Afraid Of Going To The Dentist? Fear Has Big Price Tag.

Posted on Aug 15, 2017 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

In my periodontal specialty, I see a large number of patients who have developed gum disease or have lost teeth because they were too afraid to go to a dentist. Some people have even avoided dental care for decades. Yet, like a leaky roof on a house, ignoring the problem only leads to bigger, more complicated issues to deal with eventually that can’t be avoided.

Dental fear is a major problem in the U.S. and is a contributing factor to developing periodontal disease. Because gum disease begins without obvious warning signs, it is often allowed to develop further. This can create more complex problems and the need for treatment that is more involved and costly than if caught early on.

Gum disease, at some level, affects over 47% of American adults. However, most Americans are unfamiliar with the typical warning signs. These include tender gums that bleed easily when brushing, bad breath and swollen gums. As the disease progresses, gums become redder from inflammation and may recede from teeth, exposing tooth roots segments that are sensitive to hot and cold.

While it is estimated that over 70% of adults have some level of dental fear, from anxiety to dental phobia (an uncontrollable reaction that causes some adults to shake, sweat or even cry when faced with a dental visit), there is no typical persona when it comes to who has dental fear and who does not. There is no common age, gender or educational level, nor is there a typical income level.

What is ‘normal,’ so to speak, is the fact that most dental fear exists because of a traumatic experience in a dental chair in the past. This may have been as a child when a dentist was too rough or forceful. It may have been as an adult when the patient was not yet numb, yet the dentist continued to work on a tooth.

Dental fear, once embedded in the brain, often triggers perceived pain in the future. What exacerbates it is how it leaves a patient feeling vulnerable. When reclined in a treatment chair and unable to see what is taking place in a sensitive area such as the mouth, there is a sense of not being in control. For those who have experienced pain thrust upon them in the past that continued beyond their pleas, this sensation of helplessness is not something that is easily overcome.

In our office, we frequently see patients because they are beyond what can be treated by a general dentist. A Periodontist specializes in all levels of gum disease. This means that we have the best potential to help you save your natural teeth, even when at advanced levels.

While red, inflamed gums may not sound highly serious, they are. Research has shown that the oral bacteria of periodontal disease can enter the bloodstream and create inflammatory reactions. This is known as systemic inflammation. This inflammation has been linked to serious health problems including pre-term babies, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure, some cancers, impotency and even Alzheimer’s disease.

Signs of gum disease

Apparently, healthy gums are important to having good, overall health. Your periodontal wellness is important and dental fear can be addressed so you can achieve a healthy, confident smile without feeling white-knuckled in the dental chair! We offer oral sedation, which is in pill form, for relaxation. We also offer I.V. sedation that creates a “twilight sleep” state.

Both sedation options are safe. Trained staff monitor sedated patients throughout treatment using special safety equipment. Both tend to erase most, if not all, memory of treatment afterward and recovery for both is fairly quick. Within hours for oral sedation and without 24 hours for I.V. sedation.

However, as a dental specialist AND a caring, compassionate caregiver, I have seen patients relax the most when they realize our goal is to make sure they are always comfortable. We never want a patient to feel helpless or vulnerable in our dental chair. Once a new patient explains their concerns about comfort and we discuss options to keep them relaxed and comfortable, we will determine – together – the best sedation and pace of treatment that fits.

Consider beginning with a consultation appointment so we can get to know one another. We can arrange to meet in our private consultation room that is removed from the clinical side of the practice. Here, we’ll sit in comfy arm chairs and have a conversation about your specific needs.

Call 828-274-9440 and let’s get your smile in great shape! After all, having a smile that looks as good as it feels is a reason, in itself, to smile!

Different Implant Designs For Different Needs

Posted on May 22, 2017 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

As a dental specialist with advanced skills in the diagnosis and placement of Dental Implants, I enjoy staying on top of the latest techniques, technology and materials. Over the years, I have been especially excited to provide our patients with the advancements that make implant dentistry such an ideal option in tooth replacement.

Today’s implant dentistry is successful, safe, dependable and often immediate. As the doctor who places the implants, having a role in restoring a patient’s ability to bite, chew, speak and laugh has been a major highlight in a rewarding career.

