Gum Health Is A Factor In Sexual Health For Men

Posted on Oct 15, 2018 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

Men in their 30s who suffer with severe periodontal (gum) disease are 3 times more likely to have erection problems, according to a study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. (

This supports previous research that shows links between periodontal disease and heart disease, a common contributor to erectile dysfunction. Although solid findings have not found the connection points of cause-&-effect, the association is thought to be related to inflammation brought on by gum disease bacteria.

These are all valid reasons that men should take an active role in the health of their teeth and gums before other areas of the body are affected. The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention estimate that nearly half of U.S. adults have periodontal disease. Of that, 56 percent of males have gum disease and over 38 percent of females have some level of it.

Other areas where periodontal health has been associated with the status of men’s health, in particular, include prostate health, heart disease, impotence and cancer. For example, research has found that men with a history of gum disease are 14 percent more likely to develop cancer than men with healthy gums. Additionally, 59 percent  of men are more likely to develop pancreatic cancer with 49 percent more likely to develop kidney cancer  and 30 percent more likely to develop blood cancer (such as leukemia).

Periodontal disease, according to numerous research, is now found to be associated with a long list of serious health problems. In addition to those listed above, it has been linked to arthritis, diabetes, preterm babies, erectile dysfunction (ED) and even Alzheimer’s disease. Additionally, gum disease is the nation’s leading cause of adult tooth loss.

Gum disease is one of the easiest of all diseases to avoid. Twice daily brushing and dail flossing take only minutes per day. Having 6-month dental check-ups and cleanings are structured to help you maintain healthy gums and be cavity free between visits. And, if problems do exist, they can be caught early so treatment needs will be minimal.

Men can do a better job of protecting their overall health by keeping their gums healthy. It is also important to know the symptoms of gum disease. These include gums that bleed when brushing, sore or swollen spots on gums, persistent bad breath, and gums that are red rather than a healthy pink color.

If you have any of these symptoms, call (828) 274-9440 or tap here to schedule an examination appointment as soon as possible. Gum disease will only worsen without treatment.

School’s In! Does That Mean More Sugar (And Cavities)?

Posted on Aug 27, 2018 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

With school back in, the conversation surrounding soft drink machines in schools has been a more frequent one of late. While some schools know that easy access to these sugar-laden beverages is not wise, many of the major players in the cola industry are big-time sponsors of high school activities. It’s been a controversial trade-off for years.

While the sugar content of colas is seldom seen as healthy (the acidity is also harmful, likened to battery acid), soft drinks aren’t the only culprit when it comes to too much sugar in our diets (in both adults and adolescents).

Colas have largely been targeted because their sugar content is so high. A 20oz soft drink can contain 17 teaspoons of sugar. When it comes to the mouth, the harm is two-fold.

Sugar triggers a particularly challenging reaction in the mouth. When we consume sugar (whether granule or in the form of high fructose corn syrup), it super-charges oral bacteria. When these micro-organisms in the mouth mix with sugar, it produces acid that leads to a particularly higher risk for cavities.

Are your children getting lots of cavities? Don’t just look at their brushing routines. Look at what they’re eating and drinking.

A common pattern when it comes to soft drinks is to sip the beverage over an extended period of time. In addition to the harmful effects of sugar, here’s why this pace of consumption is so harmful to teeth…

Every time you eat or drink, an oral acid flows into the mouth to help break the contents down. This is the initial prep for digestion.

This acid is potent stuff – strong enough to soften tooth enamel. It lasts for 20-30 minutes after consumption, which means a cola sipped over the course of an hour keeps the acid attack going for an hour and 20 minutes.

If a cola is consumed only with meals, when an acid attack is already underway, the challenges wouldn’t be so severe. However, both kids and adults are prone to ‘pop a top’ and sip these drinks between meals and over long periods of time.

As the acidity of oral acids combines with the acidity of soft drinks, tooth enamel becomes much more vulnerable to the penetration of decay. So, then you add the onslaught of sugar to this, the potential for harm goes much higher.

