Don’t Let Hot Weather Drinks Dry You Out!

Posted on May 29, 2018 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

Summer is right around the corner! The coming months are typically those that move us to outdoor activities for “fun in the sun!”

Before you stock a cooler to tote along meant to quench your thirst, consider it’s contents — for your smile! While the intention with these drinks is to re-hydrate, many of these beverages can actually dry you out, including the oral tissues.

Let me explain the hazards behind having a dry mouth. First, think about how your mouth feels when you first wake up. Because the mouth is dry upon awakening, it causes a sticky buildup. This occurs when saliva flow is at minimum levels during sleep.

Without sufficient saliva flow, bacteria in the mouth are not being cleansed efficiently. Their accumulation leads to a sticky film that forms over teeth and gums. When we wake up, this is why our breath is less-than-fresh.

This film of bacteria is known as plaque. Bacteria are tiny organisms that eat, reproduce, and create waste. When the film they form becomes acidic, it can lead to the demineralization of teeth – a fancy term for cavities. Bacteria capable of eating into tooth enamel should be taken seriously!

Obviously, the goal is to keep oral bacteria levels to a minimum not only for fresh breath, but to avoid cavities and periodontal (gum) disease. When oral bacteria becomes too much for healthy gums tissues to handle, they become inflamed.

This inflammation destroys gum tissues, which become feeding and breeding grounds for oral bacteria. Once inflamed to a certain extent, the gums (the foundation of healthy teeth and the bones that support them) are destroyed.

As oral bacteria amass further, diseased gum tissues will release their firm grip around teeth, allowing these potent bacteria to attack structures below the gum line. They can also enter the bloodstream.

Research has shown that the oral bacteria of gum disease can create inflammatory triggers in the body. This inflammation has been linked to a number of serious health problems, including heart disease and stroke.

The goal is to keep oral bacteria levels manageable. This is why it’s so important to brush thoroughly twice daily, floss each day, and to keep the mouth moist. Through these simple steps, you greatly reduce your risk for cavities, gum disease, bad breath, and the penetration of oral bacteria into the bloodstream.

Saliva is your body’s natural oral cleanser. However, a number of things can deplete the amount of moisture in the mouth. Summer beverages tend to fool people since it is assumed that something cold and wet replenishes moisture. Beware the following:

• Colas – A cooler full of colas may seem like a good way to cool down, but most of these beverages pack a double whammy. The majority of colas are caffeinated AND contain sugar. Even those that are “sugar-free” and/or caffeine-free are bad for you. Why? Colas are highly acidic. This acid mixes with digestive acids that flow into the mouth each time you eat or drink. Sugar ramps up the acid content even more. When you combine a drink that has caffeine and sugar with these acids, you create a challenging ordeal for teeth and gums.
As if all that weren’t bad enough, think of the nature of how we drink colas. Most of us sip these drinks over a period of time. So, with each sip, oral acids are flowing into the mouth, wreaking havoc on teeth and gums. Because it takes 20-30 minutes for an acid attack to subside after the last bite or sip, drinking a cola over an extended period of time merely lengthens the period of overly-high acid levels.

• Alcohol – Ahhh… savoring a cold beer by the lake or a poolside daiquiri sounds refreshing, doesn’t it? Although these beverages are cooling to the mouth, alcohol is a drying agent to oral tissues. Even wine or alcoholic drinks with sugarless mixes (such as club soda or tonic) can trigger drying reactions in the mouth.

• Iced Coffees & Teas – Remember the problems created by the acid in colas? Iced coffee and iced tea are acidic as well. They are also caffeinated, which is drying to oral tissues. Add in sweeteners and you have a challenging concoction for the mouth.

• Ice-Cream – Everyone’s favorite summertime dessert, ice-cream, is laden with sugar and fat. Although ice-cream can be a source of calcium, the sugar content can easily deplete its benefits to teeth. Hint: Opt for chocolate ice cream (and sugar-free versions, if available). Chocolate contains anti-oxidants and dissolves quickly in the mouth, reducing sugar’s contact time on teeth.

