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Sore or swollen gums
Don’t Let Misaligned Teeth Lead To Tooth Loss.
Posted on Feb 25, 2019 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS
As a periodontist, I have specialized skills in treating all stages of gum disease (known as periodontal disease, or simply “perio” by some). I also have advanced training in the diagnosis and placement of dental implants.
Although my specialty does not cover the advanced training an orthodontist has in bite alignment, my dental education absolutely covered the benefits of having proper “occlusion.” It also covered the repercussions of NOT having a bite that is properly balanced.
Just as an orthodontist can spot telltale signs of gum inflammation, I (along with general dentists and most dental specialists) can see indications of teeth that are not working in unison — even at times when these teeth appear to be “straight.”
While the nation’s number one cause of adult tooth loss is gum disease, having a misaligned bite function (or “malocclusion”) can lead to tooth loss in ways you may not have realized.
For example, during chewing, the upper teeth and lower teeth are designed to work harmoniously together to grind food down for swallowing and digesting. When an upper tooth does not interact smoothly with one below it (or vice versa), a tooth can become chipped, broken or fractured.
When damage to a tooth occurs, it must be quickly repaired before oral bacteria can penetrate tooth structures. Without the protection of enamel, oral bacteria can cause tooth decay and gum disease.
A fracture in a tooth can expand over time, leading to a crack that loosens an entire segment of a tooth. These areas must also be repaired before the tooth is subjected to oral bacteria. This typically requires a crown (or “cap”) that is placed over the top portion of the tooth.
However, a crack in a tooth that extends into the gum tissues typically means the tooth must be removed. If a portion of the tooth breaks “just below” the gum tissue, the tooth can sometimes be saved by a procedure we do called a “crown lengthening.” This is often known as a gingivectomy and is performed to remove excess gum tissues.
A gingivectomy procedure exposes more of the natural tooth so a crown can be placed over the tooth to preserve its remaining structure. (For people who have a “gummy smile,” this is performed, also, to reduce the amount of gum tissue that arches over teeth most visible in a smile.)
Another hazard of bite misalignment relates to dental implants. The overall success rate of dental implants is very high, nearly 98 percent by some estimates (when properly selected, placed and maintained). However, when a newly-placed implant is subjected to the grinding forces of TMJ disorders, its risks for success are much lower.
People are often surprised to learn that they clench and/or grind their teeth at night – primarily due to bite misalignment. When a bite is “off,” the jaw joints can become strained and inflamed. During sleep, the upper and lower jaws go on a subconscious quest of sorts, searching to find a comfortable position that eliminates the strain.
The forces behind some clenching are enough to crack open a walnut. Imagine a newly placed implant that is dependent upon the jaw bones to “heal” it into this firm foundation. When the area of bone around an implant is subjected to night after night of disruption, the implant is against the odds of becoming fully embedded in supporting bone.
Here’s an example: Let’s say you use a screwdriver to firmly anchor a screw into a solid block of wood. However, every day, you use a pair of pliers to grasp the screw head and wriggle it back and forth. Obviously, it wouldn’t take long for the wood surrounding the length of the screw to wear down from the friction of the screw’s motion, even slight as it may seem. Eventually, the screw could be easily moved back and forth and would no longer serve as a dependable base of support.
It’s not unusual for more than one dental specialist to work with another to provide a patient with the combined skills needed in particular cases. I frequently work with other dental specialists and general dentists in a “team treatment” capacity in order to give patients optimal outcomes.
When we place an implant, our goal is for each patient to enjoy its benefits for the remainder of their life. Bite misalignment can jeopardize this. And, if you have all your natural teeth now, be sure to protect them by keeping your gums healthy and ensuring your bite is as well.
After all, every dental professional is on your team when it comes to enjoying confident smiles for a lifetime!
If you’ve noticed indications of gum disease (tender gums that bleed when brushing, for example) or have experienced tooth loss (or fear you are facing it), take charge of your smile now. Call 828-274-9440 to schedule a thorough examination.
Cancer Risk And Gum Health
Posted on Feb 05, 2019 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS
I know of no one who hasn’t lost someone dear to them – family member or close friend – to cancer. The disease, although now more survivable than ever thanks to advancements in early detection and treatment – remains a dreaded diagnosis.
