Statistics On Adults & Oral Care

Posted on Mar 30, 2014 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

Recent statistics on Americans who floss on a daily basis are just slightly more than 50%. With only half of Americans flossing daily, it nearly parallels the averaged percentage of men and women who brush their teeth twice a day. Only 57% of women brush twice daily with only 49% of men brushing twice daily.

Tooth brushing should last for two minutes and done twice each day. Daily flossing takes around a minute once you are in the habit and comfortable with the technique. These measures help you to avoid cavities and the development of gingivitis.

Gingivitis is the first stage of periodontal (gum) disease. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) shows that nearly 53% of American adults over the age of 20 have gingivitis.

Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums. This begins when bacteria multiply and create a sticky film on oral surfaces, which hardens into plaque if not removed on a daily basis. Signs of gingivitis include gums that bleed easily, become tender and redden in color. If allowed to progress, gingivitis develops into periodontal disease, which is the nation’s leading cause of tooth loss.

Sadly, 24% of adult males in America between the ages of 65 – 74 have had all their natural teeth extracted with females at 27%. These are sad statistics in a country where dental care is plentiful. Yet, as statistics show, it’s not a priority for far too many. If you suspect any form of periodontal disease, call (828) 274-9440. We’ll help you avoid the pitfalls of gum disease.

Oral Bacteria Are Like Termites

Posted on Mar 24, 2014 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

It is unlawful to sell a home that has termites; that’s how destructive these little bugs are to the structure of a home. When a homeowner learns they have termites, immediate measures are taken to combat these demons and repair the damage they’ve caused thus far.

Oral bacteria, which are living ‘bugs,’ are no less destructive than termites. They multiply quickly and spend their lives eating away at the structure of your mouth. Oral bacteria begin by eating away at gum tissue and tooth surfaces. As they continue to multiply, they destroy bone structure below the gum line as well.

When oral bacteria enters the blood stream through tears in diseased gum tissues, they can trigger an inflammatory reaction elsewhere in the body. Oral bacteria have been linked to heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, preterm babies, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease and even impotency.

Unlike the home in which you reside, your body is your forever home. When you think of oral bacteria as they truly are – like termites in the mouth – your oral health will have a more prominent part in your overall health commitment.

If you have signs of gum disease, oral bacteria is already causing damage. Symptoms include gums that bleed when you brush, persistent bad breath, sore and tender gums or receded gums. Delaying treatment only allows these oral ‘bugs’ to multiply further and continue their damage.

Call us at (828) 274-9440 for a consultation, or better yet, schedule an examination so we can determine your specific level of gum disease and treatment needed.

Men Over 35 Have More Health Risks

Posted on Mar 17, 2014 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

An article in the Journal of Periodontology lists nine risk factors for tooth loss due to periodontal (gum) disease, which is the nation’s leading cause of tooth loos.

Risk factors include:
Being over the age of 35
Being a male
Never getting professional dental care
Never using a toothbrush
Having diabetes
Having high blood pressure
Having rheumatoid arthritis

Although age and gender are unchangeable, decisions to not brush your teeth or to smoke, for example, are something you can control.

Why should you worry about gum disease? In addition to causing tooth loss, oral bacteria can enter then bloodstream through tears in diseased tissues in the mouth. Once bloodborne, this bacteria can trigger an inflammatory reaction elsewhere in the body.

The bacteria of gum disease has been linked to heart disease, stroke, memory loss, preterm babies, arthritis, diabetes, and even impotency.

If you aren’t concerned about losing teeth, then these additional health risks should get your attention. Treating gum disease before it becomes severe can be done comfortably and affordably. Payment options are available for those without dental insurance.

Gum disease will only worsen without treatment. Call (828) 274-9440 if you have tender, sore gums that are red in color rather than a healthy pink. You need to be seen promptly.

Diabetes & Your Oral Health

Posted on Feb 28, 2014 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

Although many adults feel that brushing their teeth twice a day is sufficient for maintaining a healthy mouth, these measures fall short of preventing cavities and gum disease. It is estimated that only 12% of the adult population in the U. S. floss their teeth daily. Additionally, many adults fail to keep their 6-month dental hygiene appointments, using a rationale of “if it doesn’t hurt, nothing is wrong.”

In a developed country such as the United States, it’s amazing that so many people have some level of periodontal (gum) disease, nearly half of all adults over the age of 30. The bacteria of gum disease not only contributes to cavities and tooth loss, it causes an inflammatory reaction in the body and has been linked to heart disease, stroke, memory loss, arthritis, preterm babies and impotency.

Now, research has shown a link between gum disease and diabetes. It’s yet to be determined where the connection begins. Further research is needed to pinpoint if one disease causes the other. However, considering that there are more than 25 million adults who are diabetic, the need for continued study is important.

On the positive side, it has been shown that once diabetics improve their periodontal health, they can also improve the complications of diabetes and even the control of blood sugar.

As studies continue on health problems related to gum disease and diabetes, remember that preventing the disease is easier and less expensive than treating it. If you have been less than diligent with your daily and flossing regimen or have delayed regular dental check-ups, a periodontal exam is warranted. Call (828) 274-9440 to arrange this first step to a healthier smile and healthier you, overall!

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