An Apple A Day For Dental Health, Too!

Posted on Oct 02, 2014 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

We’ve all heard that “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Apples are loaded with antioxidants and are a good source of fiber, making them a good snack or dessert for your overall health, including your smile.

Munching a crisp, fresh apple requires chewing action that activates an increase in saliva. In addition to having more saliva to help cleanse your mouth, the texture of the apple gives teeth a mini-cleaning and the gums healthy stimulation for increased blood flow.

Just be sure to purchase organic apples only. An average commercially-grown apple has more pesticide residue than all other fruits and vegetables. According to USDA data, pesticides have been found in 98% of even washed apples and can contain up to 48 types of pesticides. This is definitely one food worth the added expense of buying organic!

If you’ve had to give up foods like apples because of undependable dentures, ask for a Consultation appointment to discuss Dental Implants. Implants can secure a denture, enabling you to eat all the foods you love again – including apples! Call (828) 274-9440.

Never Too Old For The Benefits Of Dental Implants!

Posted on Sep 17, 2014 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

It’s not unusual for our office to place Dental Implants in patients who are in the 80’s or 90’s. Older adults have a similar success rate with implants compared with younger people, which is very high. As long as a patient’s gum tissue is at a healthy level prior to placement, they’re never too old to enjoy the benefits of Dental Implants.

Regardless of one’s age, Dental Implants continually achieve their designed goals of recreating the presence of tooth roots and restoring one’s ability to bite, chew, eat, laugh, and speak confidently and comfortably. And, unlike crown-&-bridge combinations, Implants do not compromise the health of adjacent teeth. As a matter of fact, their ability to preserve a healthy jaw bone structure and support proper alignment of neighboring teeth enhances the life of surrounding natural teeth.

If you are an adult age 65 and older, you are in a rapidly growing age group in the United States. In 1900, only 4% of the population were age 65 and older. In 1990, this had jumped to 12.6%. By 2030, the projected numbers of Americans aged 65 and older is expected to be nearly 22% of the population.

Older adults are also going to the dentist more than at any time in history. In 1983, the average number of yearly dental visits per older adult was 1.5, the lowest for any reported age group. However, the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) reported that between 1983 – 1989, there was a 30% increase by those aged 65 and older who were seeing the dentist on a regular basis. This likely has much to do with the drop in total edentulism (having no natural teeth) for aging adults. According to the National Institute for Dental Research, there was a decrease of elderly adults who are missing all their natural teeth from 60% in 1957 to about 41% in 1986.

A Periodontist is the ideal member of your implant team. Periodontal Specialists have special knowledge, training and facilities for Dental Implant placement. A Periodontal Specialist is also adept in working with general dentists for an ideal overall result in function and appearance.

For more information on Dental Implants or to discuss your concerns, ask for a Consultation appointment by calling (828) 274-9440.

Implants Can Support Dentures For Chewing Stability & Comfort

Posted on Aug 22, 2014 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

Denture wearers often endure embarrassing slips, difficulty chewing and sore gums. While dentures do “replace” the appearance of teeth, their ability to restore stable chewing and security when speaking or laughing is inadequate for many.

Because Dental Implants can be more costly than wearing a denture, denture wearers often feel they cannot afford them. However, in many cases, we are able to attach a full denture to several strategically-placed Dental Implants. Since implant fees are based on the number of implants placed, this typically provides a significant savings. Plus, depending on the condition of the patient’s existing denture, we can occasionally use it, providing a further savings.

When dentures are supported by Dental Implants, biting and chewing stability is restored. This is because implants are anchored in the jaw bone, providing the same foundation as your natural teeth once had. They eliminate embarrassing slips or having to forgo the foods you love.

Another benefit of Dental Implants is their ability to halt bone resorption. Once natural tooth roots are no longer present in the jaw bone, the bone begins to shrink, or ‘resorb.’ The pressure of dentures on the boney ridge beneath the gums adds to this resorption. For those who sleep in their denture, this rate of bone resorption occurs on a 24/7 basis. Dental Implants help to halt bone resorption while restoring a natural look, feel and function.

To discuss implant-supported dentures, call (828) 274-9440 for a Consultation appointment. We hope to have you eating crisp apples and chewing thick steak again soon!

Mini Dental Implants Vs. Traditional Dental Implants

Posted on Jul 28, 2014 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

Occasionally, I am asked my opinion on mini dental implants. Mini implants have a certain appeal to patients because the cost is nearly half of that required for traditional implants. However, like anything cheaper, these mini versions of traditional implants have their drawbacks.

Despite claims of mini implants being the same as traditional implants when it comes to strength, their placement in minimal bone leaves a compromised ability to withstand the normal forces of biting and chewing. Although, in cases where the anticipated load on the tooth will be less, such as canine (or ‘eye’) teeth, mini implants may be a consideration.

Because they are smaller and require a single placement procedure, mini dental implants are less costly than traditional implants. With traditional implants, placement is at a greater depth in the jawbone. There is also a waiting period before your final replacement teeth are attached. During this time, you are able to comfortably wear a denture, partial or temporary. This waiting period allows your bone to grow around the traditional implant, which securely anchors it in place and may take three to six months.

A traditional implant is a hollow titanium cylinder to which a post that supports replacement teeth is attached. Mini implants are shorter, solid posts placed in the jaw bone at less depth. Mini implants have no internal post and extend directly from the bone to the replacement teeth.

Being only two-thirds the size of a traditional implant, placement for mini implants can be done in one appointment with the immediate attachment of teeth. Combined with the cost savings factor, this naturally seems an appealing alternative to traditional implants.

However, traditional dental implants have withstood the test of time and have one of the most successful track records of all in-bone implants. Solidly anchored into the jawbone, just as natural tooth roots, they restore a dependable strength and stability so you can enjoy all the foods you love.

Mini dental implants are still a new concept with far less data to reasonably determine their success rate. When it comes to dental specialists who have years of experience with all types of dental implants, many are apprehensive about placing them because of an unknown potential for success. In spite of their appeal to patients as a less-costly option, seasoned periodontists know their risk for problems is at a greater level.

Every dentist wants you to enjoy a successful outcome when it comes to dental implants. Because of the failure potential, recommending mini implants in lieu of traditional implants is not something I do. Since every mouth is different, I can only make recommendations that I see as being the best for optimal outcomes. It is the patient who must ultimately decide on the option best for their long-term goals and investment.

Before making a final decision, I am happy to meet with you during a consultation. Here, we can discuss all your options and the advantages and challenges of each. Call (828) 274-9440 to arrange a time.

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