Still, a cancer diagnosis often drags entire families through the battle. Treatment can be lengthy and time-consuming as well as financially and emotionally draining. Some diagnoses are considered ‘death sentences,’ with terribly low survival rates. For instance, pancreatic cancer’s 5-year survival rate, depending on the type, ranges between 3 – 9 percent. (https://www.pancan.org/facing-pancreatic-cancer/about-pancreatic-cancer/survival-rate/)
Decades of research has resulted in improved measures, and many cancers once thought dooming are now very treatable. Success rates are improving with most survivors going on to live normal, healthy, active lives.
Preventing cancer isn’t a simple matter. We know that a healthy lifestyle can help but isn’t a guarantee for avoiding it. Cancer can result from a number of triggers. For example, smoking is a known contributor to oral and lung cancer. The toxic chemicals delivered through cigarette smoke are proven activators in some cancer development.
As research has been able to go deeper into the cause-&-effect of various cancers, the health of periodontal tissues are coming to light as having an intricate role in your overall health, including your risk for developing some cancers.
Periodontal disease, often referred to as gum disease, runs rampant in the U.S. According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), over 47 percent of adults over the age of 30 have some level of gum disease. For adults over the age of 65, this figure increases to 70 percent.
This is a frightening statistic considering the devastation that infectious bacteria of periodontal disease can cause. While it is the nation’s leading cause of adult tooth loss, research has also revealed links to increased risk of heart disease, stroke, arthritis, diabetes, preterm babies, high blood pressure, and erectile dysfunction (ED).
Yet, much progress is being made in tracking down activators of cancer in the body. For instance, research shared in a January 2018 article in Medical News Today revealed exciting progress along these lines. (https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/320634.php)
Researchers found that some gastrointestinal cancers, such as pancreatic cancer, share an enzyme. This enzyme, typically found in the mouth, serves as the “boosting” agent in the development of gum disease. They noted that the enzyme was also present in certain cancerous tumors.
In additional research shared by the AACR (American Association For Cancer Research), cited that previous research has revealed gum disease as a risk factor for breast, oral, and esophageal cancers. (https://www.aacrfoundation.org/Science/Pages/assessing-gum-disease-cancer-risk.aspx). The warn that women, especially, should be urged to maintain good periodontal disease to lower their risk of additional types of cancer.
One study showed that post-menopausal females were more susceptible to several cancers.
Between 1999 – 2003, researchers monitored cancer outcomes of female participants ages 54 to 86 through self-reported questionnaires onn periodontal disease. The study showed that: “a history of gum disease was associated with a 14 percent higher risk of developing any cancer”.
The greatest association was for cancer of the esophagus, which was more than 3 times more likely in women with periodontal disease than women who did not list having periodontal disease. Lung cancer, gallbladder cancer, melanoma, and breast cancer were also associated with higher risk.
Although women who smoked had higher risks for breast cancer, lung cancer, and gallbladder cancer, non-smokers with gum disease also had increased risks of these cancers.
Still not fully understood, it is suspected that gum disease bacteria are able to enter the bloodstream through diseased gum tissues. This allows them to reach other body sites and contribute to “carcinogenesis”, the process where normal cells are transformed into cancer cells, leading to the formation of cancer.
Because the study consisted of self-reported data, the study’s authors suspect the prevalence of periodontal disease may have been under-reported. This would make the percentages even higher. While further research is needed through more precise assessments of periodontal disease, these statistics are helpful in confirming the link between periodontal disease and cancer.
This study also reinforces previous findings that show our oral health is more closely related to our overall health than most are aware. As a periodontal specialist, I urge you to be aware of the signs and symptoms associated with all stages of gum disease. These include tender gums that bleed easily when brushing, gums that turn red in color, frequent bad breath, and gums that loosen their grip around teeth.
For more, you may find it helpful to visit the web site of the American Academy of Periodontology: www.perio.org.
A periodontist is a dental specialist with advanced training in the diagnosis and treatment of all stages of gum disease. This advanced care is your wisest choice for tackling gum disease and having good oral health at any age. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 828-274-9440 or tap here to begin.
Think “E-Cigs” Are A Safe Alternative? Read On…
Posted on Jan 16, 2019 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS
Smokeless cigarettes, or “e-cigs,” first appeared on the market in 2004. Since then, their popularity has exploded.
