healthy mass. People are often surprised to learn that the pressure from wearing a denture or partial actually contributes to the rate of bone loss. For those who sleep in their denture, the accelerates the pace even further.

Some things about the aging process are pretty hard to prevent. Others are totally preventable. With the help of dental implants, the shape of your face and the strength of your jaw bone can be preserved even after tooth loss.

Call 828-274-9440 to schedule a consultation to discuss the dental implant system that is best for your needs as well as the process.


Is Your Face Melting?

Posted on Feb 27, 2018 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

In dentistry, the term used for bone loss is resorption. This describes the melting away of bone structures that support teeth, caused by the loss of natural tooth roots.

The relationship that tooth roots have with the bone structures that support them is not something most people think about. We tend to focus on the teeth we see in a smile. Yet, loss of bone mass of the upper or lower jaws can create a number of problems – some related to oral health and some related to facial appearance.

To begin, understand that tooth roots provide nourishment and stimulation to the jaw bones. This helps the jaws to maintain a healthy depth. When tooth roots are removed, the bones slowly begin to shrink. This bone loss begins almost immediately, yet most don’t notice it until it reaches problematic levels.

Because we humans are visual creatures, I’ll begin by explaining the ‘look’ of bone loss, which results from changes in facial structures. Initially, you may only notice more wrinkles around the mouth. Later, you may realize that the corners of your mouth are turning downward, even in a smile.

The extreme visual change of bone resorption is referred to as a ‘granny look.’ This is when the shrinking jaw bones have caused the chin to become pointed and the mouth appears collapsed into the face. The nose gets closer to the chin and jowls form from the detachment of facial muscles. None of this is a good look.

Yet, what’s taking place beneath the gum tissues should be cause for even more concern.

For those who wear a denture or partial, losing jaw bone mass will cause a change in the way the denture or partial fits. For example, your denture may fit fine the first year after your teeth are removed and a denture is fitted. However, you’ll eventually notice slips when biting or chewing.

As bone loss continues, you’ll likely experience uncomfortable rubbing on tender gum tissues while eating. You may start to bypass foods that require rigorous chewing, such as a crusty bagel or thick pork chop. You may also worry about embarrassing slips when dining with friends or family.

When frequent applications of denture pastes or adhesives are of little help, a reline may be recommended by your dentist. Of course, this simply readjusts your denture or partial to fit the current contours of your gum ridge (the raised arch that your denture sits on). Eventually, continued bone loss will require yet another reline as the ridge flattens further.

Denture wearers are typically unaware that the pressure on the gums from wearing a denture actually speeds up the rate of resorption. This means that the problem will only continue, unless stimulation to the jaw bones is recreated.

One of the reasons we recommend dental implants is because of their ability to halt bone loss. Dental implants act as replacement tooth roots, thus restoring stimulation to the jaw bones. Additionally, dental implants use the same, sturdy foundation as natural teeth once had. This means you can bite and chew the foods you love without worrying about embarrassment or uncomfortable movement.

A Periodontist is a dental specialist who has advanced training in the treatment of gum diseases as well as in the diagnosis and placement of dental implants. He or she is specially trained to determine the best implant system for your needs. And, a periodontal specialist can enhance your outcome through proper placement.

If you are missing natural teeth or have become frustrated with a denture or partial, call 828-274-9440. You can begin with a consultation to discuss the type and number of implants most appropriate for your needs. We can also explain the procedural process, comfort options, and review easy payment options.

Your smile goes much deeper than what you see in the mirror. Make sure its structure is solid. Dental implants, which are designed to last your lifetime, can help you enjoy a confident, worry-free smile through your life.



Senior Years Add To Challenges Of Enjoying A Healthy Smile

Posted on Feb 06, 2018 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

Every age has its challenges. As a teen, I longed to have more freedom. As a twenty-something, I wanted to feel more established and confident in my career. In my thirties and forties, I craved more downtime as I juggled a jam-packed schedule with a home, children, a periodontal practice, and friends.

With each decade, I think we find ourselves with similar challenges. Now, like others who have entered their ‘mature’ years, health challenges seem to be more prominent in my life.

