Your Comfort Is Always A Priority

Posted on Sep 20, 2016 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

As a Periodontist, it’s not unusual to see a new patient who has developed gum disease because he or she was too afraid to go to a dentist for regular care. What’s truly sad about this is that, by the time they arrive at my office, far more extensive work is needed than that required for routine 6-month checkups and cleanings.

Our office is a judgement-free zone. This means that we do not lecture patients nor judge them for the state of their oral health. We understand that many people do the best they can at having a healthy mouth and circumstances aren’t always in their favor.

We also know that many people avoid dental care because of a deep rooted fear associated with dental visits. Much of this stems from a traumatic experience in the past, often with a dentist who was rough, too rushed or uncaring. This is a shame, especially since it can be the catalyst of otherwise healthy adults who end up suffering with oral decay, gum disease and tooth loss.

As a periodontal specialist, I try to help patients to understand that it’s not just their smiles that suffer when oral bacteria run rampant. Periodontal (gum) disease is an inflammatory disease. This potent bacteria can enter the bloodstream through tears in weakened gum tissues, triggering inflammatory reactions elsewhere in the body.

The bacteria of gum disease has been associated with heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, memory loss, arthritis, diabetes, preterm babies, some cancers and impotency. As research continues, new correlations are revealed at an alarming pace.

Regardless of a patient’s fear level – or even patients with no dental fears – we make comfort a priority at every visit. In addition to standard relaxation and numbing measures, we offer oral and I.V. sedation.

Oral sedation is a pill form of sedation. It is taken prior to the patient arriving at our office. By the time the patient is seated in the treatment chair, they are typically in a fully relaxed state.

I.V. sedation, also known as ‘twilight sleep,’ is an in-the-vein sedation. This puts patients in a deeper, sleep state.

While both oral and I.V. sedation erase most (if not all) memory of the procedure afterward, oral sedation has a quicker recovery period. However, I.V. sedation puts the patient ‘under’ to a greater degree. With both, you are monitored by advanced equipment and trained staff members to ensure your safety and comfort.

Our goal is to make every visit for every patient one that is a pleasant experience. And our track record is very high in this regard. We like that our patients know that we want them to feel comfortable throughout each procedure.

If you have avoided dental care (or know someone who has) and wish to discuss concerns about comfort, please call 828-274-9440. You’ll find we have a friendly, caring staff and an office that’s structured to make your visit pleasant.

Diabetes Related To Your Oral Health?

Posted on Jul 19, 2016 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared diabetes to be at a pandemic level with a prevalence that has risen dramatically over recent decades. And, the number of those affected by diabetes is expected to triple in the next decade.

Diabetes is a leading cause of death due to the vascular complications it causes. The most common types of diabetes are type 1, which requires insulin control, and type 2, which is non-insulin dependent.

Diabetes is a metabolic disease that results from insufficient insulin secretion or being resistant to insulin. This occurs when the body is unable to properly process carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

Regardless of the advancements in treating diabetes, the U.S. National Library of Medicine & National Institutes of Health reports that it is “a growing public health concern and a common chronic metabolic disease worldwide.”

Diabetes affects all age groups but is most common in adults. According to the American Diabetes Association, the largest segment of those who suffer with diabetics have Type 2 diabetes, which usually begins after age 45.

Initial warning signs of Type 2 diabetes are bad breath and bleeding gums, which are also symptoms of gum disease. Gum disease has been found to be more frequent and severe for patients who have poor control of their diabetes. It has been shown that diabetics can help to prevent periodontal disease by properly controlling glucose levels. This is also helpful in the successful treatment of periodontal disease.

To those in the medical and scientific fields, the initial emergence of diabetes in the form of oral problems makes perfect sense. For decades, various inflammatory diseases and periodontal (gum) disease have shown connections. Not only is gum disease the sixth greatest complication of diabetes, research has shown that one triggers the other.

Periodontal disease is an inflammatory condition that can create inflammatory reactions elsewhere in the body. Because of this relationship, diabetics are advised to have frequent dental exams (every 3-4 months) to avoid the inflammatory reactions of gum disease, and vice versa.

Symptoms of periodontal disease include gum tenderness, bleeding gums when brushing, frequent bad breath, gum recession and gums that darken in color. When these signs are present, an individual should arrange to be promptly seen by a Periodontal specialist before gum disease worsens. For diabetics, the need for treatment has even greater urgency since they have a particular vulnerability to inflammatory reactions in the body.

After a periodontal examination, we will discuss treatment recommendations if gum disease does exist. Call 828-274-9440 to arrange an appointment. And remember, gum disease only worsens without treatment, resulting in greater treatment time and expense with delays. It is also the nation’s leading cause of adult tooth loss.

Want To A Healthy Body? Begin With A Healthy Mouth.

Posted on Jun 15, 2016 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

I love being in this profession. Being a Periodontist, I’ve witnessed a number of advancements in dental technology, techniques and materials. I have also followed scientific research that has made enormous strides in connecting oral health with our overall health.

