Sores In The Mouth

Posted on Nov 03, 2016 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

Tis the season! Not only is it cold season, it’s a stressful time of year. This means your likelihood of getting a cold or canker sore increases.

They are often confused, however. The difference is…

Canker Sores
Small ulcers with a white or gray base and a red border. Unlike cold sores, canker sores appear inside the mouth. They are not contagious but their exact cause is uncertain. Some experts believe that immune system problems, bacteria or viruses may be involved.
Fatigue, stress or allergies can increase the likelihood of a canker sore. A cut caused by biting the cheek or tongue, or reactions from hot foods or beverages may contribute to canker sore development. Intestinal problems, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease, also seem to make some people more susceptible.
Canker sores usually heal on their own after a week or so. Over-the-counter topical anesthetics, steroid preparations,  and antimicrobial mouth rinses can provide temporary relief.

Cold Sores
Also called fever blisters or Herpes simplex, these are groups of fluid-filled blisters that often erupt around the lips, under the nose, or around the chin. Cold sores caused by herpes virus type 1 are very contagious.
Herpes lesions look like multiple tiny fluid-filled blisters that are most common around the edge of the lips. An outbreak may follow a fever, sunburn, skin abrasions or emotional upset.
Cold sore blisters usually heal in a week by themselves. Over-the-counter topical anesthetics can provide some relief. Prescription antiviral drugs may reduce the duration of these kinds of viral infections.

However, any change to oral tissue that does not heal within 14 days should be examined without delay! This is a symptom of oral cancer. Nearly 40,000 Americans are diagnosed with oral or oropharyngeal (throat) cancer each year. These cancers kill about 1 person every hour, every day.

The survival rate is one of the worst of all cancers. Of those who acquire oral cancer, only 57% are estimated to be living 5 years from now. The death rate is higher than cervical cancer, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, laryngeal cancer, cancer of the testes, thyroid cancer, or skin cancer (malignant melanoma).

The death rate for these cancers has seen a slight decrease since 1980. Unfortunately, some symptoms do not emerge until the cancer has reached an advanced stage because symptoms can mimic a bite on the inside of your cheek.

Because tissue changes in your mouth are normal, ignoring symptoms can prove deadly. The most common are:

• white or red patch of tissue
• lesion in the mouth
• difficulty or discomfort when swallowing
• persistent sore throat
• a lump or mass inside the mouth or neck
• wart-like mass
• numbness in the oral/facial region

Although new cases have been dropping over the past few decades, a recent rise has been seen in throat cancers related to HPV (human papilloma virus) in white males under age 50. The average age of most people diagnosed with these cancers is 62, but about a third occur in patients younger than 55.

Lesions or discolorations that are early warning signs are not always visible, particularly in the back portion of the mouth (the oropharynx, the tonsils, and base of tongue), which can be an obstacle to early diagnosis and treatment. This is yet another reason that keeping your regular oral hygiene exam and cleanings is so important. During these times, your dentist and hygienist look for unusual changes in the mouth that can indicate a problem. However, you should never wait until your scheduled appointment to have anything unusual examined.

Although a stubborn canker or cold sore may not be welcome, they tend to go away in a week or ten days. Again, if an unusual spot or sore is still present after two weeks, call 828-274-9440 immediately for an appointment.

Five Easy Steps To Save Time & Money At The Dentist

Posted on Oct 03, 2016 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

The reason we change the filters in our home’s air vents is to keep our HVAC system operating efficiently and to avoid expensive repairs.

The reason we have our car’s oil changed on a regular basis is to ensure proper operation and to avoid major problems.

The reason we clean and bandage a cut is to prevent an infection from occurring, which could require the involvement of a doctor and prescription medications.

So, doesn’t it make perfect sense to spend just minutes each day to prevent dental problems from occurring that can be costly and time-consuming to repair?

Your oral health goes far beyond a confident smile. Over the years, extensive research has linked the bacteria of periodontal (gum) disease to heart attacks, stroke, high blood pressure, arthritis, diabetes, preterm babies and impotency.

Symptoms of periodontal disease include seeing blood while brushing, frequent bad breath, tender gums, gums that pull away from teeth and gum tissue that darkens from a healthy pink to red.

Oral bacteria can cause major destruction to teeth and gums, including tooth roots beneath the gum line. Once gum disease begins, it will only worsen without treatment. However, avoiding cavities and gum disease is nothing complicated. Quite frankly, it’s easy with a commitment to a thorough at-home regimen and regular dental check-ups.

Steps to help you avoid dental expenses include:

1). Brush twice a day for a minimum of two minutes using a soft bristle tooth brush and tooth paste with fluoride. At the end of brushing, brush your tongue to dislodge oral bacteria that are embedded there.

2).  Flossing can have a tremendous effect on controlling oral bacteria. Our hygienist can help you with your technique or you may wish to purchase an electronic flosser.

3). Drink plenty of water during the day and minimize colas, tea, coffee and energy drinks. These beverages contain high levels of caffeine, which has a drying affect on oral tissues. Also drying is smoking, which contains a lengthy list of toxic chemicals that are readily absorbed by moist gum tissues.

4). When eating citrus or acidic foods (including tomatoes, orange juice, wine and foods with vinegar), remember that these highly-acidic foods will mix with a digestive acid that’s produced in the mouth. This double-whammy of acid can soften tooth enamel for 20 – 30 minutes. Because brushing your teeth right after consuming these foods can wear down tooth enamel, wait 30 minutes after eating to brush. Rather, swish with water or chew sugarless gum during this time.