• Antihistamines – Summer’s blooms (and even grass) cause a number of people to deal with allergic reactions, including itchy eyes and sniffling noses. To lessen the symptoms, a number of antihistamines are available over-the-counter. Keep in mind that these medications typically have a side effect of oral dryness. When the mouth is dry due to these meds, it can last for hours. (By the way, these drying side effects are common in many other medications as well).

For all of these oral dryness challenges, there is an easy solution – water! Drinking lots of plain, filtered water throughout the day not only replenishes moisture in our mouths, it hydrates the body. Keeping adequate hydration levels allows the body (including the mouth) to function more efficiently. In the mouth, especially, water helps to keep saliva flowing at proper levels. Thus, oral bacteria are less likely to reproduce and accumulate.

While we would never suggest that you deny yourself a cold cola with your just-grilled burger or a Marguerita with friends, remind yourself to enjoy a glass of water after each drink or bowl of Rocky Road. We want your summer outings to be relished while you keep your teeth and gums in great shape at the same time!

With simple measures, you will hopefully avoid the time and expense required to treat cavities and gum disease. Plus, you’ll share summer smiles with fresher breath and brighter teeth!

How better to begin your summer than with a healthy smile! For a thorough periodontal check, call 828-274-9440.



Flossing – Why You Should

Posted on Apr 15, 2018 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

If you could do something that required two minutes or less a day, knowing it could save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars a year, you’d do it – right? Then, why is daily flossing such a dilemma for so many people?

According to the American Dental Association (ADA), only 20 percent of American adults floss on a daily basis. (

As a periodontal specialist with advanced training in the treatment of gum disease, I know the destructive nature of infectious oral bacteria. When an overload of bacteria accumulate in the mouth, cavities form and the gums become food for bacteria.

While many people assume that brushing twice a day is sufficient for maintaining good oral health, brushing often fails to remove food particles that are caught between teeth. These particles begin to rot rather quickly, leaving even more sustenance for bacterial growth and reproduction.

When oral bacteria amass past the point that is manageable by the immune system, the bacteria become infectious. This causes inflammation in the gum tissues, which can eventually lead to the formation of periodontal (gum) disease.

So, if the 1-2 minutes a day required for the act of flossing teeth would prevent cavities and gum disease, then why don’t more people do it? Well, first of all, flossing is not something anyone particularly enjoys. But, like some other basic hygiene tasks, it’s well worth the time and energy – perhaps more than you realize.

The inflammatory effects of the oral bacteria of gum disease don’t just remain in the mouth. Through tears in diseased gum tissues, they are able to enter the bloodstream. As the bacteria travel throughout the body, their toxic nature can trigger inflammatory effects elsewhere.

It is this action that has been the focus of a numerous amount of research over the years. Studies have found that oral bacteria of gum disease are linked to serious health problems. These include heart disease, stroke, preterm babies, arthritis, diabetes, some cancers, Alzheimers disease, erectile dysfunction (ED) and impotency. As research continues, more serious, and even deadly, connections are being made.

Oral bacteria accumulation creates a sticky film in the mouth that is known as plaque. When not removed thoroughly and frequently, plaque can form cement-hard bacteria colonies that attach to teeth. This hardened form of bacteria is known as tartar (or calculus) and, once formed, can no longer be brushed or flossed away.

They key is to keep oral bacteria levels to a minimum, which is why brushing and flossing are an important part of your daily care routine. Yet, as a dental specialist, I understand why it is difficult for some people to develop the habit of daily flossing.

For some, the tight floss around fingers is uncomfortable. For others who have large fingers or problems with manual dexterity, the act of flossing is rather challenging. Yet, for those who floss on a daily basis, it becomes a simple maneuver that is as simple as brushing teeth.

I’ve carefully followed studies that claim flossing provides little benefit. These studies have been under debate within the dental profession due to what some deem as flawed protocols. For example, study participants not being followed long enough to determine true effectiveness or the failure to monitor proper flossing techniques.

What is not, and has never been, debatable, however, is how the action helps to keep oral bacteria levels to a minimum.

