Energy Drinks Are Erosive To Tooth Enamel

Posted on Jul 12, 2024 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

In the U.S., over one-third of adults ages 18 to 29 admit to being regular consumers of energy drinks. For those in the 30 to 49 age group, that number jumps to nearly 42%.

While many adults like having an afternoon pick-me-up readily available through a beverage, there is growing concern regarding the potential of these drinks to erode tooth enamel.

To begin, most energy drinks are high in sugar as well as highly acidic. The acidity is a particular problem because acid is destructive to tooth enamel as soon as it makes contact. Its damage begins as soon as it reaches enamel and continues with each sip.

The American public is likely unaware of just how acidic these energy drinks are. To acknowledge the extent of acidity in these beverages, the pH levels typically range from 1.5 to 3.3, which is exceptionally acidic. These include common brands such as TNT Energy Drink®, Red Bull®, and Monster Energy®.

Comparatively, fairly neutral levels for foods or beverages range 6 to 8 pH. The closer to 0, the more acidic, meaning the 1.5 – 3.3 levels of energy drinks are cause for concern. Because the pH level of the mouth is directly affected by the foods and drinks we eat, oral pH levels directly effect the health of teeth and gum tissues.

“Normal” saliva pH is generally 6.2 – 7.6. When the pH levels in your mouth go below 5.5, the higher acidity starts to break down the protective enamel on teeth, leaving you at a higher risk of developing cavities.

As acidity of a liquid increases, the pH number rises. For example, water and milk have a pH of 7.0, very low acidity. Lemon juice has a pH of around 2.0. Battery acid has a pH of 0.0. With the numbers of energy drinks in the 1.5 to 3.3 range (Red Bull has a pH of 3.3 and Monster Energy has a pH of 2.7) erosion of tooth enamel is almost a given for regular consumers.

Because of the erosive effects to teeth from energy and sports drinks, a study was recently conducted to evaluate the true severity.

In the analysis, pH values, titratable acidity, and buffering capacity of energy beverages were measured. For the erosive test, specimens were immersed in the beverages for 30 minutes at room temperature with gentle shaking (to mimic consumption). Loss of surface hardness was calculated at various points of the time period.

The energy drinks had pH values ranging from 2.36 to 3.41 (with the lowest acidity for Monster Energy® and the highest for TNT Energy Drink®). All the energy drinks were shown to be erosive to tooth enamel with TNT Energy Drink® showing the worst behavior.

Journal of Clinical & Experimental Dentistry

It’s not unusual for some people to consume up to four energy drinks a day, which creates a flood of acid coating teeth several times in extended periods (since these drinks are typically consumed over a period of time rather than downed quickly). When you consider that these drinks can be as corrosive as battery acid, it’s easy to see how tooth enamel can be vulnerable.

Ninety-six percent of tooth enamel is mineral content. Tooth enamel is the outer protective coating of teeth. Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the body and has the most minerals in the body.

Signs that your tooth enamel is damaged and eroded are:
• Sensitive teeth
• Teeth turning yellow
• Transparent tips of teeth
• Teeth developing cracks or dents
• Cavities

Tooth enamel is irreplaceable. Once it’s gone, it’s gone forever. Protecting your teeth and gums requires more than just a couple of brushings per day. Good dental hygiene depends on several factors including what you eat/drink, genetic make-up, lifestyle, personal hygiene and susceptibility to dental problems in general. However, subjecting your teeth to frequent onslaughts of acid washes is going to eventually catch up to you in ways that are expensive and time-consuming to repair.

And, before rushing to the sink after downing an energy drink to ward off potential damage, hold off a bit or you may simply add to the damage. If you brush your teeth after consuming anything acidic (including citrus, colas, coffee, tea, tomatoes), the bristles of a tooth brush and abrasive substance of toothpaste against weakened enamel will merely add to the destruction.

Wait at least 20 minutes after eating and drinking so you don’t damage the enamel. This allows the acid levels to re-elevate. It is wiser to drink a glass of water to wash away food residue and acid remaining on teeth or in your mouth.

If you have not received regular dental care or have concerns that your oral health is at risk (perhaps due to the effects of what you eat, your overall health, or things like smoking, etc.), it is recommended that you have a thorough periodontal examination.

A periodontist is a dentist who has continued in education to specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of all areas of the tissues in the mouth. In addition to treating all phases of periodontal (gum) disease, we are uniquely qualified to reshape gum tissues. We also have advanced training in the diagnosis and placement of dental implants.

Although gum disease can begin without obvious signs or symptoms, the most common are:

• Red, swollen or tender gums
• Seeing blood in the sink when brushing
• Receded gums
• Loose or separating teeth
• Pus pockets on gum tissues
• Sores in the mouth
• Persistent bad breath

If you are experiencing symptoms of gum disease or have not received regular dental care, call 828-274-9440. We’ll arrange a periodontal exam in our comfortable Asheville periodontal office. Oral and I.V. sedation (“twilight sleep”) are available and safely administered.

If you have already experienced tooth loss, let’s discuss replacing missing teeth with dental implants. Designed to last a lifetime, dental implants are the ideal tooth replacement option and restore the natural look feel and function like that of natural teeth.

Our Western NC periodontal dental office offers some of the industry’s most advanced technology in dentistry including that to diagnose and select (and guide) ideal implant placement angles and depths.

You can also begin with a consultation appointment to get to know us and learn about our advanced technology, often saving our patients treatment time while enhancing comfort.

If financial constraints are a concern, ask about our easy payment plans. These can break treatment fees into monthly payments that are manageable to most budgets.



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