Although sugary soft drinks can be a source for cause tooth rot and upping the risk for gum disease, they are but one source. I don’t want it to seems as if I’m ‘picking on’ colas, since sugar can have a greater presence in more of what Americans consume than is often realized.

For example, in a 2015 Washington Post article, it was reported that 25 percent of catsup is sugar. (

Interestingly, the article’s author (Casey Seidenberg is co-founder of Nourish Schools, a D.C.-based nutrition education company, and author of “The Super Food Cards”) shares, “A tablespoon-size serving has four grams of sugar, which is more sugar than a typical chocolate chip cookie. And how many kids actually limit their serving size to one tablespoon?”

I agree. When I dip french fries into catsup, I often sop up a tablespoon with 3 fries.

Other hidden sources of sugar lie in salad dressings, fruit juices, sports and energy drinks, many breakfast cereals, and things like canned baked beans. I was shocked to see that my favorite brand of lemon pepper even contains sugar!

While we all need to get into the habit of reading labels before we buy, my role as a periodontist is primarily to help you understand what occurs in your mouth from these sugary edibles. And, I believe once you’re more aware of the risks (and the resulting potential for costly repairs to teeth and gums), you should also know how to lessen the potential for cavities and gum disease.

Let’s start with a simple way to lower the severity of an acid attack in the mouth. If you’ve just consumed a food or beverage that contains sugar or has a high acid level, sneak off to the bathroom to swish with water several times. Easy!

If you’re sipping a can of cola and intend to drink it over an extended period, have a glass or bottle of plain water nearby and take a few large gulps every 20 or 30 minutes. Allow each gulp to wash over the teeth and gums before swallowing. This will help to dilute the existing acids and move some of the bacteria out of the mouth.

Also, delay brushing your teeth until the acid has waned. It is best to wait to brush for 30 minutes after eating or drinking since tooth enamel remains in a softened state for about this long. The abrasiveness of a toothpaste or toothbrush bristles can wear down precious tooth enamel while it is in a less-protective mode when used too soon after consumption.

Make sure your at-home care is thorough. Brush twice a day for at least 2 minutes per time. Use a soft to medium bristle toothbrush and fluoridated toothpaste. Floss daily to remove food particles caught between teeth. Brush your tongue or use a tongue scrapper. And, swish several times to send the dislodged and swept away bacteria down the drain!

Also, be aware of the signs and symptoms of gum disease. Sore, tender, bleeding, swollen or red gums are all warning signs. With prompt measures, we can greatly minimize treatment needs to rid your mouth of this dangerous bacteria that has been associated with a number of serious health problems (including stroke and some cancers).

Have regular dental check-ups and cleanings also. If you haven’t been regular at your general dentist, call 828-274-9440 our Asheville periodontal office and schedule an appointment. We can help to restore your mouth to a healthy state with the most conservative, yet effective, treatment possible.

Remember, gum disease only worsens without treatment. It is also the nation’s leading cause of adult tooth loss.

Watch what you eat and how often you eat it and your smile will thank you!

Women & Oral Health – Particular Challenges Exist At Many Ages.

Posted on Aug 20, 2018 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

The female body is a uniquely complex structure in its ability to produce offspring and feed their young. With this comes the integral interaction of much more than its housing, of course. Females have an intricate system of hormonal components that help to manage these systems in order to maintain their own health as well as that of their young.

As a male who spends the majority of his days surrounded by females – working with a mainly female staff during daytime hours and spending the rest of my hours with my wife – I have an appreciation for women of all ages. From the perspective of a periodontist, I also have an understanding of how our female patients can endure particular challenges as a result of hormonal fluctuations.

Unlike the skin, which may cause an obvious rash after consuming something that causes allergic response, the gum tissues don’t give obvious visual indications when oral health is effected. However, your gum tissues may be more reactive to hormone levels that you realize.