As a periodontist, I have a unique view of what the mouth deals with on a day to day basis. If you flossed your teeth, for example, and put the floss under a microscope, you’d likely floss several times a day! Oral bacteria are menacing critters that are destructive in nature – not a pretty sight.

Relook at the advantages you can enjoy as a result of this minutes-per-day action and commit to performing it for a minimum of 2 weeks. You may want to begin by watching a brief video by Colgate on proper flossing techniques at:

Our hygienists are also available to assist you personally. They will be happy to help you find a technique that is comfortable and effective. Call 828-274-9440 to begin by scheduling an examination appointment.

What Smoking Does To Your Oral Health

Posted on Mar 13, 2018 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

I saw a television commercial recently that caught my attention. It was a court mandated announcement on how low-tar and ‘light’ cigarettes were just as harmful as regular cigarettes.

The announcement, to me, was a reminder of just how much major tobacco companies have concealed the true harm that comes from inhaling cigarette smoke. Although the lungs are assumed to take the greatest impact from these toxic fumes, remember – it is your mouth that is the initial recipient of the poisons from this smoke.

Oral tissues (the soft, pink tissues in your mouth) are moist because they are absorbent. Saliva flow helps to keep the mouth moist along with the liquids you consume that keep the mouth and your body hydrated. Because gum tissues absorb, they take the brunt of the toxic smoke that enters the mouth with each puff.

Tobacco contains chemicals that are known to be harmful, including:

•Nicotine (a rapidly-addictive drug)
•Hydrogen cyanide
•Carbon monoxide
•Radioactive elements, such as uranium (see below)
•Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)

Smokers shorten their life expectancy by an average of 10 to 15 years. Smoking is responsible for an estimated 30 percent of all cancer deaths and is the reason for 90 percent of all lung cancers.

Smoking increases the likelihood of leukemia as well as pancreatic, liver, cervical, kidney, bladder and stomach cancers. Additionally, it causes emphysema and heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Smoking and chewing tobacco also causes 80 – 90 percent of oral cancers (mouth, lips, throat).

Second-hand smoke is harmful to those in range of your smoking. Your exhaled smoke can lead to the development of numerous diseases in loved ones, including cancer and heart disease. Young children take the biggest brunt of secondhand smoke with studies showing children of smoking parents being sick more often, having more respiratory infections (including bronchitis and pneumonia), and having ear infections more often.

As a periodontist, my dental specialty focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of all stages of periodontal (gum) disease as well as the placement of dental implants. When it comes to smokers, I have a unique view of what this does to one’s oral health.

When it comes to a smile, smokers have a higher risk for gum disease, bad breath, stained teeth, and higher levels of dental plaque. A smoker requires longer healing periods after extractions, oral surgery or gum therapy. Smoking is also a noted cause for dental implant failure.

The increased risk for gum disease is primarily the result of the drying effects that cigarette smoke has on oral tissues. A dry mouth creates a welcoming environment for oral bacteria accumulation and reproduction.

In its initial stages, gum disease causes persistent bad breath, tender gums that bleed when brushing, and gums that turn red in color. As it worsens, pus pockets form on gums and the infectious bacteria destroy bone and tissue structures that support tooth roots. Eventually, teeth will loosen and require removal.

In our office, we do not lecture patients. We respect individual preferences and feel it is our job to help patients to be informed rather than reprimanded. However, if you have not included your smile as one of the many reasons to kick the habit, you should.

Please note – Not only is gum disease an inflammatory disease, it has been associated with a number of serious health problems. These include heart disease, stroke, Alzheimers disease arthritis, diabetes, preterm babies, erectile dysfunction, and impotency. Add these to the long list associated with cigarette smoke and you have even more reasons to quit. Although, we know it is not an easy thing to do.

There are a number of online support sources for those who do wish to quit. Consider starting with the American Cancer Society’s online support at:

If you smoke or have noticed signs of gum disease, call for an examination. Be aware that gum disease only worsens without treatment and is the nation’s leading cause of adult tooth loss. Call 828-274-9440 to schedule.