Time and again, studies keep showing how closely related the health of your gums is to the prevention and reduced risk for some serious health problems. Research has found links between the oral bacteria of periodontal (gum) disease to heart disease, stroke, memory loss, high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, some cancers, impotency, preterm babies and more.

The culprit is apparently in the ability of oral bacteria to trigger inflammation elsewhere in the body. When gum disease has weakened the tissues in the mouth, the bacteria is able to enter the bloodstream. As it travels through the body, it can set a series of negative reactions into motion.

Knowing this potential, it’s no surprise that a growing number of surgeons are now advising patients to have their gums checked prior to surgery. Additionally, Ob-Gyns have started recommending pregnant patients to be especially diligent in having and keeping their gum health in good shape.

Some recent research findings has shown a predisposition to the deadly pancreatic cancer. Over several years, researchers at the National Cancer Institute and the American Cancer Society collected oral samples as part of a cancer prevention and screening study. They noted elevated levels of two oral bacteria in pancreatic cancer patients. One oral bacteria was found to create a 59% higher risk of developing pancreatic cancer with another creating a 50% greater likelihood of developing this deadly disease.

The mouth can also reveal indications of some diseases, even before it is diagnosed. For example, Celiac Disease (an autoimmune disease that causes damage the small intestine) can create defects in tooth enamel. These may appear as yellow, white or brown spots on teeth or cause pits or band-like grooves to form.

Knowing this, it simply makes good sense to take VERY good care of your oral health. Yet, only half of American adults brush twice a day and nearly 80% don’t floss. These actions take just minutes a day and can make an enormous difference in your oral health, and apparently, your overall health as well.

Reconsider your oral health commitment, knowing that you’re doing a favor to your smile AND your body! And, be watchful for signs of gum disease, which include tender gums that bleed when brushing, swollen areas, gum recession or gums that darken from a healthy pink color to red.

Call (828) 274-9440 if you suspect you may have gum disease or have not seen a dentist on a regular basis.

Healthy Body Begins With A Healthy Mouth

Posted on May 23, 2016 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

As a dental specialist, I diagnose and treat a number of problems in the mouth. A Periodontist has advanced training in treating all levels of gum disease and other problems associated with gum tissues. We are also the experts in dental implant placement and recontouring gum tissues (such as repairing gummy smiles or gum recession).

In my specialty, I see the origins that can destroy a smile as well as complicate one’s quality of life. What happens in the mouth can create a downward spiral for the entire body. For example, periodontal (gum) disease can lead to tooth loss. Tooth loss can lead to eating a less healthy diet. Consuming a poor diet can lead to a decline in overall health and more gastrointestinal problems. And so on.

While tooth loss can be overcome with Dental Implants, the cycle of destruction that is possible from an overload of oral bacteria is a far deeper problem. As damaging as oral bacteria can be in the oral cavity (the mouth), the bacteria of gum disease can become bloodborne and cause severe reactions elsewhere in the body.

Here is how the problem begins: First, gum disease bacteria eats away at gum tissues in the mouth. This weakens the tissues, which are easily torn and bleed. Oral bacteria are then able to enter the bloodstream by penetrating these tears.

As the infectious bacteria travel through the body via bloodflow, they can trigger inflammatory reactions elsewhere in the body. This inflammation has shown correlation to some serious health problems, including heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, arthritis, diabetes, pre-term babies, impotency (ED) and more.

Although the destruction of oral bacteria can be severe, and even deadly, it is also rather easy to prevent. The bacteria of gum disease occurs when there is an accumulation of oral bacteria in the mouth, typically as a result of poor oral hygiene at home. The age-old urging from the family dentist to brush twice daily, floss each day, and limit snacking on sugary treats stands true today.

When bacteria in the mouth are not removed thoroughly each day, they band together to form a sticky film, known as plaque. As this film remains, it takes just days to harden into a cement-like substance that attaches to teeth. This is calculus (or tartar), which is actually a massive colony of oral bacteria that is so destructive it can eat into tooth enamel.

Mayo Clinic image showing perio disease

Mayo Clinic image showing perio disease

As the oral bacteria reproduce and thrive, they subsist on gum tissues as sustenance. Gums become weak and bleed easily when brushing. Gums become tender and darken in color. Persistent bad breath sets in and pus pockets form at the base of some teeth. If not treated, gum disease will eventually lead to teeth loosening, requiring removal.

How many times in our lives have we wanted to turn back the hands of time and take proactive measures to prevent costly and time-consuming problems? It makes perfect sense to us that a car needs regular maintenance, sufficient oil levels and proper tire tread. Yet, having 6-month check-ups and cleanings seem less necessary since “nothing hurts.”

The mouth has been described as the window to the body. As research continues to find links between gum disease bacteria and serious health problems, this is becoming a more profound statement. It can also be said that the mouth is the moat to the castle. It can either serve to protect the structure (your body) or pollute it.

Just as you are committed to maintaining good overall health, remember that your oral health is a key component in that goal. Take the proper steps to avoid the pitfalls of gum disease, for your smile and your whole-health. If you are experiencing signs of gum disease, call 828-274-9440 for an exam. Gum disease will only worsen without treatment.

The Mayo Clinic has excellent explanations of periodontal disease. Visit the site at:

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