When A Dental ‘Cleaning’ Is A Waste Of Money.

Posted on Jul 01, 2013 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

Your six-month dental hygiene appointment likely includes a ‘cleaning,’ which, among other things, removes plaque buildup that has formed around teeth between visits. This buildup typically occurs when daily brushing and flossing fails to remove bacteria accumulation in the mouth.

When bacteria multiply in the mouth, they soon form a sticky film that hardens on teeth. This hardened form of bacteria is ‘plaque.’ It eats away at tooth surfaces, gum tissues and eventually the bone that supports teeth. When plaque is above the gum line, a hygienist uses special tools to scrape it off. However, when bacteria get below the gum line, a more rigorous line of treatment is required.

To rid bacteria below the gum line, one treatment is “soft tissue management.” This is a process of cleaning below the gums where oral bacteria now thrive. Although you may not perceive the presence of gum disease, this stage requires a more aggressive form of ‘cleaning’ beyond what a standard cleaning appointment can help, yet, not so severe that a more advanced level of treatment is needed.

Untreated gum disease will worsen and lead to severe tenderness, persistent bad breath, bleeding gums, pockets of pus that form around the teeth, and eventual tooth loss. At this stage, teeth may be saved with intensive, surgical periodontal treatment.

Gum disease will not go away without treatment. Brushing and flossing cannot remove plaque, nor will a basic cleaning remove bacteria that exists below the gums. Of course, the best way to deal with this problem is to avoid it in the first place. However, if you’re dealing with the consequences, the sooner you have treatment, the less cost and treatment time will be required. Keep in mind that the resulting tooth loss creates an entirely new round of expenses and appointment times.

Early treatment also helps to reduce the risk of oral bacteria contributing to serious health problems. Through tears in gum tissues, oral bacteria can enter the bloodstream. This bacteria has been associated with increased risks of heart disease, stroke, memory loss, diabetes, some cancers, impotency and preterm babies. Without a doubt, this bacteria is nothing to ignore for many reasons.

A Periodontist has specialized skills to successfully treat all stages of periodontal problems, comfortably and efficiently. Call (828) 274-9440 to learn more or arrange a consultation appointment.

Your Comfort Is Important To Us

Posted on Jun 27, 2013 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

As a Periodontal Specialist, I’ve seen many patients over the years who have acquired gum disease, with a large percentage due to an inability to have regular dental visits. Although high fear patients may have a diligent oral hygiene regimen at home, those 6-month check-ups and cleanings help to remove plaque build-up that is impossible to brush or floss away.

It saddens me to hear these patients, many of whom are on the verge of losing natural teeth due to gum disease, share tales of torture in the dental chair because of an uncaring dentist. Some are brought to tears as they recall the pain and helpless feeling that has caused such trauma that they come to avoid dental visits altogether.

While there is no ‘guarantee’ that you’ll never feel ‘anything’ during treatment in our hands, we do assure you that YOU are in control. I will stop anytime you feel uneasy or a sensation that has you worried. I can also provide an oral sedation, which is taken prior to your appointment. This will relax you and relieve tension during your treatment, although you’ll still be able to respond to requests, such as “Turn your head a little towards me,” for example. Even with oral sedation, we administer numbing medication to the areas being treated so you will never have discomfort.

Usually, patients relax just by realizing their comfort is a priority here. This is helpful to many, in itself. However, it’s important to us that each patient move at a pace that is comfortable. Often, we begin with a consultation that allows us to discuss their concerns face-to-face in a comfy consultation room. This room is away from the clinical side of the practice and is a living room setting. From there, patients can decide when and if they are ready to proceed.

Today’s dentistry should never have you ‘in pain.’ If you have avoided dental care due to fear, you likely have some level of periodontal disease. Let’s restore your oral health and help you resume a relationship for oral care in an environment that becomes a positive part of a healthier lifestyle. Call (828) 274-9440 for a consultation for yourself or someone whose smile you love!

We Are Committed To Your Comfort

Posted on Apr 16, 2013 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

As a Periodontist, I cannot imagine hurting a patient. Even more, I cannot fathom why a Dentist would continue to work on a patient they can see is in pain. Yet, from the horror stories I have heard, it’s no wonder gum disease is so rampant since many end up avoiding dental care for years.

While I’ve always been committed to providing exceptional results and healthy smiles, I also know that procedures can be performed without the patient experiencing pain. For fearful patients, most do fine with Oral Sedation, which requires no needles to administer and has a quick recovery. Once patients realize they can trust me to prevent any discomfort throughout their procedure, some even opt for standard numbing.

A healthy smile is an important part of one’s overall health and well-being. If you know someone who avoids dentistry because of fear, suggest they arrange a consultation. This conversation will hopefully be the beginning to a confident smile!

Our Door Is Open For Returning Patients

Posted on Apr 02, 2013 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

Over the years, we’ve had a few patients who had a fear level so high that they couldn’t bring themselves to walk in our door. As a periodontal specialist, I know that many people with periodontal disease acquire it because their dental fears prevent them from regular dental care. Please know that we are experienced in caring for high-fear patients and have several options for comfort, including Oral Sedation.

Oral Sedation is in pill form, so no needles are used to administer the medication. It is safe and taken prior to the patient’s arrival at our office. This means they are typically very relaxed and comfortable by the time they arrive. Additionally, our staff members monitor sedated patients throughout their procedure. Oral Sedation also eliminates most memory of the visit and recovery is quick.

Occasionally, a patient leaves our care because their insurance becomes ‘out-of’-network,’ often due to a job change or policy adjustment. Our standard of care is such that not every insurance is sufficient for the high standards that referring Doctors and patients have come to know here. We have some patients who have out-of-network policies, yet prefer the care we provide versus others who are in-network. These patients merely pay for the portion not covered by their insurance and we file so any reimbursement is sent directly to them.

I’m proud to say I have had VERY few patients who’ve left because they were unhappy with something. In most cases, the patient never voiced a concern or expectation. While my staff and I try hard to address any issue to a patient’s satisfaction, I’ve come to know that you cannot please ALL the people ALL the time, no matter what you do.

If you have questions about any area that creates an obstacle in having care provided by us, please mention this. For those who have left and wish to return, please know our door is open. Your optimal dental health is our ultimate desire!

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