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Sore or swollen gums
Smoking & Your Smile
Posted on Apr 25, 2016 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS
If you’re a smoker, you don’t need one more lecture, especially one from a Periodontist. I’m sure you’ve heard so many reasons to quit smoking that they’re starting to run out of your ears. However, allow me a couple of minutes to provide a better picture of what I can see in your mouth that you probably can’t.
When it comes to your smile, smokers have a greater risk of periodontal (gum) disease, more frequent bad breath, higher plaque levels, stained teeth, and slower healing following extractions, gum treatment and oral surgery.
Smoking has a drying effect on oral tissues. This creates an environment for oral bacteria to thrive and reproduce. Initially, gum disease causes persistent bad breath, sore gums and gums that bleed easily when brushing. As it progresses, gums turn darker in color and pus pockets form at the base of teeth. Eventually, teeth will loosen as oral bacteria attack supporting bone and tissues surrounding tooth roots. It’s no surprise that gum disease is the nation’s leading cause of adult tooth loss.
Maybe losing teeth doesn’t sound so awful. It is. While it was once assumed that tooth loss was a ‘normal’ part of the aging process, today we know better. Studies have shown that people who wear dentures die at an age that is ten years younger than those who have natural teeth, on average.
Denture wearers also take more medications and have more gastrointestinal problems. They tend to eat out less and wear less make up. In order words, they become more reclusive, likely due to fear of embarrassing slips or chewing discomfort.
The tobacco in each cigarette contains chemicals that are harmful to the body. On average, smokers decrease life expectancy by 10–15 years. Smoking is attributed to nearly one-third of all cancer diseases and deaths.
For pregnant women who smoke, they have an increased risk for first-trimester spontaneous abortion, preterm births, low birth weight babies and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Women who smoke are at risk for early menopause while men who smoke have a higher risk of impotency.
There is only one solution and you don’t need me to plead with you to take that step. I’m sure you’ve already had close friends or relatives do that. However, should you decide you’re ready, you’ll be pleased to know that the positive effects are almost immediate.
In 48 hours, damaged nerve endings will start to regrow and your sense of smell and taste begin to return to normal. In 3 days, the lungs begin to repair and breathing is easier and with fuller air intake. Within two weeks, circulation in your gums and teeth is similar to that of a non-smoker. Your heart attack risk is now also declining. In a month or so, your circulation greatly improves, walking is easier and your chronic cough is gone.
Need another incentive to quit? Your loved ones who breathe in ‘second-hand smoke’ are inhaling no less than 50 known carcinogens and other harmful chemicals. It is not uncommon for children of smoking parents to wake up with ‘smoker’s cough.’
I don’t want to lecture. I feel it is far more beneficial to an individual to provide the facts so they can proceed as they feel best. Some people who smoke are willing to accept the risks for the sake of their habit, and that’s their choice. For those who do wish to overcome the grip of this addiction, there are excellent online sources. Start with: http://smokefree.gov/
Consider their stop-smoking app for added support.
And good luck – for your smile and the best you can be.
Gum Disease & Prostrate Health
Posted on Apr 11, 2016 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS
All bodies contain bacteria, some are even good for us. However, the human body was built to tackle the bad kind by sending white blood cells to battle the bacteria that can lead to infection. Although this is our body’s reaction to bacterial accumulation, some infection spreads beyond what white blood cells can handle.
This can be seen in a cut that goes unwashed and untreated. As bacteria multiply, inflammation sets in. This is what causes redness and swelling as white blood cells arrive to tackle the enemy. When the white blood cells are overwhelmed, an antibiotic may be needed to overcome the overload that the white blood cells cannot combat.
Systemic inflammation is similar, except it cannot be seen like the redness or swelling from a cut. This internal inflammation in the body can simmer without being obvious. With chronic inflammation, the reaction can’t turn itself off. While the white blood cells will back off when a cut heals, chronic inflammation inside the body continues for no reason.