5). Sugar and carbohydrates give a super-boost to the reproduction of oral bacteria. Try to limit these foods and sugar-laden drinks to protect your smile and your waistline!

In addition to a thorough at-home routine, be committed to your 6-month exams and cleanings. These visits rid your smile of build-up that has occurred since your last appointment and catches problems while they are easy to treat.

Keep your money in your pocket by avoiding cavity repair and treatment for gum disease. Your smile AND your wallet will thank you!

Call 828-274-9440 for an appointment if you are experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned above.

Avoid “Dry Mouth” And The Problems It Can Cause

Posted on Aug 30, 2016 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

We all have not-so-fresh breath on occasion. Some foods, certain illnesses and smoking can all lead to bad breath.

The problem, however, is when bad breath is persistent. This is an early sign of periodontal (gum) disease. If your bad breath is caused by gum disease, you may also be experiencing sore and tender gums and gums that bleed when brushing. If gum disease is not the problem, you may be suffering with dry mouth. However, it is important to know that dry mouth that occurs on a regular basis greatly increases your susceptibility to develop gum disease.

Oral dryness is what causes your mouth to feel stale and sticky when you wake up. This occurs because your oral tissues dry out during sleep. This provides an ideal environment for bacteria to multiply. As they thrive and reproduce, bacteria form a sticky film known as plaque.

Dry mouth can be caused by alcoholic beverages or coffee, which have a drying affect on oral tissues. Also drying are some medications that can decrease saliva flow. Saliva is designed to wash oral bacteria from the mouth. Many antihistamines and some medications for depression and urinary incontinence, among others, can cause dry mouth.

Medical conditions such as acid reflux, sinus infections, diabetes and bronchitis can also contribute to dry mouth. Breathing through the mouth because of snoring or a bad cold are drying to oral tissues as well.

Once we can determine the cause of your oral dryness, we can address the problem effectively. For example, if you take medications that have a side effect of oral dryness, there may be alternatives that have less drying effects.

In the meantime, take measures to lessen the negative effects of oral dryness. These include:
 – Brush at least twice daily for a minimum of two minutes. Use a tongue scraper or brush your tongue with your toothbrush after brushing.
 – Floss daily. If this is difficult, consider purchasing an electronic or water flosser.
 – Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Consider using an oral rinse that replenishes oral moisture. These are available without a prescription.

If you have symptoms of gum disease or feel you have persistent bad breath, we can help you avoid the problems that can result, including tooth loss. Call 828-274-9440 to schedule an examination. Or, feel free to begin with a consultation.

The Road To Gum Disease

Posted on Aug 03, 2016 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

People are often surprised to hear that they have developed periodontal (gum) disease. And no wonder. When gum disease first begins, it’s often without obvious symptoms. Then, once it’s fully underway, the warning signs are often ignored.

Yet, the road that leads to gum disease is shorter than you might imagine. Below is the typical process of how gum disease begins and progresses:

•  Oral Bacteria: We all have bacteria in our mouths. This warm, moist environment takes in an enormous amount of bacteria-laden items. Bacteria is on our food, utensils, the glass we drink from and the pencil we hold between our teeth. Of course, bacteria cannot be prevented altogether. However, the problem begins when too much bacteria accumulate.

•  Plaque: Without proper brushing, flossing, saliva flow and diet, oral bacteria can reproduce rapidly. Their accumulation over the course of a day forms a sticky film you feel on teeth. This is known as plaque.

•  Tartar (or Calculus): In just 48 hours, unremoved plaque can harden into tartar. This is actually a cement-hard colony of oral bacteria that attaches to teeth. And, like plaque, tartar will continually reproduce and grow as the bacteria feed on tooth enamel and tender gum tissues.

•  Gingivitis: This is actually the first stage of gum disease. At this level, gum tissues are under attack and become sore. They may bleed easily when brushing and you may experience an aching sensation in some areas. Your breath will no longer feel fresh. At this point, with proper measures, you can restore your gums to a healthy state. However, there is a fine line between being able to undo gingivitis and its progression to gum disease.

•  Gum Disease: At this level, the gums are inflamed and tender. You may notice them darken in color and begin to pull away from the base of some teeth. You’ll have persistent bad breath. As it progresses, pus pockets will form in some areas. Without thorough treatment, teeth will loosen and may eventually require removal.

Nearly half of American adults have some level of gum disease. Sadly, it is the nation’s leading cause of adult tooth loss. Yet, it’s one of the most preventable diseases with simple measures.

Twice daily brushing (at least two minutes per time), daily flossing, drinking ample water and limiting sweets and caffeine are simple ways to keep your mouth healthy between regular dental check-ups and cleanings. And, those 6-month check-ups are important. At this time, any tartar that has accumulated can be removed and signs of early gum disease can be noted. Toothbrush

Imagine losing your teeth and having to decide on a crown-&-bridge combination, partial, full denture or Dental Implants. These procedures can be avoided. And, contrary to what many believe, losing teeth is not a natural part of the aging process. With proper care, you can easily enjoy a smile of natural teeth all your life.

If you are experiencing symptoms of gum disease, call 828-274-9440. We’ll restore your smile and develop a program to help you keep it at its best.

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