Here, Care Comes With Comfort & Respect

Posted on Dec 24, 2012 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

This time of year always has me thinking about all the wonderful people we have seen as patients. Many of these came to us after going for a number of years, even decades, without seeing a dentist. Most had avoided dental care for so long because of a fear of dentistry.

As a Periodontist, I cannot imagine treating someone who is in pain because of my hands. While many people who have dental fears are forced into care because of a painful dental problem, our office is not only dedicated to restoring their mouth to good health, but doing so in a gentle and comfortable manner.

In addition to being committed to providing your care in comfort, we are also very respectful to our patients. We realize that, for many, it takes a great deal of courage to even walk into our reception area. Regardless of how long it’s been since seeing a dentist, ALL of our patients are given ‘red carpet’ treatment.

The only reason we exist is to provide care for our patients. Providing that care to the highest standards with respect to each individual in a manner that is comfortable and pleasant is our commitment to you!

I hope this coming year will bring you many smiles, ones that are healthy and worry-free!

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