Although invisible, this continual inflammation can contribute to a number of serious health problems. For example, research has found links between systemic inflammation and heart attacks, arthritis, diabetes, some cancers, preterm babies and even Alzheimer’s Disease. Now, researchers have begun to take a closer look at periodontal disease, a bacterial infection in the mouth, as being a potential trigger of internal inflammation.
As oral bacteria accumulate in the mouth, periodontal (gum) disease develops, thrives and spreads by eating away at gum tissues, tooth enamel and supporting bones. When the bacteria of gum disease enter the bloodstream through weakened gums, inflammatory reactions can create destruction far beyond the mouth.
Research now shows a potential link between oral bacteria and Prostatitis, an infection of the prostate. Prostatitis, an inflammatory disease, causes a frequent urge to urinate and a burning sensation or pain during urination.
The connection between periodontal disease bacteria and Prostatitis was recently noted in a study conducted at Case Western University. Researchers from Case Western’s School of Dental Medicine and the Case Medical Center’s Department of Urology & Pathology found that the symptoms of Prostatitis could be greatly improved by treating gum disease.
In their study, all participants had moderate to severe levels of periodontal disease. Those in the study also had inflammation of the prostrate gland with higher than normal prostate specific antigen (PSA) levels.
During the study, one group of participants were treated for gum disease while having prostrate symptoms and PSA levels monitored. The other group received no treatment for their gum disease while prostrate symptoms and PSA levels were monitored. Neither group was given treatment for their prostate conditions during the study.
PSA levels were measured in both groups after one month and again after two months. Researchers noted an overwhelming majority with noticeably lower PSA levels in the group who received treatment for gum disease. Hopefully, these findings can help Prostatitis patients achieve better treatment results.
As studies continue, it is obvious that your oral health is closely connected to your overall health. By avoiding bacteria overload in the mouth, you reduce the risk of triggering inflammatory reactions elsewhere in the body. Additionally, your smile will avoid problems that are time-consuming and expensive to treat.
Common symptoms of gum disease are tender gums that bleed when brushing, persistent bad breath, gums that turn red, gums that loosen from teeth and pus pockets that form at the base of teeth. If you have any of these symptoms, you should also know that periodontal disease is the leading cause of adult tooth loss in the U.S.
Obviously, the potent bacteria of gum disease is nothing to ignore, as research continues to find links between it and serious health problems. Take good care of your body AND your smile! Call 828-274-9440 to schedule a thorough examination. If signs of gum disease exist, we can make recommendations for treatment to restore your smile to a healthy state.
Pregnant Women – Take Special Care Of Oral Health
Posted on Apr 04, 2016 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS
Mothers-to-be have many guidelines to follow to ensure a healthy baby. They must monitor what they eat, drink and inhale – not to mention the vast amount of medications they must cross off their list during pregnancy.
For those who are pregnant or trying to get pregnant, an important part of tending to an unborn baby’s health is gaining more attention. This is also why a growing number of obstetricians are recommending pregnant patients to a periodontist for a thorough oral examination to determine signs of gum disease.
The oral bacteria of periodontal (gum) disease is pretty potent stuff, as research continues to prove. Gum disease is the leading cause of adult tooth loss in the U.S. and has been linked to heart disease, stroke, diabetes and arthritis.
For pregnant women, elevated hormones during pregnancy create greater risk for periodontal (gum) disease. This is the reason nearly 50% of pregnant women experience swollen, tender gums that bleed easily while brushing. This is a result Pregnancy Gingivitis, a form of gum disease. Because of their susceptibility, the risk for full-blown periodontal disease is higher for moms-to-be, which extends to their unborn baby.
About a third of pregnant females will acquire gum disease due to pregnancy hormones that make the gums more vulnerable to inflammation. However, studies show that oral bacteria can reach far beyond the mouth. Research has determined that gum disease heightens the risk for pre-term delivery (prior to 37 weeks) and babies of low birth weight.