Although gum tissues tend to redden when inflamed, an oft first-noticed symptom is tenderness or swelling. These issues are usually accompanied by redness, which tends to be noticed after other symptoms emerge. And, these other symptoms may be much more attention-getting.

For example, tender gums that bleed when brushing are hard to ignore. While these are symptoms of early periodontal disease (also known as gingivitis), the color of gum tissues can be easily overlooked since they are hidden inside the mouth.

Yet, an imbalance in the body that lies far beyond the mouth can trigger oral symptoms that need prompt attention before worsening. For example, pregnancy gingivitis is not uncommon in women during pregnancy. If not treated and resolved, however, it can develop into full-blown periodontal disease, which is the nation’s leading cause of adult tooth loss.

Below are some of the different phases of life that can be accompanied by various challenges to a female’s oral health:

• Puberty: Estrogen and progesterone hormones produced during puberty increase blood flow to the gums. This changes how the gums respond to plaque, the sticky film of bacteria in the mouth. With this may be gums that bleed when brushing and become red, tender, and swollen.

• Menstruation: The menstrual cycle causes hormonal changes that cause some women to experience symptoms such as swollen gums that turn bright red, canker sores, or gums that bleed easily. Referred to as menstruation gingivitis, this usually occurs just prior to the onset of the period and resolves in a day or so.

• Oral Contraceptives: Taking birth control pills that contain progesterone also causes some women to have gum tissues that become inflamed. This occurs from heightened sensitivity to the toxins produced from the overload of bacteria that form plaque. For many women, the gums become less reactive after the first few months of starting birth control pills. Some medications, such as antibiotics, can lower the effectiveness of oral contraceptives. This is why it is important to keep your dentist updated on all medicines you take.

• Hormone Relationship to the TMJ: It has long been known that more women have TMJ disorders than men. This prompted researchers to look into a possible hormone-related connection. The temporo-mandibular joints (known as TMJ), are the jaw joints. These are located on each side of the head in front of the ears and hinge the lower jaw (the mandible) to the skull. These TMJ are designed to move harmoniously each time you speak, chew, yawn or laugh. Now, research has shown that the use of birth control pills can lead to decreased levels of producing natural estrogen. Studies have found that decreased natural estrogen with the combined effect of the joint compression from TMJ disorders can lead to increased inflammation. In some individuals, this inflammation can result in osteoarthritis in the joint.

• Pregnancy: With each trimester of pregnancy, hormonal levels can change. Pregnancy also causes an increased level of progesterone, which can increase your risk for the formation of plaque. This can lead to pregnancy gingivitis, particularly during the second to eighth month of pregnancy. This condition causes the gum tissues to become swollen and bleed easily. Because gingivitis is the first stage of gum disease, it is important to have it fully resolved so it does not progress further. Because studies have found that gum disease can cause a heightened risk for preterm and low birth weight babies, obstetricians are cautioning their pregnant patients to be particularly diligent in maintaining good oral health..

 • Menopause: As we age, a variety of changes can take place in our mouths, whether male or female. Saliva flow is less plentiful, the mouth is less moist, and side effects of taking medications can pose challenges to keeping the gums healthy. Dry mouth, a particular challenge, is a leading cause of gum disease. Without adequate saliva flow to keep the mouth cleansed and being efficient in neutralizing the acids from plaque, the risk for gum disease is greater for females, especially those in menopausal years. Declining estrogen levels also place women at greater risk for bone loss or osteoporosis as well as inflamed gum tissues around the teeth (called periodontitis). When there is bone loss of the jaw, it can result in tooth loss. Receding gums are a sign of this bone loss since more of the tooth surface is expose to the causes of tooth decay.

Regardless of where you are in your lifespan, if you are a female, it is especially important to be aware of the signs and symptoms associated with these conditions. Having healthy gums is even more important now that science has shown a link between many serious health problems.