One of the reasons for the high success rate of Dental Implants is in the design of different systems. For decades, Implant designs have been fine-tuned so various systems are able to accommodate specific challenges and preferences. In addition to being more affordable than ever, implant systems are now available for nearly every situation, including:

Implants Supporting Non-Removable Teeth – For some, removable teeth attached to implants were too similar to the denture they had (and detested). Even though these removable replacement teeth are firmly secured to the implants, most individuals want teeth that do not come out. However, some of the more affordable systems have been those that support removable teeth. Now, an implant system known as All-On

Just 4 Implants Support Non-Removable Teeth In Minimal Bone

-4 is able to support non-removable teeth using just 4 strategically-placed implants. By positioning the implanted portions at unique angles, the biting and chewing forces are distributed evenly among fewer implants. Another advantage of this system is its ability to be placed in minimal bone. Long-time denture wearers are often challenged because of severe bone loss. Having insufficient bone mass to support Implants has prevented some people from having implants or required bone rebuilding procedures prior to implant placement. The All-On-4 implant system is able to overcome this obstacle.

Traditional Dental Implants – Still today, the ‘gold standard’ for most implant treatment requires several stages. Placement of the implants is performed first. For several months after, the bone goes through a process  known as ‘osseo-integration.’ This takes place over a 3-6 month period and secures the implant in the upper or lower jaw bone, similar to natural tooth roots. Once secured, the implant sites are uncovered and a post is positioned inside to which the replacement teeth are secured. During osseointegration, however, patients are able to comfortably wear their denture or partial.

Fast-Track Dental Implants – As the design of implant systems have advanced with the involvement of computerized technology, implant placement and teeth attachment can often be completed in less time than that required by traditional implants. Having the ability to pre-select ideal placement positions prior means that, in some cases, immediate attachment of teeth can occur. While this option isn’t appropriate for everyone, certain patients are, indeed, excellent candidates. This is why it is important to have an experienced and highly-trained doctor coordinate your diagnosis and placement. When your individual needs are carefully assessed, a successful outcome has greater potential with the foundation of a proper diagnosis and implant selection.

Dental Implants are the closest thing to the natural teeth you once had. They are also designed to last a lifetime, making them an excellent investment. The type of implant system best suited to your needs will be discussed after an examination and review of Panorex (jaw-to-jaw) imaging.

Let’s discuss the implant system that is best for your needs and goals during a private consultation appointment. We’ll also discuss comfort options, including Oral and I.V. Sedation. Call 828-274-9440.

Dental Fear Can Cause Little Problems To Become Big Ones

Posted on Apr 20, 2017 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

It is estimated that over 70% of American adults have some level of dental fear. For some, this fear prevents them from having regular exams and cleanings — visits that are designed to help you avoid problems in the first place or catch those that do occur at early stages while they’re easier to treat.

Dental fear causes many people to delay care, which can greatly increase time and expense for more complex treatment in the future. For example, keeping gums healthy through regular care is a small investment when compared to the expenses to treat gum disease.

A healthy, confident smile helps people to feel good about smiling, which means they tend to smile more often. Research has shown that smiling boosts one’s mood, self-esteem and self-confidence. This is because the act of smiling causes the release of endorphins, the brain’s ‘happy’ chemical. It has been shown that even faking a smile creates this same ‘natural high.’

For those who avoid dentistry because of fear, enjoying the benefits of a confident smile can be a challenge. Without regular dental care, many adults develop periodontal (gum) disease or lose natural teeth, even with a committed oral hygiene regimen at home.

In our office, we understand that perceived pain can seem just as real as actual pain. This is why we offer Oral and I.V. Sedation (twilight sleep). Both forms of sedation help patients relax before and throughout treatment. Too, both are effective at erasing most or all memory of the procedure afterward.

With the help of sedation, many procedures can be completed in just one or two visits. For lengthy procedures, sedation helps patients to combine several appointments into just one or two.

Today’s dentistry can be a comfortable, pleasant experience – for all patients. For many fearful patients, however, the key lies NOT in being sedated, but finding the right dentist. Feeling assured that you are in gentle hands, are respected, and in control of the pace of your care is the best way to overcome your dental fears – for good!