One study showed the preterm birth rate for women without gum disease to be approximately 11% compared to almost 29% for pregnant women with moderate to severe periodontal disease. It has also been shown that gum disease increases the potential for late miscarriage and pre-eclampsia.
Apparently, the risk stems from the entry of gum disease bacteria into the bloodstream through diseased gums. When oral bacteria reaches placental membranes, it can trigger inflammation that can activate pre-eclampsia or early labor.
As research continues, the links between the oral health of moms-to-be and their unborn babies are becoming more profound. One study found pregnant females who had higher blood levels of antibodies to oral bacteria also had higher occurrences of preterm birth and low birth weight babies. These elevated antibodies have been found in amniotic fluid and fetal cord blood samples of infants who were preterm or born at low birth weight.
The good news? Successful treatment of periodontal disease helps to lower the risk of preterm births. As a periodontal specialist, I am trained to treat all levels of disease. If gum disease does exist, our periodontal therapy is safe for pregnant women (as well as all patients).
If your gum are tender or you are having symptoms of gum disease (gums that bleed when brushing, swollen or tender gums, or gums that deepen in color), arrange an appointment for a periodontal exam at your earliest convenience by calling 828-274-9440. Gum disease only worsens without treatment.
Reasons For Crown Lengthening Procedures
Posted on Mar 21, 2016 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS
As a Periodontist, my specialty surrounds the treatment of all stages of gum disease and the placement of Dental Implants, for the most part. However, another focus of the periodontal specialty is in the recontouring of gum tissues.
In some cases, this is done to provide cosmetic enhancement to the appearance of a smile. For example, crown lengthening is often performed to correct an uneven smile line. This occurs when there are varying levels of gum tissue arching each tooth. This uneven line of gum tissue leaves an up-&-down frame for teeth most visible in a smile. Even straight teeth look less attractive with uneven gum arches. By contouring the gums to provide a unified border over teeth, crown lengthening provides a more appealing smile overall.
Another esthetic reason for crown lengthening is to repair a ‘gummy smile.’ A gummy smile is one that shows too much gum tissue above the teeth. While this is a genetic trait and is not related to an oral health issue, some people with a gummy smile feel self-conscious when smiling a full smile and tend to ‘hold back.’ In some cases, excess gum tissue can be corrected by careful removal while others may require crowning involved teeth. Crowns ensure the gums can be contoured to a more natural level without compromising the future health of teeth.
There are other reasons for crown lengthening, such as helping to save a tooth from removal. For example, when a tooth has broken close to the gum line, crown lengthening procedures can remove gum tissue to expose more of the tooth. Because a tooth that breaks at the gum line must be removed, this procedure can make sufficient tooth structure available to support a crown. Saving a tooth can keep the patient from having to deal with the decisions of tooth replacement and associated costs.
Crown lengthening is also beneficial in sealing gum tissues surrounding a tooth at its base. This is important after a new crown is placed as it prevents bacteria from penetrating the gums during the vulnerable stage of attaching. By securing the gum tissue around the crown, bacterial entry is avoided and the risk for periodontal (gum) disease decreased.
The crown lengthening procedure is clinically referred to as a Gingivectomy. It is performed with the patient sedated and comfortable. Some swelling and gum tenderness may follow, although most patients only require over-the-counter medications. If you smoke, you can expect the healing period to take longer since the chemicals in tobacco have drying effects on gum tissues. However, most patients are back to normal within several weeks with the beautiful look that crown lengthening provides.
If gum recontouring could provide a more appealing smile, the results of crown lengthening, in many cases, are significant. However, when crown lengthening can save a tooth or help to prevent gum disease, from a Periodontists’ point of view, the advantages are priceless!
Begin with a consultation to discuss creating the smile you desire. Call 828-274-9440 to schedule.
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