If you suspect you have some level of gum disease or have delayed having regular dental check-ups, begin with a consultation appointment. During this time, we’ll discuss your unique needs and how we may be the best fit for your oral health goals. Call 828-274-9440 to schedule.

Suffer From Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)? Why To Make Good Oral Health A Priority.

Posted on Jul 23, 2018 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a painful, debilitating disease. It is primarily known to destroy joints but can also affect internal organs (including heart, lungs, and kidneys). Although more common in older adults, RA can occur in younger ages as well, including adolescents and children.

For most people, the symptoms of RA begin with morning stiffness along with weak and aching muscles. As it worsens, joints become sore and stiff, most often affecting the fingers, wrists, elbows, hips, knees, ankles, toes, and neck.

An inflammatory disease, RA can further lead to swelling in the joints, disfigurement of the hands and feet, and numbness and tingling in the extremities. While there is no cure for RA, its discomfort and progression can be eased through medications, physical therapy, or surgery.

Like RA, periodontal (gum) disease is an inflammatory disease. And, like RA, gum disease causes pain, swelling, and tenderness. As it worsens, the inflammation can extend beyond the gums and attack the bone structures supporting the teeth as well as surrounding tissues.

For years, research has been following the close connection between RA and gum disease. They’ve even noted that gum disease and RA share a genetic likeness, having similar pathogen structures ( agents that cause disease or illness). Another close similarity is in the formation process of both gum disease and RA.

And, the similarities between the two diseases continue further. While both conditions cause chronic inflammation in tissues that connect to bone, researchers have found the particular species of bacteria in each of nearly identical makeup.

A recent study has shown that people who are deemed “at risk” for RA have noteably higher incidences of gum disease. In the study, gum disease was diagnosed in 73 percent of individuals shown to have RA-associated antibodies before any evidence of joint disease (versus 38 percent of individuals without the antibody marker for RA). This suggests they originate from a site outside of the joints.

Perhaps from bacteria in the mouth? Based on its genetic similarities, this would be a logical conclusion.

The study, presented at the 2018 Annual European Congress of Rheumatology, took age, gender, and smoking into consideration.  (

Previous studies support this connection, even showing how a particular pathogen associated with periodontal disease activates the same destructive process of RA. On a positive note, research has shown that the successful treatment of gum disease can improve RA symptoms, which likely lessens the body’s inflammatory load.

A periodontal specialist has advanced training in the treatment of all stages of gum disease (as well as in the diagnosis and placement of dental implants). As a periodontist, it is troubling to know that nearly half of American adults have some level of gum disease. (

For our nation’s health, this poses a particular challenge since research continually reveals close connections between the bacteria of periodontal disease and serious health conditions. For example, research has linked gum disease to heart disease, stroke, memory loss, preterm babies, diabetes, some cancers (including pancreatic and lung cancer), Alzheimer’s disease, and impotency — in addition to its connections to RA.

I believe the prevalence of gum disease is mainly due to how its symptoms can go easily ignored until it’s potent bacteria are running rampant. By the time the disease is well underway, gum disease bacteria can have penetrated weakened gum tissues and entered the blood stream. This is how it is able to trigger inflammatory reactions that can reach far beyond the mouth.

When gum disease begins (due to an over-accumulation of oral bacteria), it causes the gums to become sore and often bleed when brushing. As the disease progresses, it can lead to persistent bad breath and gum tissues that darken in color. Untreated, pus pockets may form at the base of teeth and teeth can loosen. In advanced stages, teeth may require removal. Gum disease is the nation’s main reason for adult tooth loss.

The findings of research is indisputable in this: Our oral health is intricately connected to our overall health. As more adults understand how the presence of gum disease can greatly increase the risk for serious health conditions, we will hopefully see a better commitment to protect overall health through good oral health.

If you need to renew your own commitment to good oral health, or if you have signs of gum disease (as mentioned above), begin by calling 828-274-9440 to learn more or to schedule a consultation appointment (or tap here).


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