Unlike tobacco cigarettes, where nicotine is inhaled through smoke, e-cigarettes are electronic devices that often mimic the shape of a small cigarette. They are designed to heat a liquid and produce an aerosol, or mix of small particles in the air. The inhalation process is known as vaping.
Because these battery-operated devices deliver nicotine without some of the toxic chemicals in tobacco cigarettes, they are deemed as safer alternatives. Although both cigarettes and e-cigs are vehicles that deliver addictive nicotine, vaping wins when it comes to being the lesser of the two evils.
However, the vapor from e-cigarettes does contain toxic compounds, just at much lower levels than cigarette smoke. This is good news for people who are quitting smoking and vaping instead.
That doesn’t mean e-cigs are SAFE, however. They’re just safer than traditional cigarettes.
A particular concern is the appeal, and hence rapid growth, among teen users.
E-cig vapor, once inhaled, is absorbed by the body. For teens, it may be particularly harmful to developing brains and bodies. The vapor contains a chemical mix of nicotine, formaldehyde and other chemicals. A recent study that examined urine and saliva specimens from teen participants showed e-cig users had elevated levels of harmful compounds such as acrylonitrile, acrolein, propylene oxide, and crotonaldehyde.
For those who both smoked cigarettes and vaped, they had the highest levels of toxins and carcinogens (when compared to e-cig only users and non-smokers). (http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/141/4/e20173557)
Flavorings such as diacetyl, a chemical linked to lung disease, are also a concern. (https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/basic_information/e-cigarettes/Quick-Facts-on-the-Risks-of-E-cigarettes-for-Kids-Teens-and-Young-Adults.html)
And nicotine is nothing to take lightly as far as adolescent development goes. The Centers For Disease Control & Prevention warns that nicotine can harm the developing adolescent brain, which continues to develop until about age 25. Adolescence nicotine use can also harm the parts of the brain that control attention, learning, mood, and impulse control.
Using nicotine in adolescence may also increase risk for future addiction to other drugs.
With limited scientific evidence to develop public health policies, researchers are urging priority status be given to studying the effects of e-cigs aerosol mixtures on cells, tissues and the oral cavity (interior of the mouth). The problem has become such a concern that the National Institute of Dental & Craniofacial Research is studying the biological and physiological effects of their chemical components.
Rather than focusing on the effects of nicotine (those findings are well-known), this will examine how the high concentrations of aerosol mixes affect oral tissues. They will also monitor the tissues in the mouth, airway structures and lungs that absorb the vaporized chemicals in e-cigs. Hopefully, the findings will show the true effects of long-term exposure to these chemical mixtures.
Your smile is particularly vulnerable to e-cigs, just as it is to traditional cigarettes. Since oral tissues are moist by nature, the water vapor inhaled into the mouth is absorbed readily by gum tissues. Nicotine, consumed by any method, is known to have a drying effect on oral tissues. This decreases saliva that helps wash food particles and bacteria from the mouth.
Without sufficient saliva, bacteria rapidly reproduce, increasing the potential for tooth decay and gum disease. A dry mouth also leaves you fighting bad breath on a frequent basis.
Having a dry mouth can lead to a higher risk of periodontal (gum) disease. Initially, the condition causes the gums to become swollen, tender, red, and bleed easily when brushing. If not treated promptly, this early-stage of gum disease (known as gingivitis) can progress to periodontal disease.
In addition to attacking gum tissues and the bone that support teeth, gum disease can weaken gum tissues and allow entry of infectious bacteria into the bloodstream. Once bloodborne, the bacteria can cause inflammatory reactions elsewhere in the body. Research has shown it can increase one’s risk for heart disease, stroke, diabetes, arthritis, preterm births, impotency, and some cancers.
Additionally, nicotine from any source has been shown to constrict blood vessels in the mouth so much that it compromises the ability of oral tissues to heal. This is why we caution patients to stop (or greatly decrease) smoking after an extraction or dental implant placement.
Don’t allow misconceptions of e-cigs being “a safe alternative to smoking” to put the health of your smile at risk. Smoking, in any form, places your oral – and overall – health at a disadvantage. If you do smoke, be especially committed to your regular check-ups and cleanings so we can help you maintain a healthy mouth.