Although senior age may have its challenges, from an oral health standpoint, today’s senior is in a far better position than that experienced by our grandparents.

Most of us can recall seeing our grandparents’ dentures soaking in a glass by the bathroom sink each night. Today’s senior knows that keeping their natural teeth all their life is very possible (and highly beneficial to their overall health).

I’d like to address some of the challenges that the senior smile faces today and how they can decrease the risk for developing problems or losing teeth.

• Dry Mouth: The aging process leaves us less, well… supple. It causes our skin to sag, leads to more susceptibility for skin problems, and produces less moisture in our mouths. As saliva production declines, there is less of a rinsing agent to move bacteria and food particles from the mouth. This increases the risk for oral bacteria accumulation. It is no wonder that seniors have a higher incidence of gum disease – over 70 percent for those over the age of 65 (compared to 47.2 percent for ages 30 and over). (

• Poor Manual Dexterity: The aging process may cause some people to have achy joints or dexterity difficulties. When it becomes difficult to brush and floss thoroughly, the potential for bacteria accumulation in the mouth increases. As oral bacteria amass, the overload can lead to decay and gum disease.

• Tooth Loss: Many people lose one or several teeth before reaching their senior years. This may be due to accidents, health problems or gum disease (the number one cause for adult tooth loss). However, it is important to know that losing a natural tooth sets off a domino effect. Statistics show the tooth most likely to be lost next is a tooth adjacent to the missing area.

• Financial Limitations: Some of us joke about elders rushing to ‘early bird specials’ or sneaking sugar packets into purses, but the truth is, people who are retired must live on tighter budgets. When health coverages are no longer available through one’s employer, managing increased expenses for doctors’ visits, medications and unexpected problems can mean sacrifices in other areas. For some people, they forgo their 6-month dental checkups, assuming that “if nothing hurts, then nothing is wrong.” However, the lack of preventive measures when it comes to oral health can catch up to a senior in other, rather expensive ways.

• Accessibility To Care: For those of us who drive, getting to a dental office for a cleaning or to treat a problem is far simpler than those who no longer drive. When a senior has to recruit a friend or family member to accomplish these needs, the frequency in dental care can take a back seat.

• Diet: Cooking for one or two can mean a rather altered blend of nutritious foods. It may seem so much easier and even more economical to open a can rather than put a pot on to boil. Fresh foods also require more frequent visits to the grocery store. For those who rely on others for transportation, this may lead to greater consumption of processed foods laden in sugar or starchy fillers. This increases the bacteria level in the mouth.

So, how does a senior avoid tooth decay, tooth loss and gum disease? Here are some recommendations:

– Nothing is as effective or as economical as prevention. Be committed to twice-a-day brushing and daily flossing. Brush for at least two minutes each time and finish up by brushing the tongue, where millions of oral bacteria hide. If brushing is difficult, use an electronic toothbrush or wrap the foam from a hair roller around the handle for a better grip. If flossing is awkward, use a water flosser. These are just as effective as flossing and easy to use.

 – Although money may be tighter on a retired budget, look at your 6-month dental checkups for the savings they provide. These visits remove plaque and tartar buildup that can lead to cavities and gum disease. Liken these visits to having your vehicle’s oil changed. You don’t have to do it, but it will eventually cost you big-time if you don’t.

 – Be conscious of what you eat and how often you eat. Try to steer clear of sweets and carbs, opting for fresh fruits and veggies. Limit snacking or sipping colas over an extended period of time. Remember — every time you eat or drink (other than water), an acid attack begins in your mouth. If you like a sweet treat during the day, have it for dessert after a meal when an acid attack is already underway. This will keep a new one from bombarding your precious tooth enamel with this harsh acid.

 – Keep your mouth moist. Drink pure, filtered water throughout the day. This will keep your mouth fresher and hydrates the entire body at the same time. Try to limit things that are drying to the mouth. This includes caffeinated beverages (coffee, tea, hot chocolate) and spicy foods. If you take medications that are drying to the mouth, consider using an over-the-counter oral rinse designed to replenish oral moisture. If you smoke, you have special challenges with drying. Be very conscious of the moistness level in your mouth.