In our office, we are pleased that many patients who once had dental fear have overcome their fears to achieve healthy, confident smiles. Many no longer need sedation, knowing we are committed to their comfort at every visit.

If fear has kept you from regular dental visits, you may have some level of gum disease. Gum disease is the nation’s leading cause of adult tooth loss. Additionally, the potent bacteria of gum disease has been shown to trigger systemic inflammation. This can create serious health problems far beyond the mouth.

Begin with a friendly conversation with our phone staff. They’ll be happy to arrange a consultation if you’d like to begin with a conversation to have your questions answered. Call 828-274-9440 to schedule.

Afraid Of Going To The Dentist? The Results Can Be Oral Pain AND Pain In The Wallet!

Posted on Feb 21, 2017 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

For people who have a fear of heights, it is difficult for those who don’t to understand the emotions that high places can trigger. Or, for people who are afraid of dogs, it can be a rather puzzling problem for those who us who think of our dogs as family.

Fear of going to a dentist is another fear that some individuals have and others do not. And, dental fear is more common than not, with an estimated 75% of American adults having some level of fear or anxiety associated with dentistry. Fear Smiley Face

While people who are fearful of dogs can avoid them much of the time, people who have dental fear pay a high price for avoiding dental care. This ‘high price’ comes in the form of compromised oral health and the need for more-complex treatment that may have been prevented in the first place.

As a Periodontist, I see a great many patients who have acquired gum disease or lost teeth because of dental fear. For most, their fears began following a traumatic experience in a dental chair many years prior. I have also seen some fearful patients who can’t recall exactly when their fears began or why they emerged.

What I have learned in my specialty is that perceived pain can be just as real as actual pain. When someone has been hurt during dental care and the patient felt helpless to halt the pain, it’s logical that they may anticipate similar sensations during subsequent care — UNLESS the patient develops a tremendous amount of trust with their caregivers.

It’s normal that even patients with no fears of dental visits can feel anxious at times. Being positioned on your back on a narrow surface can make anyone feel vulnerable. Added to that? The mouth’s interior is a sensitive area. When you open your mouth for another person to prod around using pointed instruments without knowing what they’re doing, even relaxed patients know there is the potential for an even-slight jab or prick.

I am very proud of the relationship of trust I have with our patients. They know my goal is to NEVER cause them discomfort. Although we cannot always guarantee they’ll have no discomfort at all, my staff and I take extra steps to provide optimal comfort at every visit. This is why we offer oral and I.V. sedation (also referred to as “twilight sleep”) for patients who desire added relaxation throughout their visit.

When it comes to dental problems, the snowball effect begins when patients cannot bring themselves to come into a dental office for care. For those who have fears, just the thoughts of walking in the front door can conjure up uncontrollable reactions. Some patients shake, break out in a sweat, and even cry (both men and women).

From your caregiver’s standpoint, here’s the bigger problem: When dental care is delayed or avoided due to fear, small problems that could have been prevented (or easily treated) become big problems. Big problems require more extensive procedures, more expense and more time in treatment. The fear of going to the dentist simply adds to the need for treatment at the dentist.

Too, when regular dental check-ups and cleanings are avoided, the result can become periodontal (gum) disease and is the nation’s leading cause of adult tooth loss. Periodontal disease occurs when oral bacteria becomes infectious, causing damage to the gums and bone structures underneath the gum tissues. Treatment can be extensive. Additionally, tooth loss can create an entirely new set of procedural needs and expenses.

If you have dental fears, how do you have the care you need when just walking into a dentist’s office is unnerving? We begin with a Consultation in a private room that is removed from the clinical side of the office. We sit in comfy arm chairs and have an open and relaxed conversation. I’ll listen to your concerns and answer your questions and explain comfort options that should work best for your needs. Here, I occasionally find that a patient doesn’t want sedation but just to have treatment administered at a slower pace. That’s fine.

Although we offer relaxation medications in addition to a gentle touch, our patients find that trust is the key to their ability to have the treatment they need. Let us help you overcome your fears or anxiety so you can enjoy the healthy, confident smile you desire.

Remember, delay can result in more treatment, more expense and more time. Call 828-274-9440 to arrange a consultation appointment soon.

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