If you’ve noticed signs of gum disease, please know this will not go away on its own. Gum disease will progress and can lead to tooth loss when not treated sufficiently. A periodontist is a specialist and your wisest choice in overcoming all levels of gum disease, and getting your smile back on track! Call 828-274-9440 for an examination appointment in our Asheville periodontal office.
Start The New Year With A Smile That Enhances Your Life!
Posted on Dec 31, 2018 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS
As we look at the new year, many of us are setting goals for positive changes in our lives. Whether we aim to lose weight, tackle an upcoming 10k run, or kick a bad habit, a new year resets our enthusiasm and motivation to improve.
And oft-overlooked area that many Americans should add to their “need to improve” list is caring for their oral health. According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), over 47 percent of the adult population in the U.S. has some level of periodontal (gum) disease.
So, this year, I’d like you to relook at the list you’ve already made and consider adding “improve oral wellness” to it.
Although a clean, healthy mouth gives you a better-looking smile and fresher breath, there are even more important reasons to maintain excellent gum health. Not only is periodontal disease the nation’s leading cause of adult tooth loss, it has been linked serious health risks. This includes heart disease, high blood pressure, memory loss, arthritis, diabetes, preterm babies and impotency.
Gum disease can begin silently, with warning signs that are not obvious or may be easily ignored. It may be first noticed by sore spots on gum tissues. You may notice some blood in the sink when brushing teeth. Your mouth may feel sticky and you have bad breath more frequently.
When these signs are ignored, gum disease is allowed to progress further. The symptoms of gum disease are:
- Red, swollen or tender gums or other sore areas in your mouth
- Bleeding while brushing or flossing
- Gums that recede or pull away from teeth, causing the teeth to look longer than before
- Loose or separating teeth
- Pus pockets between your gums and teeth
- Persistent bad breath
- A change in the way your teeth fit together when you bite
- A change in the fit of partial dentures
You can also learn about the stages of gum disease on the web site of the American Academy of Periodontology: (https://www.perio.org/consumer/types-gum-disease.html).
Your mouth also sends off warning signs when something is wrong. For example, an ache coming from a tooth may indicate a cavity or crack. A sore spot in the mouth could be caused by a canker sore or warning sign of oral cancer.
Some periodontal needs can be managed by their general dentist. However, as signs of periodontal disease continue, periodontal treatment may require the skills of a specialist. Patients who have moderate or severe levels of periodontal disease, or patients with more complex cases, are often best managed through ‘team treatment’ between a general dentist and periodontal specialist.
The American Academy of Periodontology defines a periodontist as “a dentist who specializes in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of periodontal disease, and in the placement of dental implants. Periodontists are also experts in the treatment of oral inflammation. Periodontists receive extensive training in these areas, including three additional years of education beyond dental school. They are familiar with the latest techniques for diagnosing and treating periodontal disease, and are also trained in performing cosmetic periodontal procedures.
“Periodontists often treat more problematic periodontal cases, such as those with severe gum disease or a complex medical history. Periodontists offer a wide range of treatments, such as scaling and root planing (in which the infected surface of the root is cleaned) or root surface debridement (in which damaged tissue is removed). They can also treat patients with severe gum problems using a range of surgical procedures.
“In addition, periodontists are specially trained in the placement, maintenance, and repair of dental implants.”
However, if you are experiencing signs of periodontal disease and do not have a regular dentist, please know that you do not have to be referred to our office for care. Once your mouth is restored to optimal health, we can suggest a general dentist for you if you do not have one.
Don’t delay seeking care when you notice the first warning sign. Early treatment may save you greatly in time and expense – and even help you avoid tooth loss! Once your mouth is restored to a healthy state, we’ll help you maintain it by recommending home care steps combined with periodic check-ups.
If your obstacle has been fear of dentistry, we have an excellent reputation for helping fearful dental patients overcome these. We also offer oral and I.V. sedation (twilight sleep) that help patients feel more relaxed during treatment.
Or, if you feel you can’t manage the expenses associated with dental care, we offer several payment plans. Through these, you can afford to achieve a healthy smile while making easy, monthly payments.
Begin with a consultation or ask for an initial periodontal exam by calling 828-274-9440. Let our specialized skills in periodontics help to restore your teeth and gums to excellent oral health and confident smiles!
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