Stroke Risk Higher Due To Gum Disease

Posted on Mar 07, 2018 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

Ischemic stroke happens because of a blocked artery to the brain. Because the brain relies on oxygen and nutrients carried through blood, a blocked artery means the brain cells struggle. Thus, a blocked artery can eventually lead to dying brain cells and stroke.

Ischemic stroke is the most common kind of stroke and about 88 percent of all strokes. Most people with ischemic strokes are over the age of 60 and the risk goes up with each year. Certain conditions increase one’s risk for stroke, including high blood pressure, heart disease, smoking, and diabetes.

Having certain health conditions also make an individual more susceptible to stroke. These include narrowing of the arteries, an irregular heartbeat (a-fib), heart attack, abnormal heart valves, injury to blood vessels in the neck, or blood clots.

The very word ‘stroke’ conjures up the image of an individual with a droopy face and a dangling arm that fails to function. Some of us can remember a grandparent going from a busy, self-sufficient person to one who became bed-ridden or was never the same because of a stroke.

Although stroke recovery today is more successful, it remains a dreaded episode with life-altering outcomes in many instances. Of course, the goal is to prevent a stroke from ever occurring. There are a number of ways that today’s adults can lessen the risk, one being good oral health. Does that surprise you?

The oral health-overall health connection has become more front-&-center in scientific research. About half of Americans aged 30 years or older have periodontitis, which is an advanced level of gum disease. Obviously, this has given cause to a diligent pursuit in finding paths of its associated hazards.

Gum disease is actually an inflammatory disease, which has a strong association to one’s risk for stroke. Periodontal disease occurs when oral bacterial accumulate, eventually attacking the soft and hard structures that support teeth. Think of the inflammatory triggers of gum disease as similar to those of high blood pressure, for instance.

Periodontal disease is an inflammatory disease of the oral gum tissues. It can be mild or severe and begins with swollen, tender gums that may eventually lead to tooth loss. The oral bacteria of gum disease has been linked to a wide array of serious health conditions through past research.

These include heart disease, some cancers, Alzheimers disease, diabetes, preterm babies, arthritis and erectile dysfunction (ED). These are in addition to already-established links between gum disease and heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke.

Prior studies have also shown an association between periodontal disease and incident stroke risk. While a recent, U.S. based study reinforces the link between gum disease and the risk for stroke, it also shows that regular dental care may actually lower the risk for stroke. (

Researchers in the ARIC study (Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities), beginning in the 1980s, analyzed data from 10,362 middle-aged adults. None had experienced a previous stroke and participants were given dental evaluations and regular follow-up.

All were screened on their level of dental care and classified as either ‘regular’ (having routine dental visits more than once a year) or ‘episodic’ (those who saw a dentist only when something hurt, required repair, or didn’t see a dentist at all).

Researchers noted that the relationship between gum disease and myocardial infarction has been shown through previous studies as well as an association between gum disease and stroke.

So, could having good periodontal health reduce the stroke risk?

During the 15-year follow-up period, 584 participants had an incident ischemic stroke. The results indicated that adults who had regular dental care had half the stroke risk of those in the episodic category.

The study also showed that the more severe the periodontal disease was present, the higher the risk of future stroke.

Researchers surmised that a proper dental hygiene regimen combined with regular dental care can lower the risk of heart disease and stroke. (

Even after adjustments were made for race, age, sex, body mass index, hypertension, being diabetic, smoking, and education, those receiving regular dental care showed lower rates of ischemic stroke. The highest rate of stroke was seen among those who developed the more advanced levels of gum inflammation.

We all want to avoid health problems, especially something with consequences as severe as stroke. That’s why we have annual physicals, periodic screenings, and tests that can catch problems at early stages so only minimal treatment is needed.

Apparently, regular dental checkups play a major role in helping you avoid problems far beyond the mouth. As a periodontist, I have a unique understanding for how intricately the health of your mouth effects the health of your body.

When it comes to your overall health, good oral health obviously gives you a ‘leg up’ for whole-body health. If you’re behind on having 6-month dental checkups and cleanings, call 828-274-9440 to schedule a complete periodontal exam. Or, begin with a consultation. I’ll be happy to answer your questions and discuss treatment and comfort options during this time.

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