 – If you are missing teeth, it is important to replace them with an option that is comfortable, secure and stable. I’ve had patients who avoided dining with friends for years because of unstable dentures. I’ve also had patients who developed health problems because their diet consisted of soft foods that dissolved easily in the mouth. Dental implants restore the ability to eat a healthy diet comfortably and laugh with friends without worry. The investment of implants will last your lifetime and bring you everyday pleasure. I’ve never had a dental implant patient who didn’t say, “It’s the best investment I’ve ever made.” That’s well-worth looking into.

Be a senior who smiles and enjoys the confidence and pleasures of growing older! Call 828-274-9440 to schedule a consultation. During this time, we’ll discuss your individual needs and the options that may be best for you. And, if financial challenges exist, we’ll have our Financial Coordinator discuss easy payment options.


Are Dental Implants Worth The Cost?

Posted on Jan 29, 2018 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

As a periodontal specialist, I have advanced training in treating all stages of periodontal (gum) disease as well as in the diagnosis and placement of dental implants.

Over the years, I’ve seen exceptional developments in both areas. As research reveals more about the importance of having good oral health and the ability to bite and chew comfortably and securely, the adult population is taking note.

In some of my prior articles, I’ve addressed the correlation between the bacteria of gum disease and systemic inflammation. I’ve also mentioned the problems – both physiological and psychological – related to missing teeth, and primarily with wearing dentures and partials.

Losing teeth means their tooth roots are no longer held by the jaw bone. Without their presence, the jaw bone lacks the stimulation and nourishment needed to maintain a healthy mass. This leads to bone resorption. Simply put, this term describes a ‘melting away’ process of the bone where tooth roots no longer exist.

Not only do dental implants restore a sturdy, dependable foundation for replacement teeth, they recreate the presence of tooth roots. This halts the process of resorption and helps the jaw bone to retain it’s mass.

Why is the size of the jaw bone important?

When the jaw bone shrinks, the ability to bite and chew comfortably is compromised. The bone is also more susceptible to breaks and fractures. Another problem occurs with changes in facial appearance that are aging far beyond one’s actual years.

For example, as the jaw bone shrinks, facial muscles detach and jowls form. Deep wrinkling occurs around the mouth and the corners of the mouth turn downward, even in a smile. The chin becomes more pointed and moves closer to the nose. The mouth appears ‘sunken in,’ creating a ‘granny look.’

With all the positive aspects of dental implants, what keeps some adults from this ideal tooth replacement option?

In most cases, we find the only deterrent is the cost of implant treatment. Since treatment fees are all ‘up front,’ some people feel the expense is more than they can manage. Yet, there are payment plans that can help break implant fees into affordable monthly payments. Too, I like to remind patients about the life of a dental implant.

When properly selected, placed and maintained, dental implants should last your lifetime. Additionally, you’ll be able to bite and chew the foods you love without worrying about uncomfortable rubbing or embarrassing slips. You’ll also enjoy everyday pleasures, such as speaking, laughing and being close with others.

The American Academy of Implant Dentistry (AAID) also addresses the importance of dental implants from an oral health standpoint (

“Dental implants may also offer better oral health-related quality of life compared with other tooth replacement options. This is related to the bonding of the implant with your jawbone – it can be more important than you might realize. Yes, it reduces the slipping associated with dentures, but just as importantly, it stimulates healthy bone formation. In contrast, dentures and other non-implant options can lead to bone loss over time as the body senses that the tooth is missing. In addition, while dentures may allow food to wedge in between the gums and the denture itself, dental implants behave like natural teeth.”

Rather than assume dental implants are out of reach monetarily, arrange a consultation appointment to discuss the fees as they would apply to YOUR INDIVIDUAL NEEDS. There are many different types of implants and the one best suited for you may come at less cost than you realize.

I also find that people have misconceptions when it comes to implants. For instance, some assume that an implant is needed for each missing tooth. In fact, one implant can hold a bridge of several teeth and several strategically-placed implants can secure a full arch of teeth.

Let’s discuss your needs and goals according to a process that will enable you to enjoy the advantages of dental implants within a realistic budget. Call 828-274-9440 to schedule a private consultation.

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